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Dear reader,
I'm going to be honest
I can't write or rhyme
I am not flawless

but I do know how to use a word
to feel something
to describe the chirp of a bird
or the feel of a string

maybe something sweet
or gory
but stick with me it'll start off bad
but I'll get there
just watch.
I actually can't write poetry at all but I'm trying
I make a promise*
to the person that may be reading
you may feel like you're in this ever lasting loop of sorrow
but I promise that it will get better
and if it doesn't just yet
than it isn't the end
so I make the promise
to look forward to the future
to help you get back up, when you've fallen
to make sure that you keep trying
because I believe you can.
So I promise from this day forward
to believe in you
when no one else will.
When no one else is there I will be. Need someone to listen I'm here for you. Honestly if anyone ever wants to talk I am here
Its just absolutely sad to see when you come back to something
and everything has *changed
I will always come second place to her
I can't compete with her
but I can't blame her
She's prettier
She's smarter
She's cooler
She dresses better
and I
cant do anything
but let the spotlight keep shining
and watch as all eyes are trained on
her movements
her walk
the way she talks
everyones focuses on *her
I like the rain
I love to hear the soft pitter patter as it falls to the ground
its music to the ears
It also makes you realize that everything shows emotion
at one point or another
the sky needs to cry too
and what can you do  
but cry with it
I love the rain because it can be happy or sad
it can cover the fallen tears
or it can cause a smile to blossom
its refreshing
possibly depressing
but its beautiful really
What you did hurt.
One of my first.
and you ruined it
I wasn't sure if I should be
or both
maybe I should have felt like a *******
who knows
but I didn't feel anything
may this isn't a big deal
but you ruined my first
and it *****
you ruined the perspective I have
you ruined that excitement
you ruin all the rest to come
I don't know if I should hate you
or be good to you
be the "bigger person" they talk about
but it hurt,
**I'm hurt
I'm tired of giving myself away just for you.

I'm tired of giving all the time I have. When you won't give me a second of yours.

I'm tired of the unreturned phone calls.

I tired of the text messages with no replies.

I'm tired of the unsaid hellos,

and the never said goodbyes.

But most of all I'm tired of you pretending like I never existed.

of feeling angry.

of seeing how you replaced me with her.

of now hearing you laughs or your jokes

of not feeling the smile on my face, when you enter a room.

I'm Tired.
The Overbolded Beauty © 2016
Its been a while old friend
I guess...
I'm bad at committing
because all I do is come and go
every now and then
Its been a while old friend
I can never apologize
or fix myself
as it will just keep happening
I guess
I'm so used to people doing the same
that I don't realize what
I'm doing to you
Its been a while old friend
Who knew I'd fall in love with the musky smell of moss and burning wood
or the small hole near the armpit of your favourite sweater
or the soft smile that graces your lips when you're having a good dream
or the way your eyes light up when you talk about your dreams & aspirations
or the grogginess in your voice when you've just awoken
or the soft pitter patter of your feet on the hard wood
or the faded tiger stripes on the side of your hips
or the twitch of your nose, when you're disgusted
or the little puddle shaped bruise from when you fell as a child
Who knew that I'd fall in love in with the small details before the bigger picture
*Who knew I'd fall in love with you.
Girl. the word that separates
and complicates
making each of us, less equal
I’m a girl and rarely  
have I ever been treated fairly.
We are all human and should be treated as one.
So why am I not allowed to kick the ball and run?
Just like a white crayon you think I useless.
But you’re just really clueless, because I CAN.
yet at the same time I can’t,
since the men are on top you see
high above any other
don’t take it as a bother
being  below and under and where we will be.
Because I’m just a girl,I’m not treated fairly

The Overbolded Beauty © 2016
I know I should be used to being let down by you
but its never that easy,
as it always come true
its hard to deal with
as you keep making promises to me
but can't you just let me be
instead of raising my hopes up so high
just stop and don't lie
save me the heart ache
save me the river
save me from the remake
of the fake smile painted upon my face
Stop letting me down it just hurts too much
what really toxic is your touch
So leave alone, don't let me down anymore
as I know you're just doing it to keep a score.
I watch the night and
see the moonlight shine through
The thoughts of today replay
The sight makes me choke
It was terrible day

That face would taunt me
and haunt me
That face scares me
and impairs me

I see that face and I shiver
it makes me sick
my lip starts to quiver
and that smile, oh that smile
can make any girl run quicker…
I am enraged

sick of the society we live in
The views so clouded
they always win.

We need to stop teaching girls what not to wear
but start teaching boys how to be fair

I am not a feminist
but a egalitarianist
for women and men
for Jerome, Tom and Jen

I support love
I support everyone.
I support all those above.
I support humanity

But to support humanity, we all need to be human

Disgusted by society
I'd prefer not to be
Walking with monsters of variety
With intentions that we cannot see

This is sickening

Why is it when a women say ****** assault
it becomes all her fault
the alcohol, the drugs, the blackouts
are all at doubt

What have we come to?
He's a poor excuse for a human
thats what I'll tell you

all of this just for one little fling
but what does he get 6 little months
*because remember money buys everything.
I apologize somewhat but I'm tired of **** culture. I am tired of people like Brock Turner and Im truly enraged by the whole story.
We’re strong.
We’re intelligent.
We’re powerful.
We’re phenomenal.

We happen to come in different shapes, sizes and colours
No we aren’t diamonds
But we’re just as precious.

We rise above
We define our own definition
We break our own records.

Yet we find ourselves,
And segregated.

We learn to empower rather than beat down
We stand together hand in hand
Intelligence and kindness form the bond.

Looked down upon.
They see us like the petals of the rose
When really we’re the thorns.
We’re warriors fighting for a spot in the world.
Soldiers fighting for the respect we deserve.

We’re iconic
We’re controversial
We’re a movement

Yes, we may have 1 different chromosome
And a section between the legs that's different
But that doesn't make us less of a person than the next guy.

We’re phenomenal.
We’re powerful.
We’re intelligent.
We’re strong.

We're women.

— The End —