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The long quiet slumber
with the heat
he summons so easily

My master fire starter.

Building me up
and setting ablaze
that has waited long,
           so long
to burst forth -


I Wake.
What stories could journals tell?
What we forget
is that they are not just repositories of words
but also of thoughts,

They are places in and of themselves
Saving these emotions,
stashing them away
so they can be discovered
at a later time.

But the true beauty of these journals
lies within discovery itself

A droplet of water will fall
down a curved surface
taking a pale tan color
like its surroundings
It will fall off the surface
Onto the fibers of the page below
Leaving a darkened splotch

More droplets will follow
More tears will follow
As twenty years from now
A thirty-five year old woman rediscovers
the girl she once was.
Inspired by a single word within a Facebook chat. Thanks, Lacey.
He taught dead poets like us
How to live
He taught me how to
**** the marrow out of life
But in the end
Life ****** the marrow out of him

He taught us
That sometimes
We just need to follow the music
Wherever it may take us
But when the music stops
What can you run to

He taught us
That there is always family in your heart
But when you need them most
They might fail you

All great men
Will return somewhere
Some will be revered for what they were
And others
Will be loved for what they left

R.I.P Mr. Williams
Chamomile, soft and mild and
Soothing on my tongue,
Pleasing like a sweet spring breeze
And gentle as a hum.

Wild orange, citrus sweet;
I'm drinking up the sun.
**** and dancing on my lips;
Remaining once it's gone

Lotus blossom green- serene,
Tranquility and calm.
Revitalizing with each sip
And healing like a balm

Chai is cozy comfort cupped
Between my chilly hands.
Cinnamon, spice within its scent
Is anything but bland

"Zen" is short for lemongrass
With fleeting hints of mint.
Tastes that conjure memories
Of early summer wind.

I sipped my lonely way through five
Each one a different strain
Their flavors mingled with me as
I watched the falling rain.
I was really bored at work today and tried to drink every kind of tea they offered. I'd say the brand, but I don't want to reveal any personal preferences ;)
The touching of pen to paper
The writing of the word
The sound of the flowing ink
By the readers ear is heard

Thoughts are written down
Upon a pages empty lines
To be forever kept
Till the end of time

The stories they are many
For there are many hands that write
The words travel from mind to pen
As the writer puts the words to flight

Words are written to be enjoyed
Through the readers eyes
To lift his thoughts up higher
Far beyond the azure skies

Books are an adventure to write
As along with the characters you join
But writing has no pleasure
Such as the writing of a poem
A sliver of moon,
Slight but sharp;
A rapier forged in the fire of sin.
Feigned delicacy.
Her minimalism, a pretense;
Beneath it lies her ****** truth.
She dances to the tune
Of the manifold wails of the wicked.
She sings a soft siren lullaby,
Luring the hearts of the weak astray.
Down the path of her legs
To the trap of her thighs,
He follows her beckoning croon,
A wanton plea from her soulless eyes.
I watched as she wove
Her beautiful tapestry
With hideous threads,
Colored red with falsehoods.
And when it was finished,
She draped it over his eyes,
And I knew I had lost him for good.
For temptation had blinded him,
And ensnared his weak heart,
And into the darkness she took him.
Arousing emotion,
you flee
not me*

You escape
everything you have
that armour
how you plead
for it to
protect thee

Eyes look into mine
for God you devote
those feelings
you can't take with you
the love within
run & hide

You're scared
not another
bride to be
we step unknown
love a new
drug injected

You're in my veins
as I am too
buried deep within you
crack, coke, mary jane
take that look
brutal addiction

Love attacks
it's all the same
go on & swig that drink
oblivion escape
wake again
repeating such insane

Patterns of hate
brought forth
you still believe it is fate
but darling you see
you drive this very bus
ahead of thee

It's a one way street
no diversions will keep
the hurt from its peak
so terrifyingly
gave to me

'Cause baby you know
deep within you
you'll never find
another like me
no matter how far
or fast that you flee.

© Sia Jane
Gotta love heartbreak.
The news will say we're suffering from excess immigration
That a rampant hoard of foreigners has fallen on our nation
But truthfully, there hasn't been a native Briton here
Since people dressed in mammoth skin and hunted with a spear

Our language is a mixture of a dozen different tongues
We munch our way through poppadoms, fajitas and fu-yungs
When cheering at a football match, we're infamously vocal
Our teams may be the finest but the players won’t be local

Genetically, a Briton is a multi-cultured stew
With Romans, Saxons, Vikings and the Celts, to name a few
Our national drink is Indian, the Germans make our beer
The TV comes from China and the table from IKEA

Potatoes from America and onions grown in Spain
A multitude of British things arrive by boat and plane
The rain that falls upon our hills has blown from over seas
And with it come migrating birds to nest in British trees

The Royal Windsor family have Greek and German genes
So think about just what it is that being British means
We're stronger with our differences, the best of humankind
Our nation, not an island but a common state of mind

— The End —