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Some1 Jan 2019
Love  is a sickness

So  we can die from it?

I was fooling myself when tried to find a cure
Some1 Aug 2017
We couldn’t not to attach
We couldn’t not to touch

What words are?
They are only words
Speechless and impersonal

Body moves and lips silence
Screams shamelessly

But eyes - even much more
Steadfast, watchful gaze

I couldn't not to care
I'm submissive

Under your impressive  stare
Some1 Aug 2017
Who dared to break it?
When and how?

In small pieces
Whose fault?

You must blame yourself only

For not broke it by yourself
Don't rely on someone else for your happiness
Some1 Jan 2019
I need to fade
I need to disappear
I need to run away from you
I need not to get infatuated with sweet words
It  can be the biggest sin  to believe you again
Love made me such a fool

Now I am not scared to hurt you  
Because you will get over memory of us easily and  fast
Some1 Aug 2017
Sharp corners of simple words
Making million wounds
Wounds are not bleeding
If you are busy with healing
It takes so much
It costs so much
It costs myself

But free for you
Free for you - me smiling and happy
With million wounds hidden under fabric of pretending
Facts like razons
Making scars
Why am I ashamed of being hurted?
Some1 Aug 2017
Incomprehensible all time,
because of what I  faced with

I know one thing
I need it
I know - to loose is easy

I stepped a ****** pathway
but broken into pieces.

Now I am spreading like a lava

I have belief in us
I have belief  you need me

You trapped my thoughts in cage
How dare you?
That's greedly
Some1 Aug 2017
It hurts

To get shallow talk from you

While knowing you are poet

But your vivid language was spent on another

It hurts

To be aware of how amazing you are in love

After recognizing your sentiments

It'd be better if I didn't know

Better I would still take you for another sort

At least I was honored to be a guest in your heart for a moment...
For the one who seems merely happy-go-lucky for everyone
Some1 Aug 2017
Impeccable  felicity
When you are sent  to paradise
Even happiness can't be flawless  

Is happiness a punishment?
Do we exist only during that moments?

Even happiness can't be flawless  
Not for long
With you
What for ?
It is just a bittersweet teasing

I protect
I wish i could not react
But my heart is being touched
I can't help it
Some1 Aug 2017
She knows and pretty sure what lays beneath his smile
Even his smile has many luring sides.
His smile speaks many languages.
His lips are gifting love.
His eys are reaching wisdom
With her his aim was lust
Some1 Aug 2017
⚓ ⚓ ⚓
Through the surface of fathomless sea
    you can reach treasures and shipwrecks on bottom
       which are not supposed to be hauled up from the deep

         What is the truth?
     "Finding", "searching".
   It was worth it.

Not empty sea-bed is already good luck

Fears of disappointments aren't letting you breathe

   Risk of losing yourself while searching silver lining in mazes
      Strangles neck of willing
         Not letting live life fully

            We should not forget:
Without love impossible to follow dreams
Some1 Aug 2017
What a wild desire
To nourish what's from him in me 
 Despite everything
Some1 Jun 2019
Disbelief has captured my Inside

Since my enemy was unrestrained belief
I'm  burning inside and I'm roaming on side

I can not stop to think
What a shame but for me it's a big deal

What for I lost my sleep?

Was it even what they call  a "sin"?

No, I barely felt guilty

My issue is fear

I want isolate myself from stains

I want to rescue myself or maybe I should be killed:)

But I'm too weak for all of this

I can't rescue myself  from painful but sweet memories

Conversely I 'm making them alive
Some1 Aug 2017
I know you are broken
I guess how you feel
Crowdy emptiness
But you are not weaned

I know you are weeping
Still searching for pill
Even in hurting
Human gets involved in

Please avert your eyes
From something unreal
Just take what you need
Because it stills here
Some1 Aug 2017


