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Whisperer Mar 2019
Don't hide your scars from me
Don't bottle up those tears
Don't give me those fake smiles and "I'm alright"'s
Don't cover up those wars you're fighting
Don't hide those poems, that tell how much you've burned
I'm just trying to make you feel okay..
Don't look away
I'm just trying to make you feel okay
But all you do is walk the other way...
Whisperer Mar 2019
My biggest fear -----

You'll look at me the way I look at myself
And that's really bad
Whisperer Mar 2019
She had a beautiful smile
but she used it to conceal her broken parts

He had a contagious laugh
but he used it to mask his anxieties

They had many scars and bruises
but caked them up with "I'm fine"
Whisperer Mar 2019
"How are you ?"
                 "I'm fine.."
Like the broken vase near the window,
With all it's contents falling off

Like the chair creaking,
Due to the occupant's pressure

Like the thing you didn't like,
'Accidentally' dropped

I'm fine..
The most common answer of a  broken heart - I'm fine
Whisperer Mar 2019
She said she wasn't an artist,
Maybe that's what great artists say
Because the way she describes him
Is no less than pure art
All colours in one at full brightness
Whisperer Jan 2019
One day we were fighting who's more special
And look here,now we're discussing who has more flaws

Is it safe to say - time changes and so do people ?
Our melody is going out of sync
Whisperer Jan 2019
Age doesn't define maturity,they say,
Experiences do
My heart's been played
Enough times that
Now it is                 cold
                                 home to monsters
I'm sorry to all the lovely people, that actually deserve love and I'm not able to give them. And also to those who tried loving me ( they are very less) but failed.
Sorry to all
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