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10.3k · Apr 2017
Stevie Ray Apr 2017
A death that was foreseen,
yet a consequence was not,
The end of pain and loss
was met with acceptance and love
and inspiration slipped from my grasp
and I tried all the tricks in the book
to keep my pen writing

And I wish it were as simple
as going out and buying a new pen
From what source do I draw out ink,
when on the road to selflove and acceptance?
When old questions and doubts
have met with answers and a clear path?
3.5k · Aug 2014
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
A feeling of acceptance.  
Within these  four white walls.
Within this house.
Within this open air prison.
Bound by night and day.
A slave of time.
Destined to follow the rules of nature.
Following the rules of space.
Rules that you can't break.
I abide against my will.
Within the parameters of this atmosphere.
Within this solar system.
Within space and the infinite possibilities of what lies beyond.
Within infinity itself.
Am I, unimaginably small and
insignificant on a cosmic scale.
Yet within these white walls
I am rebellious.
1.8k · Sep 2014
Dragon's Wisdom
Stevie Ray Sep 2014
A sharp tongue with shark teeth
and a malicious smile with venomous saliva.
The reptiles eyes are like an alien planet.
It's soul lost within the depths of it's pupil.
It's like seeing tectonic plates shift
as they leave a black scar across a sandy red desert.
A reptile's eyes.

Dragon scales cover my skin.
For this world is filled with shattered hearts,
it is like stepping in broken glass,
I should protect myself from all your scars!

I've grown coldblooded from these cold emotions.
Icy stares and frozen thoughts.
Because your souls are trapped in arctic ice,
drifting in the same tides
every day of your cryogenic lives!

Witness the fiery eye that is the Sun.
It shines dimly behind radio active clouds.
Particles of chemical ash act like a mirror
spitting back solar rays in the face of God!
The arrogance that is man!
Earth radiates golden shadows
and the reptile is denied of heat.
I am forced to store my dragon's breath
inside the belly of my beast.
1.6k · Oct 2014
A Tree's Perspective
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
All I feel is pain
sadness and hurt.
With a slight tone of positivity
Love ever so present
like a distant dim light in the dark.
Gestures of good will
either harvested with selfish intentions.
Like putting coins in a slotmachine
to hit the Karma jackpot.
Or genuine kindness.
Mass produced negativity
running rampant across the globe
fits the current type of mankind
like a perfect silk glove.
I feel the wind crying,
poisoned and sick.
Clouds ***** acidic rain
every drop a bombardment
infused with a chemical mix.
I feel the sunlight trying to escape the earth
but the clouds are moody
representing the mental sickness
of the guests under their roofs.
There is no escape once you land
on this manmade Mental Asylum.
I am scarred by kids with knives
young unpure love that is quickly crushed.
Only a handfull experience a lifetime of love.
Earth is sick, being gutted alive
stripped barren and bombarded
with it's own body used as weapons
that have turned against their Host.
Me and all my friends know.
For we are tree's, our bark is thick
protecting our rooted Souls
in the deep slick soil.
Connected with Earth
we feel everything that it endures.
And it hurts..
1.5k · Nov 2015
A Fight against Strife.
Stevie Ray Nov 2015
I'd grab a knife and let it tear through my flesh
to rip out this inner strife if it wouldn't lead to my death.
My soul shivers he beats on his chest in fact that's why I breathe
on this ****** to try and relax. My mind is stretched to the max
my head needs to detach, my soul needs to eject.
Hotheaded armed with an icepick.
Hacking away at this ice that my spine grips.
My thoughts are confined in a space as small as my iris
and I'm behind iron bars of anxiety that I constantly have to fight with.
I've become a mass murderer, locked in a psychiatric ward as I **** my parts within, erasing my kin, the ink from the teardrops darkens my skin.
Fallen to sin. My world in the dark. A void shaped like a heart.
Yet this Tinman retaliates against the wizard of Oz!
My torch an everburning question mark
answers? That's the past but Life throwing hooks so I HAVE to dodge.
Hits exit Pause-my-world which I create so I can spit back in the face of God!

You awoke a sleeping giant, a savage beast, a lion
My soul roars everytime you see me sighin
I won't ignore these tidings
A frozen force is rising
Close to war my broken core redefines defiance.