Fast breathing

I'm just abandoned child

In my own city

And it will always be so
Childhood does really shape and affect  my present adult life
Some1 Dec 2017
Fourishing flower when I'm  near you
                     Now poisoned with ABSENCE
                          Having no idea of what should I do
How can you make me so happy?
Some1 Aug 2017
No feelings.
But it seems I'm living.
In this void and silence I can hear myself only.
Heartbeat doesn't speed up even when I'm thinking about it.
Have all my tears been used up?
Some1 Jul 2017
He doesn't have even time for to dream
All against it
Distance and others
They do really steal it

Doesn't he see ?
She's standing with dream
When ground is ruining under her feet

In front there's picture
That is nobody sees
Being made by not talented
But by stubborn artist

Trembling hands
Strokes are not smooth as much
But she doesn't care
She has chosen that path

That girl will be drawing when no paint is left
Shamefully someone calls it "pathetic" instead...
Some1 Aug 2017
Not built relationship is drowning
In a turbid ruthless sea
Though I'm hesitating
What's laying between you and me

I was being made a player
So lemme call it Game
This game is called "indifference"
Or "the one who doesn't care"

I guess I'm acting truly
I guess I'm playing well
For get into the character of girl who doesn't dare
Life is game
And I should learn
Some1 Aug 2017
What a challenge
Not to lose yourself
With gifting  fake emotions
For the same fake ones
What a challenge...
Some1 Aug 2017
I should confess
I protect
I wish I could not react
But my heart is being touched
With every day much more
With any of your words
I can't help it

Slave of love or
Slave of habit?
Some1 Aug 2017
She never could convince someone with words

That only born uncertainties about her

"Better to stay quiet"- she decided
Some1 Aug 2017
In embraces of sun rays. Warm waves cover me. Screaming crows.

Taking comfort in - we still have chance.

To belong to each other.

In our dreams.

And in next lives
What is going with you warms my heart..
Some1 Aug 2017
I'm grateful. You opened the gates to my life. But I can't let you be left behind.
Some1 Aug 2017
Being gifted with love feeling to life or to someone
Fragile gift for to keep

Nourish your soul at its best
Don't leave it empty
Wonder and light  closed doors
Through darkness and enemy thoughts

When our bodies attached and we are tied
No time exists
I breath you like air
You exactly what I need

We get precious life lessons
Tears clean our soul  
Lessons meant to be  advantages  
Not it this case
"No " is on repeat for me
No matter what I gain from this pain
No matter which endless life lotteries and luck  I may have
You know why ?
Because i am ready to lose all for to have you by my side
Even myself

What right you had to keep my thoughts  trapped?!
Some1 Jul 2018
Today  with the coming of  sanity
her question is answered

Love is shelter
Love is soft wind
Love is peaceful silence
Love is family

Im out. Live  my own
Some1 Aug 2017
How much pain can human stands?
They say "exactly as much as being given"..

There are wounds that nothing can heal
They will always live by your side

She can't run away
She just got to know her verdict

Destiny... written?
Some1 Aug 2017
I love your:
and winks
Your being has gifted me
with wings
Some1 Sep 2017
What a wonderful world  
I can't stop enjoying
Hope it will last forever
Do not interrupt it with making sharp moves
Someone above
Please do not gift me pain
Please you do not **** this peace
I found comfort in this
My soul is singing on my own
Some1 May 2018
You don't need me

You don't need caring warmth in me

You don't need  careless kid  in me

You don't need fest and endless holiday in me

Because now you have that all

I learnt so far - love is about being irreplaceable
Some1 Aug 2017
I'm crying
I'm laughing
My answers are fake

If  perfection is clothes
I'm naked instead

I'm tricky and selfish
And not as much sweet

I want you to cry for me
Not river just  
I want sea

I'm hiding while showing
My tongue gets entwined
You haven't spoken with me real
Not sure you will
Because even I don’t know myself
Some1 Aug 2017
Charm wasn't the main magnet
Though pulling exists
They both just made a deal

To attach for each other

Guarantee that claims " I'm always  in need "

— The End —