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WickedHope Aug 2021
I hate it when I don't get to be the cat.
WickedHope Aug 2021
I can still feel the wrongness of your fingers caressing me
I can still feel my heart beating so hard it's trying to jump out of my throat
I remember trying to move your hands off of me
I remember your hands kept coming back
It broke me when you held me still
It broke me when you got to decide
I'm still numb from wanting to love a monster

Maybe if I fight he'll go away
Maybe if I fight he'll give up
Maybe he can't see I don't want this
Maybe he can't tell
Maybe I did something wrong
Maybe if I stop moving he'll stop
There are hands everywhere
My hair my throat my chest my thighs
Maybe he can't tell I'm crying since it's dark
There are hands and they won't let go of me
There are hands that rip out my heart
And they leave it
Right there on the floor
He steps on it before he leaves
I wasted so much
WickedHope Aug 2021
I am so sick
Of these people saying I'm too much
Of those people saying I'm not enough
Just let me be
Prudish *****
Slutty bore
Perky punk
Failed monk
Does it really matter to you
Being myself
Doesn't require your permission
Before you call me a fake
Consider the lies that you make
Hoping to save face
Keep your face
Keep your slow rotting corpse
I'd rather preserve my soul
Rant cause **** people.

I love when I **** myself over and get sick. Good times.
WickedHope Aug 2021
Why are you always like a knife to the gut
I still dont know what you wanted from me
Or what you want from me
Was it a game
Was it fate
Was it a dream
For me it's a nightmare I can't wake up from
Don't look at me
Don't talk to me
Don't touch me
Please touch me
I'm addicted to the way you touch me
But you always left too soon for it to be casual
I still don't know who played who
But some days I wonder
When you left me behind
What if I had followed you
I still don't understand any of it but you never answer my questions anyway
WickedHope Aug 2021
I feel like my heart is breaking more than it ever has
And I'm afraid somehow I'll forget you
And I won't be able to fix it
And I don't know how to fix this
I was so foolish
But I don't want a do over
Because then it will really be over
Or it won't have ever started
Is it really better to have loved and lost
How many breaks can a heart take
Shattering shouldn't be a repeatable phenomenon
But with you it is
Everything with you destroys me
I am utterly demolished
And it is so lovely to be wrecked by you
I just hope you never stop bringing me pain
Because the day I stop hurting
Will be the day I know I've died
Idk man. This is just getting more insane and I don't know how to handle it/I'm terrified of mishandling it.
WickedHope Aug 2021
to    holding
hands    on     a
front                porch
I love you.
WickedHope Aug 2021
My chapped lips are chipping apart
From the weight of the insults I hurl
Tossed with sloppy accuracy
Like a pointless drunken game of darts

Soon they're peeled back so far
They reveal my rotting smile
Teeth as black as the words slurred
My tongue heavy, thick like tar

And my loud mocking laugh rings out
Coughing up blood and contagion
Cancer becomes me or I it
From the endless nonsense I spout
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