So I will stand my ground and fight
go bar for bar with life.
Proudly wear these battlescars
you'll be astounded by my might
A star upon my sky
My reach is long and wide
You see I'm strong you're weak and wrong
I no longer hide
Because I don't have a mind
I am guided by the light
my sight set on my rage
replace my blood with hate
bleed and rust and easily crush
this tyrant in my cage.
1.5k · Aug 2014
If I become God.
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
A gentle stream of people
flowing like a river would
flowers on both sides
earth breathing
we knew we could
a vast blue sky
filled with birds and ocean life
evolution's true
and the stars at night
a marvelous light
the arm of the milkyway
stretched like one awesome smile
it's my bluebrint of the world
but still it's a raw design
1.5k · Dec 2014
#1 on my bucket list
Stevie Ray Dec 2014
Witness mankind taking one step in the right direction.
I would like to see one moment of global unity. One in my lifetime would suffice, just one.
1.5k · Mar 2015
Dick! (Punchlines!)
Stevie Ray Mar 2015
"C'mon Stevie you got to show them what you're made off!"
"I did and your mother was very impressed."

"C'mon Stevie you got to show them what you're made off!"
"I auditioned but they said I was too big."

"C'mon Stevie you got to show them what you're made off!"
"You do realise that Kathryn Janeway reffered to me everytime she said 'Captain's Log' don't you?"

"C'mon Stevie you need to go out more and show the world what you can do."
I can't, I'm like Japanese ****. Entirely censored.

"Come inside"

"Can I come over?"

"You're On!"


"C'mon Stevie show em what you're made off!"
"Have you read this?"
1.4k · Dec 2020
My Vibe (Oneliner)
Stevie Ray Dec 2020
"Found in the harmony between the kick and the snare"
1.4k · Sep 2014
Stevie Ray Sep 2014
I compliment my compliments
because my compliments complement compliments
on multiple levels*
- Stevie
1.3k · Jul 2014
The Yellow Brick Road
Stevie Ray Jul 2014
Ugly and repulsive
nek twisted backwards
facing forward
my path twisted
raining sulphuric acid
looking up
eyes and mouth wide open
I'm thirsty..
taken drugs
crack, ****, krokodile
the rain biting through my bones
necrosis from the drugs have made their way home.
tongue kissed a komodo dragon
wearing a boa constrictor for a scarf
parasites eating away at my innards
so I don't have to ****
and Imma just go on
floor made purely out of bullet ants
keep walking this path of insanity
1.3k · Nov 2014
I am (1 word)
Stevie Ray Nov 2014
**** it b*tches!
1.2k · Jan 2015
Stevie Ray Jan 2015
These caps split wigs like Arnold.
1.2k · Sep 2015
Stevie Ray Sep 2015
Your love touched trauma
as my body shuddered.
Tension released
tears poured out as I wept in silence
as I wept in darkness
as I wept, a master of deception
My pain stayed outside your awareness
Your hands across my chest
created an image
of a baby being dried after taking a bath
both of your hands were enough to grab my torso
and I became painfully aware of how feeble I am
weak and dependent
Harsh thoughts, pethetic
somewhere, somehow seeking redemption
while there is nothing to redeem
my challenge lies in acceptance

A path my mind created to stray
A path my mind created to survive
Acceptence for me will be the end of me
this me, fitted to survive in a world no longer this world
but the previous one, another reality
that has been explored and discovered.
But just like this world and the previous one
I always defy the reality that I see
Because the reality that I see doesn't coincide with
what's inside this core of me.
This core of me desperately trying to break loose
in this pethetic shell,
AND TAKE A ****.. so...
I don't have a ******* answer, I simply don't know.
Stevie Ray Sep 2014
If God is everywhere, he is in every pedophiles basement.
Title is a quote from Possessed "Next Level".
1.2k · Jun 2021
Healthy confidence
Stevie Ray Jun 2021
"She's out of your league bro."
" Only out of my financial league."
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
Still I reach upward and on, and proceed trudging along
As I lead these brothers in arms, to achieve what's in our hearts
- Tonedeff
Optimist - Tonedeff
Stevie Ray May 2015
A worn out face and soul I hide behind other parts I play.
He's asleep, slowly waking up, he can only be energized by his daughter's presence today.
Yet she maybe is unaware of his father's existence
it wouldn't be strange, we're nearing a full year
I pray day to day she's not unaware, truth be told it's my biggest fear
it's hard to hold on to hope
when all you've got is memories
and an old picture on your desk
All these questions and doubts I got
a beating rhythm in my head
every tear I shed embodies my love for you
every tear I shed is because I'm missing you
I pray you don't ever forget that I'm your dad.

