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Jul 2018 · 3.3k
Tyler Soth Jul 2018
your voice
fills empty spaces
these spaces
belong to me
they echo
filling up
every room
Jul 2018 · 1.4k
A True Me
Tyler Soth Jul 2018
The one who I long to be,
Is not anyone else,
Truthfully, it is simply me.

A younger me,
A blissful me,
A lost me.

A different person, a different time.
I have grown into a new shape,
Constructed by those around me.

All I want is to go back to my roots.
To feel as free as I used to be.
Simply, I just want to be me.
This poem is meant to summarize the feeling of most of the population, we have become shaped by reality, we have become mirrors. We have lost the innocence that we once felt as children, unaffected by the eyes of our peers.
Jan 2018 · 3.0k
The Window
Tyler Soth Jan 2018
I make my way to the window
It is this place where we meet
Full of excitement, light on my feet
I come here quite often
Waiting for her to arrive

My waiting ends when I see
Her walking, coming up to me
Separated by a window
We speak as we usually do
As inevitably as the sun sets
She turns to leave with the light

I make my way to the window
Summer ends, time doesn’t stop
But our meetings, I’d never swap
We still meet here separated
A window still stands between
All I want is to open the window
To rid what I am bounded by

I make my way to the window
Our meetings now, less frequent
I miss that heavenly sequence
I stand here hoping she’ll come around
I should’ve said how I truly feel
I should’ve yelled it from the window sill

I make my way to the window
She’s not coming anymore
With that thought I’m sure
With one last look I see her once more
I’ve longed for this moment
We are now as we were before
Nothing less nothing more
My feelings haven’t changed
But I think I’m content
Keeping the window shut for now
As inevitably as the moon rises
She leaves with the light

I still want to tell her
All I want is for her to know
But I’m happy here, for now
Morning comes again
I make my way to the window
Dec 2017 · 878
The Tide
Tyler Soth Dec 2017
We met in a peculiar way, as most would say
What it has grown into, makes me thankful for that day
Life is a tide, always shifting and never ceasing
Footsteps left in the sand, only to be washed away
I don't usually get close, but I find myself releasing
These walls which keep me from opening up
But like the tide, I am always changing, washing away
You are in part to thank, when I'm down you help pickup
The pieces, not by doing anything special, but by being you
And the tide comes again, washing away, making me whole
Dec 2017 · 1.1k
My Mind
Tyler Soth Dec 2017
I stand in a meadow, apart from civilization
Only thoughts in my mind, my creation
They begin to buzz like bees with the wind,
Where one thought begins the other ends,
I find myself here more often than not,
For it is a safe place for my mind to roam,
Among the flowers in the meadow, my mind is at peace,
For my anxieties and stresses begin to decrease,
While this time it may seem calm, a quiet sensation,
A storm is brewing on the horizon, giving me an inclination,
Am I equipped to weather this storm?
Am I strong enough in my current form?
I turn to the wind and let my mind wonder once more,
For the storm is in my head, I created it from nothing,
I stand firm in my current place, waiting for the storm to arrive,
I brace,
Letting my feelings and emotions run free,
For these thoughts they do not rule me,
Letting them go, letting them roam, this will set me free,
The storm has passed, I survived,
A lesson is to be learned, for I did not die,
The mind is a strong and beautiful thing,
So much happiness it can bring,
Always believe in your thoughts, don't be afraid to let them roam,
For when it is time they will come home,
In your head you can take fear,
Whether it be far, or be it near,
You can cast it out, never to return
I am the captain of my darkness, the king of my mind,
I might lose control from time to time,
But in the end my thoughts are mine,
These thoughts they shape me, they make me whole,
I am at peace, these thoughts have taught me, self-control.
Dec 2017 · 450
Tyler Soth Dec 2017
[A Journey Awaits]
A spontaneous trip
A leap of faith
Going on my own
Unsure of what’s to follow
Will I find what I’m looking for?
A sound breaks my thoughts
It’s boarding time
I make my way to the platform
I hand over my ticket, it has begun
I find a seat on this train
A private place for me
A silent ride awaits
I can sleep unbothered
No distractions, by myself
I am thankful for this now
Out of the corner of my eye
She seizes my attention
Walking through the train
Catching everyone’s eye
Without an intention
Her beauty demands
An empty seat across from me
A vessel to be taken
To my surprise
She takes a turn in front of me
And places herself there
My silent ride I yearned for
No longer interests me
My original plans are dashed
They are no more
But the plans that have replaced them
Are better, this, for sure
I didn’t know this would take place
Oh, baby with your pretty face
Strike me with your stare
Look, those eyes
Crystal, milky white
You smirk I can’t help but smile
Your lips, like a plum
Look soft to the touch
Our stare continues
This moment seems timeless
We are suspended in the air
What’s on your mind
Do I have to guess?
The thoughts entice me
Knowing you, knowing me
I don’t know where you came from
You don’t know where I’m going
A bullet train speeding
Cutting through a meadow
Like knives through butter
How long have we been here?
How many hours left?
I look back to you
Your face beautiful, astounding
You look out the window
I notice your perfect complexion
Bright and smooth
I feel present in this moment
A blissful feeling erupts
Being in your presence
I could have missed this train
A spontaneous trip was made
A last minute decision
Those decisions have led to this
Thankful that I’ve made them
My thoughts are interrupted
When you look back to me
What do you see?
Is it joy you feel?
Or melancholy?
What’s on her mind do I have to guess?
What I am unaware of
Is that inside your mind your thoughts
Are similar to mine
What’s on his mind do I have to guess?
Does he think I’m beautiful?
Does he feel joy
Looking back at me?
We lock eyes once more
An intense exquisite stare
Peering into our minds
We finally see what’s there
A fantasy is what we see
I’ll carry you
You’ll carry me
Through times of despair
I’ll lead you
You’ll lead me
Going anywhere
The conductor alerts
Our destinations near
I didn’t know where you came from
You didn’t know where I was going
But we arrived
[A Journey Begins]

— The End —