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Love has stole  heart away
Treasured for a million years
How I wished for long she stay
Far  from her many fears

Heart is broken once again
What can fix her shattered soul
Mend her now and not for gain
Let her now be safe and whole
Playing with simple words,July 20th
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
We are inside a plenum of darkness

Opaque matters
Transparent walls
Desperate lovers
Weak and crawls

We are a spinning nebula of luminous materials

A whirling disk
Gas and dusts
Colliding lips
Until it lasts

We are the origin of us

*Planets, stars
And middle sun
Healing scars
And we were one
The animals
we pretend not to be
Confiding in technology
Hiding in comforts
Spirits lying dormant

We ache to belong
Never knowing how wrong

Never understanding
that we're all composed
of the same universal song

From the Earth that inward pulls
Like the song of the last wild wolves.
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
simple simon
You are a star
Inside a galaxy
Deep in the universe
As part of my cosmos

You are a star
As hot as hell
But with a certain light
Telling me all well

You are a star
Light years away
But you still illuminate
Turning my darkest nightmares into day

You are a star
Among infinite of other stars
But when you look at me
The rest fade out of existance

You are a star
Bright me up when am sad
You are my star
Coz you light up my world
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
I haven't seen my therapists in months
& everyone assumes that's a good thing.

I seem happier
& everyone thinks that I'm getting better.

I'm writing again
& everyone says writing is a healer.

They forget that therapists & medicine is for those who can still be helped. That being content is one of the final steps in ending your life.

My poetry is my suicide note and I'm writing again.
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
The skeleton key
to a dark aged time
opened a door
and took a love of mine

A cloaked darkness
reached out his hand
took her away
to his dreadful land

Where black butterflies
with venomous breath
****** out her soul
and left her for dead.
Okay, Cupid, tell me true-
The hell'd I ever do to you?
You flap about, your bowstring drawn
Aiming just to lead me on.

"Oh, she's the one!" You always say,
And with a 'thwip', arrows away!
And when it hits, right in my heart,
Proceeds to tear the world apart.

And then you just flutter away,
No doubt thinking "good job, today!"
But Cupid, sir, you fail to tell
That my poor heart is in for hell.

Now, love is grand, don't get me wrong,
But never seems to last for long.
Those arrows you're so fond to fire
Are sometimes too quick to expire.

So, Cupid, mate, step up your game,
Or redirect your blasted aim.
If love is such a complex trick,
Don't shoot at me you little *****!
Seriously. Guy's a ****.
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