I remember being scared to death the first night home.
As I focused on your breathing and I pictured you behind closed eyes
I slept shallow and checked multiple times to see if you were still alive
My biggest fear then was losing you... and two years later I did
and now I've missed a year experiencing you turning into a kid.

I bet you're cheeky, witty and stubborn. Curious, full of love, sensitive and have a deep intelligence. So now I'm fighting to get you back, giving it my all. To continue setting an example, to show you that you've gotta fight for those dear to you, to show you the power a person can have. And if by some stupid lies I lose this fight, I promise you Sara look for me when you're old enough and you'll realize dad always got your back. I won't give up on you.. EVER
You'll hear an other side of a story but I won't impose my opinion on you. I will give my side of the truth and let you decide from there.

Know that I would rather endure an entire life of this heavy burden and pain and take it to my grave then let you say you had a father who gave up halfway.

In three days you'll turn three. I'm sorry I can't be there Sara but I promise I'm doing everything in my power to see you as soon as possible. In advance I wish you a happy birthday, your birthday present is going to be a bit late though. Bear with me, it's on it's way.

I love you.

Writen with tears of sincerity, a strong soul and a loving heart,

Your father Stevie Ray de Vries Andries.

ps. You're always way to young to have any boyfriends, ever. ;) Dad will put them to the test. If they're unworthy Spartan-Kick them out of the house and if they are you'll sleep in seperate beds. And if he does treat you with the honor and respect you deserve.. I'll think about letting you sit next to eachother on the couch. Haha...
Stevie Ray Nov 2014
The bloodred Sun rises.
Misplaced souls and victims stuck in the upper parts of the atmosphere
giving the rays their ominous colour.
Blood particles risen from dead bodies float high in the air
painting the sky in orange-red.
Clouds form where humidity is highest, travel west
to a grey society, with hazed heads
where it rains Dead.
Blood reigns on our hands. Emphasis on reign.
Silently participating, masters of passiveness.
Shackled minds, broken chest
every infant born deaf
For sheep speak and think the word of the flock.
So wisdom's lost, past mistakes made will
eventually lead up to another rainy day.
This vicious cycle will stay the same
the climate acts according to our rainy ways.
For the smell of rain and the taste of blood
is ironically the same.
989 · Oct 2014
Mr. Capitalism Bronson
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
Red Light shining bright through the window in an edgy ally, where you can smell the sin and witness
lustfilled eyes of corrupt and narrow minded men.
Watch how they pick their flesh, a desperate attempt at relief of the madness lying within. A brief escape from a screaming consciousness's plea for help.
Young girls ostracized,productized, capitalized sitting in symbolized shelves. Behaviour manipulated to seamlessly service the brainwashed consumer's shallow needs. Cattle literally abusing human innocence in a legalised system.
A caged bird, where tears can only fly freely behind void eyes.
Desperate to the point they would sniff the coke from the dollar bill in search for small remnants of solace. Ironically it's the thought behind that dollar bill that put her there in the first place. Ironically it's that same dollar bill that might bring an oppertunity to escape.
Might leave a small opening in the cage. Emphasis on might.

A bedroom, where the nightlight shines darkgrey
A small boy sitting, fetus position, under his older sister's worn out desk
Never before have you met someone so young
weighing the options, positives and negatives
about life and death
testing, poking the knife he has in his chest
nobody has taught him anything about coping
good thing he knows everything about math instead
broken, his sister pinned down in father's bed
last time he accidently walked in
he was nearly beaten to death
He grabs the knife and seperates his soul from his flesh.
Society labels him and million others 'A Tragedy'.

Delivering freedom on the spot, dropped from high altitudes
by B52 Stealth Bombers, Lockheed AC-130's, F16's and unmanned MQ-1 Predators.  The Democratic system crashes into farmers, families, children and other people waiting for the food drop today. The explosion burns everything away.
Their souls desperately in search for their bodies which now lie scattered in ash, they can't go back to the physicall plane. They are forced to break away from their 6 month old daughter who 'miraculously' survived that day. Democracy making way for western influence, orphans turn into kids who perceive their nightlights dark grey.
Soldiers spot a baby, in a bloodbath, sitting.
Militairy lights hover over the scene, the blood reflects back a bright red.
This part of the city turned into a Red Light District.
The epitome of irony was a spark of creativity in the mind of a mad architect.

