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Dry. It cracked. She peeled;
She bled. All because she wants
to feel pretty, right?

 May 2017 raven arcane

    oOOo           oOO      OOo     oOo                         
oOOOOo      OOo     Ooo      OO       oOo         
OoOoO                                               Oo          
ooO            •naked feet tread                
  with nonchalance•unafraid
    of what receding tides might
       bring•hardened heels soften
         to sunlit reverence•children
                   frolick accompanied by
                              unguarded peals
                                 that ring•towa-
                                     rd the ocean
                                      vast we halt
                                     to face•we
                                  look to the
                             horizon and
                         dream of un-
                   seen lands•we
          lift one foot with
   the other in place•
is this all we are...  
just impressions    
in the sand?•      

Like water and oil,
could exist together but
they don't get along.

Even if you live your whole life with them, sometimes you just can't get along well with your family members. And sometimes that's okay
Minutes feel like hours
And hours feel like days
I forgot you had this power
To make me fall for your gaze

The second that we're apart
My smile instantly fades
There's an emptiness in my heart
And I grieve for several days

But then I finally see you
And I'm back where I belong
I love to watch the things you do
Like when you mix all your songs

You are truly my comfort zone
You take my heart to new heights
I forget the feeling of being alone
Because you are the love of my life
For my baby may 19, 2017 1:15an
 May 2017 raven arcane
"For a moment,"
Said their lips,
Warm, but fleeting

"It's okay,"
Said the rain,
Falling again

"I missed you,"
Said your bed,
Empty and tired

"Not today,"
Said the night,
Long and dull

"Maybe next time,"
Said the morning,
Sleepy and still

"Just wait,"
Said the week,
Dragging on

"Just breathe,"
Said the sidewalk,
Every day

"You're fine,"
Said the wind,
Colder than them

"I need you,"
Said your heart,
Resigned and dry

Said your lips,
 May 2017 raven arcane
Weak Tea
 May 2017 raven arcane
He may not be near me
but I see him everyday:
stars in the night sky
grandpa's fidgety hands
quiet sun rays
It's been days since we spoke
but I hear him everyday:
rustling wind of crunchy leaves
our song on the radio
patters of excited child's feet
His hug has become a memory
but I feel him everyday:
refreshingly dark rainstorms
his smell, a scent worn by too few others
weak tea that kisses me awake in the morning-
   we both know
it should be him
The weight of you
     sitting upon me.

My fingers rake
     your thick mop of hair.

My fingertips graze
     your porcelain skin.

Inhaling your scent*
     like a breath of fresh air.

And I miss it.
     I miss it all.

 May 2017 raven arcane
 May 2017 raven arcane
careless fingers,
they will
always take.
they never
will learn that...
fragile hearts
don't just break.

so brittle they crack
under pressure.
then into
a million shards,

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