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Tina Marie Oct 2015
Sinking into the abyss
Shattered dreams and creeping things
Razor wire closing in
Ripping through my closed-tight eyelids
The end of my illusions
The nightmare isn't as terrifying
**As losing you
Tina Marie May 2015
If you were mine for as long as I wanted you

Then why are you gone with someone else

If you were the first to be my last

Then why am I alone

If you really loved me

Then how could you walk away
Tina Marie May 2015
She sat on the edge of the precipe; unbidden tears evidenced by glistening lines on her cheekbones. She stood abruptly and reached over the edge, hoping the hands waiting for her were strong. Leaning forward ever so slightly she brushed fingers with the person waiting. She stretched a little further, grasped tightly, and missed. Tumbling end over end in a dazed confusion she cried out, sure she was lost forever. She saw the ground speeding up to meet her and closed her eyes as she braced for the impact that would shatter the last of her illusions.....but the impact never came. Soft warm arms reached out and embraced her just when all may have been lost. She pried open her eyes just enough to peer through her lashes and see whom had saved her.....and saw herself.
Tina Marie May 2015
I held everything in my hands
Everything I needed
Everything I wanted
But you took it and left me empty
Saying I deserved more
But leaving me with less
Than I had before
I wish we'd never met.
  Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Remus Cynclair
**** the noise.

You hear that?
That distant whisper
Is not your imagination.

**** the lights.

That red tint of shadow.
Pressure behind your eyes.
Its not a headache

Now you're in the dark.

Do you feel it...
Its trying to escape.

Fight it.

Or be consumed.
Tina Marie Apr 2015
Actions don't always speak louder than words.

The way someone treats you may have more to do with who they are than how they feel.

**There should be a balance.
I actually posted this as a Facebook status and received an overwhelming response. I thought y'all would appreciate it.
  Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Chase Allen
There is no haunted house scarier than the place I speak of.
No creepy woods late at night compares.
The scariest place a human can be, a place no one is safe from.
To be alone with your thoughts can be the most devastating place anyone could be.
You are trapped with only thoughts and feelings and nothing can save you but yourself.
Some people are easily able to evade the thoughts and move on to other things, but some of us aren't that lucky.
For those of us who are trapped inside the tunnels of our minds we constantly are interrupted by overwhelming thoughts and nothing can stop them.
It's easy for people on the outside to think we can just turn off these bad thoughts but for us trapped there is no escaping this horrifying place. It's a constant battle of worry and misconceived ideas that we aren't good enough, that everything we do isn't enough for someone.
But never give up the internal battle with the demons that hide in your tunnel. You are good enough.
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