The kid is swooped into a country whom mercilessly obliterated her parents. Little brothers and sisters send to their dusty graves with the President's consent. Sixteen years later she meets her fifth one, social workers don't know what to do with her. Another two years later she's institutionalised, filled to the brim with drugs satisfying the needs of pharmaceutical companies. Trapped in a straight jacket, between four white walls. Being used to purchase meds to keep the production going. The least the useless can do is a word invented by capitalism: consumerism.
So they shall consume, such a harsh forced fate. Everybody's mind would break.
For those who's sun shines grey, where salvation waits on the thin line of a sharpened blade. I'll tell you, suffer needlessly. The world thrives on you.
986 · Jun 2014
Stevie Ray Jun 2014

Even though I'm blind
I hope that y'all can see
that you all are very hard to reach
even though we have hearts
and old-time wounds that bleed
we breathe the same smog
thinking that it ain't affecting me
but our minds are clouded
so no matter what you think
you all ain't fooling me

tap water, swallow 2 litres of sorrow everyday
work hard, pay bills, no time to work on my guilt today
Looking at my boss his expectations in the mirror every morning
looking at myself, swallow the bitter pill because I'm still not mourning
the void withing me is an excellent place
to fill with tears and fears
inhale poisonous smoke
ignore my blackening heart
I should clean out my closet
but I'm afraid of the dark

See what I mean?
I see you jump in an ocean of sorrow and guilt
drown yourself in bitter envy filled pills
I'm still standing on the side
where it's dry
hoping you're looking back when you've said goodbye
truth is
I just wanna go with my people
I just wanna go with my people
but I don't
and hope I never will
953 · Feb 2015
Stevie Ray Feb 2015
loop, a reverse loop
the same story
a double standard
which is backwards
and went forward
or vice versa
two loops
in a loophole
three loops
make a paradox
which undid me
before I could end me
and it ended me
before I could meet my end
it made a new beginning
before I could start over

949 · Oct 2014
Divine Corruption (10W)
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
The Red Lights shine bright throughout the Halls of Asgard.
946 · Aug 2014
Obstacles the size of ants
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
With my head high up the sky.
My feet finally landed on solid ground.
A giant.
939 · Nov 2017
Manifest your dreams
Stevie Ray Nov 2017
Crush your wishes
into an unwavering foundation.
Trample upon your dreams
for they should be turned into pavement.
Carve your goal into your soul.
Shed all your tears
because your back is turned to home.
Walk away from your loved ones.
Walk away from comfort all so you can grow.
So struggle and writhe in agony.
Find pleasure in the pain
of denying to dream,
because what matters,
should be turned into reality.
Have your hands bleed,
molding every thought,
into a stone cold brick.

Manifestation is the work of God.

Laugh because you challenge
and challenge is never easy.
Laugh because you'll lose
but let it not wither your determination.
Scream because you suffer
as you defy the road of billions.
Scream because you're in agony
growing pains for the child in you
As living your dreams is what adults
see and write off as fantasy,
but it's what you and I both know
we all should do.
936 · Sep 2014
Blossom of a lost tree
Stevie Ray Sep 2014
Steal my poems, all of them
For I care not where it goes
Spread them, claim that my words are yours
and I shall gladly witness
my thoughts being spread across the globe
Pour out my ashes
for every poem is part of my soul
Every poem
a desperate attempt to cleanse my thoughts
So spread my work
I will touch hearts where ever my feelings go
I know I am armed to the teeth
So be my arms dealer
and soon I will have the world within arms reach
Every person armed to the teeth
with stolen words they can barter,
ask questions, provide insight
that others can't see
Steal my work, please
Every poem will spark heat
Ignite and hearts beat
My children will fall free
For I am a lost tree
Stevie Ray Jun 2015
Een blinde vlek voor de observant
een langdurige schaduw die de zon alleen kan bereiken door de weerkaatsing van licht
op specifieke tijden
en via specifieke planeten
op cruciale zeldzame plaatsen
De zon schijnt er niet
diepe kraters en littekens
alles komt hard binnen
er is geen atmosfeer die klappen verzacht
of obstakels verbrand
alles komt ongefilterd binnen
Alles vind plaats in de schaduw
Terwijl de andere kant straalt
en iedereen het prachtige schouwspel 'snachts aanschouwt
Alleen een enkeling echt bewust
van de misère die afspeelt aan de duistere kant van de maan
Daarvoor is de maan dankbaar
dankbaar dat het gezicht dat niemand ziet
gezien word en erkent word.
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
all tears dried up within'
feel it slippin'
slowly sinkin'
hearing mermaids singin'

I'm in a hurry
to grab hold of this
very special woman
but I got to go deep
spread my angels wings
to accelerate speed
there's only one thing on my mind
only one thing I see
that's you..

