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 Jun 2018 SallyGoesRoar
I've loved many boys
With different colored eyes
But the way I remember them is
By the shape of their hands

The way their thumbs curved
Or how their palms felt against my own
The weight of them on my thighs
Or how they ran through my hair

The times they zipped up my dress
And settled on my shoulders
The moments when they grazed my own
As they handed me my keys

The motion of them as they spoke
And the motionless of them when they were silent
The smoothness of them in the beginning
And the calluses after time had passed

Sometimes, I forget the faces of these boys
Or the way their voice sounded over the phone
But I'll never forget the way it felt
With their hands intertwined in my own
If you are a suicide survivor
Inbox me your name
And I’ll add it to my tattoos of others

You guys mean the world to me
And I have my own name on my arm
Because I too, am a suicide survivor.
Inbox me your name. Make this go viral so I get names. Hopefully it inspires someone to fight a little harder. Anyone wanna join me?

If you understand I’m sorry. Stay strong friend.
 Jun 2018 SallyGoesRoar
 Jun 2018 SallyGoesRoar
find a lover who writes you sonnets
who uses the darkest flecks of your eyes as ink
and the shades of your skin as paper
writing along the edges of your wrists and arms
with tongue and teeth
with purpose, truth, and love

find a lover whose heart sings to yours
a pianissimo summer sonata, dolce
using their words sotto voce against your ear
melodiously humming against your body
with their lips pressed to your neck
with passion, fire and tenderness

find a lover who creates art
using line weight in colloquy and canvas alike
to paint you with diamonds, as they see you
watch them carve your essence
with rainbows and pearls
with intensity, feeling, and beauty

find a lover who gives to you
who presents all the joys of life
unselfishly and without expectation
and when they give freely and openly
ensure that you, too, become a lover
who writes, sings, creates, and returns
 May 2018 SallyGoesRoar
JR Rhine
Yo florezco
en la salida de sol.

En la mañana:
La luz de tus ojos cafés
son como el rocío del césped
en la tierra
fertil y suave.

Cuando me despierto en la luz,
veo tu cara bonita--
pacífica, encantadora.

Cuando tu despiertas,
y abres tus ojos,
yo florezco en tu
salida de sol.


I blossom
in the sunrise.

In the morning:
The light of your brown eyes
is like the dew on the grass
in the rich and soft

When I wake up in the light,
I see your pretty face--
peaceful, lovely.

When you wake up,
and open your eyes,
I blossom in your sunrise.
From a ****** to his Corazón.
 May 2018 SallyGoesRoar
Sweet and salted
Like you wanted
We watch in silence
We aren’t holding hands
You shiver lightly
Move right beside me
I feel your body heat
My heart skipped a beat

Your hand feeds
me metal
Your hand like a petal
I say I’m not hungry
You say it’s for your own good honey
You plaited my hair
I cut it like I wanted
You say I’m ruined
I feel you’re intruding
You throw the china
I feel it still

Popping candy
Medicine moonlight
I’m wearing white lies
Doll faces with red smiles
 May 2018 SallyGoesRoar
Vale Luna
A love so fragile
That it hurts when I breathe
Shattered memories
Swept by the breeze

A love so scrambled
That it leaves me confused
My heart’s been abused
Black and blue bruised

A love so tangled
That it ends up in knots
A tied-up blood clot
Starting to rot

A love so unraveled
That it loses control
A physical toll
Burnt on my soul

A love so fragile
That is breaks when I try
Starting to know why
I do nothing but cry.
Countless faces in front of me,
belief and trust they’ve given me,
words of wisdom they’ve evoked,
spirits of my fear they’ve convoked.

Numerous failures I have encountered,
mistakes I have committed,
cloaked my sufferings,
left unshown on my face.

Always, I question myself,
who am I to believe upon?
I am confused,
I am in doubt.
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