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Have you ever been asleep?
Lost in you thoughts, trapped so deep
Where colours fly, and visions run,
Or the unbroken opposite of fun?

Have you ever had dream?
All you thoughts lead to deam
Where demons plague, and tykes wail,
Or is it I who led the trail?
Have you ever walked the trail to a world unlike our own? Where nothing is real and you are alone?
Come with me, I’ll show you the way
Into an infinite land of play.
Come with me, and you can stay
Deep into this shade of grey.

Come with me, they’re all gone
We could stay awake ‘till dawn.
Come with me, before they spawn.
Watch the play us, just like pawns

Come with me, so you can see
Everything they did to me.
Come with me, and hear my plea:
Take me down by the sea.
Will you come with me? We have to hide. Come down to the sea, for it is low tide.
Have you ever been afraid to fly?
Take my hand, and we can try.
Have you ever been afraid to die?
Take my hand, I’ll show you why.

Have you ever been afraid to sleep?
Take my hand, don’t go to deep.
Have you ever been afraid to leap?
Take my hand, it’s far too steep.

Have you ever been afraid to loose?
Take my hand, you have no use.
Have you ever been afraid to truce?
Leave my hand, just use it.
Will you take it or leave it?
You wake up in a grassy field. There is nothing but you. You look around and four different places beyond the horizon.
To the north, tHere is a marsh.
To the south, therE is a desert.
To the west, there is a Long road that leads to nowhere.
And to the east, there is a trail of Pink flowers.
You choose to Move east.
After all, the sun is setting and the East sky is painted with vivid colors of warmth.

You follow the path of flowers to a fork road.
On the left, is a road that leads to a habitable-looking place but no life.
On the right, is a road that leads to a dead forest with lots of life, thriving and growing.
You choose to go the the right.

You walk into the forest, as a dark figure stands in the distance, staring coldly. You feel uneasy and decide to go back and take the other road. You turn around to leave but you’ve seemed to have wondered off the trail and are lost. You look back at the figure, but he has appeared to have vanished.

Darkness surrounds the forest, slowly engulfing it. The darkness closes in and there is no escape. You are trapped, alone, afraid, empty. The last bit of light disappears as you struggle to reach the top of the dark cloud. Everything soon disappears, and you fall.
Too deep
What’s the point of running if they always catch you?
What’s the point of hiding if they always find you?
What’s the point of seeing if they always ruin the sight?
What’s the point of hearing if they always talk about you?
What’s the point of talking if they always drown you out?
What’s the point of being human if they always  alienate you?
What’s the point of tomorrow if they always say, “tomorrow is yesterday’s today”?
What’s the point of living if they always take your life away?
If being human causes this pain, then what’s the point?
Dragged under the water by darkness, wondering when it will all be over. This suffocating darkness that calls my name.
I’ve been hurt. I’ve been torn to pieces. Smashed onto the ***** floor in which I’ve been told I belong. The struggle of staying above the water drags me deeper. I’m tired and wet and empty inside. It just seems so easy to let go. The thought of trying to swim to freedom is so nothingness. The weights chained to my ankles only get heavier each day with the weights of the world. Soon I will fail. I will give up. Unable to live in a world where you safe, where your pain is taken away, where there is people you can tell everything to, where life seems freeing. I remember the day she held scissors to my head. The blade millimeters away from my face. The she took us to the car and drove away. She took us to the park. 10:00 pm. She asked us what we were thinking. About if they would get a divorce. She said she would be mad. I said nothing. No words could describe how I felt. “I don’t feel anything.” She was mad. She lied. He lied they lied. We lied. I now no longer feel anything. I’m in pain. I’m in empty pain. My tears mean nothing and yet everything. My words start wars and end lives. I. Me. Who is Me? No one. Nothing. A nothing slowly running out of air.

— The End —