I grab your hand
go to the surface
don't perish
swim towards the coast
that once had you rejected
Solid ground has to accept it
Still have you in my arms
I will never let go
and I will always fight
I breathe in air
and give you a kiss of life
908 · Sep 2014
Strengthened Bond
Stevie Ray Sep 2014
Aside from my own sadness
Present like a vibrating string
playing a sad melody from my Soul's voilin
Trying to resurface
past tears I've desperately
tried to hold within
There are fresh tears
Sorrow and pain that I'm lovingly
breathing in
My heart is crying
My heart is scrying
desperately closing in
to take away what's hurting you
looking for new sounds
attaching new strings
composing and further developing my play
on my voilin
Exploiting this bond that you and I both share within
Even though we have never met
Even though we will in time
You probably don't realize
that deep down inside
I'm crying these tears
that aren't mine
This bond
These times
where Life lives up to your name
I'll try to take at least a part of your pain
Even through this distance
I feel so close to you
This bond we share can never sever
Because we have already shared  
this moment of intimacy
we cry together
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
Lock eyes with Medusa and burn my flirtatious look in her mind
as my being turns into stone.
Fill her heart with regret, for she will never know love
nor can she look someone straight in the eyes
and witness a soul.
I'll die contempt forever being able to bring harm
to such a hideous creature.
I'll die relieved as my shoulders crumble
and the world that I am carrying comes
crashing down mercilessly.
I'll die happy, forever relieved to be buried
under my own world.
I'll die a stone, finally becoming one with my world
being physically closer to those I love.
I'll die a world, becoming part of it
I'll wait for someone stronger to carry me.
893 · Nov 2014
187 Poets
Stevie Ray Nov 2014
Broken bones, cracked wood, bullet holes
concrete jungle, trashed hoods
events parted souls.
New generation,
burned eyes, pictures burned within
the frame of mind.
Flicker like flames, burning bright
like daytime. Behaviour leaving
vague signs..smokesignals.
Adding oil, fake signs
attracted like a moth to the flame
the pyromaniac saves time.
set-up, stamp time
written the punchline
**** it, it's lunchtime
This One Ate Seven Poets
Get burned lines
like the horizon touching the *sunrise
Thought I'd write something punchy!
881 · Mar 2015
Stevie Ray Mar 2015
Unspoken words screaming to those who listen
pleas of the fallen ****** echo through abandoned halls
eroded by millions of years of emptyness
lingering sadness, the tears of Regret
create a damp moist atmosphere
moss absorbs and settles in the dark
growing....conquering for reasons undisclosed
because it can
because it can mercilessly run free unchecked through the empty space
slowly but surely establishing dominance...
the wind lies still
slumbers like an ancient Dragon
away from all the events happening elsewhere
time slows to a near stop
the voices sleep with the wind
and all comes to an end
slowly and surely the passage of time ceases to exist
when all life and energy comes to a complete standstill
it is then a place becomes eternity
it is then the definition of time is rebuttled
Shattered physics as broken shards of glass uncover the lie that lies behind it
time doesn't exist. Merely the speed at which events move.. and when all stops moving immortality can be achieved.
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
Only Mankind can teach animals to express love and caring.
to set the context, I mean other animals from a different breed or race.
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
"Oh hi, good moments and happy feelings"

"Not today man"
I wave at them when they pass by..
806 · Sep 2015
Me vs. You
Stevie Ray Sep 2015
Hate inciting, fate deciding that I should break this silence.
Your claims beguiling, creating violence that negates uniting.
But that wave subsiding,
a flame's igniting that will change the tiding.
Remain in hiding,
I will break the chains of all this rage and violence.
Rearrange your sacred writings,
transcribing silence with striking rhyming. Shine so blinding it would redefine your findings
This. is writing.
I deny dividing! Mankind defiling and I aspire climbing higher,
I desire
I am fire
Firing wires
that defy dividence
Rise in silence
Uninvited fighting
by simply uniting
to clear the sky
of our tyrant Lightning.
Stevie Ray Jan 2018
A small girl
sitting in the wind,
enduring gale
after gale
of pondering
if she has
the confidence
She fights
while enduring
the raging winds

A breeze of fresh air
turns into a
dark, question mark.

