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 Jul 2016 A D Altura

A poet
without a heart
is merely a person
writing empty words
on a pageā€¦

I am that person
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
Pretty, pretty butterfly,
do not cry.
This is not the end,
so please smile again.

Pretty, pretty butterfly,
you're the strongest of us.
Don't let them hurt you,
instead fly with the wind.

Show them, that you're so much more
than just a pretty butterfly.

- Ris
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
Pinky swear you'll love me
and never let me go
wish upon a dandelion clock
that our love will last
for all time
pick a four leaf clover
and make a wish
for us
wish and blow the fairy dust
so all of our hopes
will one day
be our fondest memories
pinky swear it
just for us
as know it will come true
because of all things
that would make me doubt
i still believe in you.
 Jul 2016 A D Altura
I am jealous of the sun,
For it greets you every morning
With its endless rays of brazen sunlight.

I am jealous of the moon,
For it tucks you in every night
With a sweet lullaby extracted from nature itself.

But most of all,
I am jealous of the stars.
Because even though we may lay under the same night sky,
The stars see you more than I.
I'll always be thinking of you.
In the beginning,
We were Pangea.
Combined as one
Loving as one.
Fingers drew rivers
Across our valleys
As quick breaths
Blew in like
Monsoon storms.

In the middle,
We shook. Splintered
Valleys became chasms
Rivers ran dry
Mountains sprang up
Where our bodies
Crashed and crumpled
Attempting to redraw
And redefine boundaries.

In the end,
We were broken.
Pieces of ourselves
Flung to distant
Corners of our
Separated by oceans
Of tears and
Silence, which swallowed
The stages of infatuation and love loss.

— The End —