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 Jun 2016 John Holiday
A leafless tree never needing company.
Yet, always seeking beauty in strangers eyes, staring from a distance, pondering why I’m alone with nothing to boast but empty hopes.

I am a love of yours.
Standing in the cold, wishing for home

My body flourishing,
wanting to be ravished by those curious hands,
never distant, never inconsistent,
I am a love of yours waiting to bloom
amidst the chaos of every days humdrum.

I am just a love of yours.

Our eyes slow dance every time they meet
I carry you in between breaths,
always waiting, our lips suffocate,
our bodies slowly separate,
I find solace in knowing I’m never staying.

Standing in the cold, wishing this is home

The edging dance of night and day,
Always connected, never really intimate,
marveling with my eyes in the sky,
I see an interlude of you and I.

Always waiting for the sun to set,
Staring into nothingness,
Wishing that maybe, just maybe
You'll slowly touch me.

Always waiting for the sun to rise,
I'd lust you in the day,
and loathe you in the night.

A leafless tree waiting for company,
standing in the cold, wishing for home
Wishing that maybe, just maybe

you'll always find me.
(To Miss May Forshall.)

HE shouts amain, he shouts again,
(Her brother, fierce, as bluff King Hal),
"I tell you flat, I shall do that!"
She softly whispers " 'May' for 'shall'!"
He wistful sighed one eventide
(Her friend, that made this Madrigal),
"And shall I kiss you, pretty Miss!"
Smiling she answered " 'May' for 'shall'!"

With eager eyes my reader cries,
"Your friend must be indeed a val-
-uable child, so sweet, so mild!
What do you call her?" "May For shall."
A poem... to give you... is it enough?

As my heart yields to your wounds, you have given me five hundred scars to wear; I will gladly bear another five hundred for you! Is it enough?

I have snatched away five hundred stars from the firmament above, slaying five hundred angels who guarded their celestial light! Is it enough?

Would five hundred days make any difference to you? To set my heels in the clay and march forward step by step to you until you saw my perseverance, is it enough?

Five hundred souls you have sifted through to discover just how inadequate they are for you. I ask you: is it enough?

**My heart is yours... is it enough?
1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails...

When Diamonds are a Legend,
And Diadems—a Tale—
I Brooch and Earrings for Myself,
Do sow, and Raise for sale—

And tho’ I’m scarce accounted,
My Art, a Summer Day—had Patrons—
Once—it was a Queen—
And once—a Butterfly—
 Jun 2016 John Holiday
i love you, i do
but i am just too broken
for someone like you
Haiku #3
I have rose petals in a jar
From a time I'd like to forget.
Tears stained red
Monsters in my bed
Broken down beauties
Locked in an airtight tomb
With clear walls
Forced to witness every heartbreak
And every sleepless night
How I wish I could stow it away
Leave it in a box on the top shelf
Of an old dusty closet
To remain there in perpetuity
But I could not bring myself
To rid of these darling petals
Though they’re from a time I’d like to forget
They serve as a grim reminder
Never to return to the hell-hole
Which I crawled out of
With jar-in-hand.
Learning from my mistakes
 Jun 2016 John Holiday
City buildings obstruct
The sky from view
Preventing wishes
From getting through

So on my nails I paint
Constellations and stars
Pleading for peace
In this world of ours

amidst passing clouds, gleaming

Silent Crusader

— The End —