The young girls mind
heavy water torrents
raging inside
She wants to drown
cuz she wants to survive

I'm screaming against the wind
wishing I could heal her
with words
that burst from within
with fire burning
from the heart
tears dripping down
my chin
turn to ice
making blisters
on my

It leaves me paralyzed
from the pain that's in her wind

She turns around
showing the purest smile
courage shining brightly
behind those saddened eyes
which ignites me
I'm in awe, inspired
that strength
that hearts desire

"You stand strong
with no eye in this storm!
But it's a fight you will win!
You ignite the people around you
because your heart
is heard through the roar
in these winds!
You will soar
through the sky
in your mind
because that strength
already lies within!"

My words never reached her
because she stood up
and walked her path

I can only hope
she catches
a few of my words
that are now drifing
in the wind.
759 · Oct 2014
High like.. (10W)
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
I'm a **** in Heaven, head in the clouds.
737 · Oct 2014
No Mercy for Myself
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
I look in the mirror
I look into my vacant empty eyes
at the end of the emptyness
I see a cave made of ancient ice

Shackled palms
Shackled feet
Frozen chains
Broken me

Stalactites formed from out my eyes
frozen fear
Frozen breath
panic attacks
Frozen sweat
Ice sheets for clothes
Frozen trap

walk into the cave
enjoy the beautifull
frozen white
grab a stalactite
and stab
my shackled self
right in the heart

The spike slowly turns red
I look at myself
and he says: I thought you'd forget,
will you come back?


I turned my back
and I left.
733 · Dec 2014
You Are.. <3 (2 words)
Stevie Ray Dec 2014
723 · Jan 2015
Stevie Ray Jan 2015
soft lips kiss
sweat, lust, drips
mixed with bliss
skin quivers passionate
jaw clenches
during rawwww,
in animal-like fashion
skins touch,
drip, drip, wet
hands gripping sheets
throw it off of me
your being
in heat
eyes meet
eyes close
yet I see
every single
***** little thing your body
aches for

to see you lost
in lust and pleasure
absent from reality
when waves of pleasure
shock you senseless
in the seventh heaven
719 · Sep 2014
Displace/This Place
Stevie Ray Sep 2014
Shattered soul
rests drifting through floating remnants
of an ancient spark
this spark is fragmented and scattered
it's flame died out eons ago
drifting trough the undescribable something
words to describe this feeling of dread
do exist yet
the greatest poet's mind simply rejects it
in selfdefence
it is this place where we reside
it is this place we strive to know
it is this place we strive to describe
but we can't
and we never will
to uncover this place
would mean it would be exposed
there for everyone to see
eyes that can glare at this place
stripped naked, bare
innocent, pure
what once lied in the shadows
covered by a dark veil
kept safe by the shared consciousness
of the Poet that binds us all
would lie naked
like a remnant in a glass house
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
Shadows dancing on the walls
sitting in my new apartment
one candle lit
Perfect symphony
flame and wind
a show of passion and freedom
Gods of the two dimensional world

Shadows dancing on the walls
ballet of dread
shadows of bloodsplatters
ripped muscles, hair
limbs fly freely in the air
a witness to a ****** scene

Shadows dancing on the walls
distorted figures
a show of psychoses
Gods gather on the walls
they give me instructions
a witness of the divine

Shadows dancing on the walls
they suddenly stand up
a show of intervention
the shadows whisper:'we are you'
I respond:'true, I'm me'
the shadows vanish
a witness of self acceptance
711 · Oct 2016
Inner Glow
Stevie Ray Oct 2016
Gaze upon the light I shed, my own.
Never wish it to be yours
because I deny you the right to claim my light as your own.
Feel free to take from others except my loved ones and we will have no quarrel, they stand outside the bounderies of my concern
But as an acquainted soul of many lives lived
I bring one final gesture from the thought of agreements, promises and alliances that we might have made in a long forgotten past
"Take light from others and you will never shine true"

If you decide to never shine
I hope living in my shadow will bring you comfort and warmth.
My back is strong and shoulders broad
my steps are firm, my intuition a star in the distant horizon
The bricks of my path cemented in unwavering resolve
I will walk
with Heaven in my heart
and fresh air in my lungs
A smile on my face
and kindness in my eyes
With strength build on love
and an inner glow
that is rooted within
the foundation of my soul
697 · Aug 2014
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
When you first come to this place, you would probably forget where you are heading. Golden Gates, clear blue sky, laughter. Birds flying way up high. A kind man greets you with a smile. His bright blue eyes sparkle a bit and he tells you, you can enter. You step through the gates and  there's an Angel waiting for you. The experience and sheer aura of this Angel makes you slightly bow down you head as you witness purity itself. Only then can you imagine what it must be like to meet Him. Because no matter how you look at it there can't be someone more pure than Him. He greets you with a warm smile. His eyes shed a faint pure light. His halo made of white pure light, a beacon you now know was there when it was dark. Mezmerized, almost smitten you just stand there, realising how small you are. The Angel calls you by a name you don't recognise and he noticed it. The fear you feel of telling him what your real name is, is almost to great to bear. To stand up against such a higher existence, a being probably thousands of years old and still so young. When you're about to stand up for yourself, taken a moment to gather the courage, he apologises and says that he calls you by your Soulname. He explains that you lived nearly as long as he did and that every soul here has a name of it's own. He also says that it's time to follow him. He guides you to a palace and after a while you enter a room. Inside this room there's a halo shining a bright white light. It draws you in, you don't notice the Angel closing the door behind you. The White light goes out and the first thing you see is the eyes of your new mother.

When you first come to this place you would probably forget where you are heading. At least for some, there's only one place for me to go. Upon witnessing the Golden gates I look both left and right and see the Golden fence stretch infinitely. I look up and see the birds flying, I let my eyes adjust at the distance for a moment. The birds are trying to fly further up, but they can't. Open Air prison is what comes to mind. I walk towards the gates and see Petrus, he greets me. Behind his blue eyes there's a sparkle of madness. He tells me to go on through as I walk past him an Angel greets me. Welcomes me home and calls me Axle. Images flash by of my hundreds of previous lives. Lives where I always stood up for people, always helped them and loved them. I look back at the Angel and greet him. 'It's been a long time Earos'. He tells me to follow him and he guides me to the palace. After walking for a while I enter a room. Inside of this room is a halo shining a pure white light. It instantly moves above my head and with it i've lost my individual way of thinking.

*When you first come to this place you probably forget where you are heading. At least most people would. But not me, no Sir, there's only one place for me to go. As I look at the Golden Gates I'm kind of confused, inside the golden bars I see flames being contained inside them. I look up and see birds flying. I try and look better and I see them flying further upwards. Why would they do that? The birds suddenly dive and increase their speed to the point where they burn to ashes. Suicide? I walk to the gates and see Petrus. He greets me with a grin and whispers 'welcome home brother'. I ignore him and proceed past the gates. An Angel greets me, his eyes pure white. But I can still smell the fear mixed with a bit of sweat. Right before he tries to call my Name I immediatly regain the memories of my past ten lives. Lives filled with ******, madness, abuse,fraud,greed,envy and every other sin and crime I commited. Right before he calls me my name I scream SILENCE! Don't you dare speak my name Axle! I look him right in his eyes, he's silent. Now, take me home. When we enter the palace gates I start to feel strange. Uncomfortable, itchy and sweaty. I enter a room, inside it there's a Halo shining pure white light. When it moves over my head I grab it and smash it on the floor. The lights go out, pure darkness envelops me. The first thing I see is a throne with a man sitting on it. I look around and all I see is wasteland burning, broken buildings, cruficixes burning. The man welcomes me leans forward and says the following: Zacharias or Zac, good that you're here. I've been waiting for ten years to meet you, to meet the Left hand of God. With these words spoken the rest of my memories unlock, a time of where I was an Angel. Suddenly forced back into the world of living only to commit sin and ******. I'm shocked and take a step back. Lucifer says he has an explanation for what happened. Ten years ago, right after I got sent back a few Angels managed to seal God in his room using unholy methods found in lost and sealed chapters of the Bible from Hell. Lucifer explains that he made me commit sin for ten lives in order for me to get in Hell and escape their trap. He asks me for help because sealing his Archenemy upset the balance of the passing of Souls. And it's something that needs to be rectified. I agree to help him and with agreeing an Old War has resurfaced.
691 · Feb 2015
My work here
Stevie Ray Feb 2015
An old soul with a young heart
I do not fear death
For I have been there longer
than I have been alive
I'm not scared to
go back home
after a hard days work
A couple more lives...
your sons and daughters will
see the influence of my work
and my time spent here...
A couple more lives...
before my job here is done
and I can finally retire
and once more
become a part of
our collective conciousness
and your sons and daughters
will enkindle and move as one
I'd say a job well done
Well where's my promotion b*tch! He said defiantly to the supervisor Angel
680 · Aug 2014
Stevie Ray Aug 2014
Rip my heart open.
Void inside..
Splatter my brains..
Tidal wave of thoughts..
Expose my soul.
Black flames burning.
Dissect my life
See pure desire.
Witness my death..
The miracle of a wish granted...
666 · Oct 2014
Poisoned Penmanship
Stevie Ray Oct 2014
Yesterday night
After an evening of indulging myself in liquid poison
I found my self standing in a club
Boom boom boom boom
The bass strangely palpitates on the rhythm of my anxiety
Light flashes
And life flashes slashing my mind in it's entirety
Soul sweating, soaking my composure entirely
Light flickers
My psyche shivers..
Images with every flicker portray what I mostly miss
Quickly gulping down another glass of this *** and mix
Vision blurry, yet the imagery is fixed, so it's pointless to go full throttle
There are lots of differences
between alcohol and liquid Sorrow
Guess earlier tonight at the store I must have bought
the wrong bottles

So we put our hands up, like the ceiling can't hold us
**** that, this song is so bad it's the end of rap
As I fall within the depths
landing on deck of my Mind's Ship
Giving out nonsense orders
like I've become a swashbuckling pirate
At the end of the night
I take a dive in a sea of smoke
my brain inhales
and ironically welcomes
"Davy Jones"
644 · Oct 2015
First Impression Tactics.
Stevie Ray Oct 2015
It is a curse this eye, my knowledge inside
resides in my mind inside a web of reality, perceived
I bleed to die a sigh what do I see?  are you relieved? a lie?
Pleased to meet  I courteously smile and greet
your handshake's weak so I straighten my back to hide the fact
the lion's fed, show no sign of attack
I step back and chat like an anxious cat
smile to show you where the fangs are kept
You relax, a trap? I check your stance is bad
So it's time to strike with might to prove you
that I might just see right through you.
634 · Nov 2014
Bloody Poems
Stevie Ray Nov 2014
Ink flows through my veins
sharpen blades on my wrist
bleeding on paper
swallowing my pain
through the clenching of my fist
slicing through tendons
feeling dismembered
like I'm expelled from a group
coming up is December
a time spent together
yet I'll probably sit with my Solitude
me and him in my room
with paper and knife
cutting myself to see
what my blood will write
Innards embody a scribe
parts of me die
either given away
or taken from me
my blood is here for you to read
honost and open
no flow of deceit
and not a trace of defeat.
Stevie Ray Apr 2015
I would unite this world under a common goal that what matters is not how much you possess but how long you can stay on a cosmic scale. I would like us to focus on how long we can stay here and I believe that in order for us to achieve that we must work with our environment instead of against it.

I believe that if we balance our ecological footprint to nature's standards we would easily last more than 15 million years and maybe outlast the dinosaurs. Excluding big apocolyptic events that may or definitly will happen in the long term future. In the past hundred years we have made humongous technological progress and we are on the precipice of understanding the world around us. Imagine how far we would come in ten million years even if you include ups and downs regarding progress. Which is still just a dot on a cosmic scale. But at least it's a dot. With the way we currently handle things we wouldn't even get as close as a spec on a cosmic timeline. Considering that we would only have to balance out our ecological footprint to achieve this makes you wonder what would happen if we were able to not only balance out nature but also use the fundamentals of nature itself to progress the growth and evolution of the environment. To make it livier on this planet, to help nature become more self-sustaining or even create recoures through bio-engineering.
We would effectively be able to utilize the forces of nature to also work for our survival. Maybe contributing in amazing ways, like a more efficient magnetic field.

From the perspective of a timeline that stretches into millions of years of technological civilization other problems that must be tackled come into play. How do we protect ourselves against extreme solar outbursts from the sun? How would we survive an ice age? How would we survive an asteroid? To be able to actively think and tackle those problems would not only be amazing and scary but it would also mark our unity as a species. These problems can't be solved if we aren't united. Every individual, every child has a great inventive mind brimmed with idea's, dreams, love and ambition.

I want us to utilize all those talents, all those ideas and see how long we can last. I want us to stay for a very long time. I want to know that when other species look at our planet they are looking at our civilization as it was one billion year ago, when we were still bashing eachother's heads in with wooden clubs. I want them to realize that they are looking at the beginning of a civilization one billion years ago. And I want them to know that if they looked a little bit closer they would realize we are still there.

After those ten days I would step down and I would have wanted to create a world where no one would step up and take leadership. We would all be equal and united under this common goal.
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