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Dear friend,
You walk with me and hold my hand
On days there is no sun
for me
No rainbow on grey sky
You listen to my agony
Even wipe my tears when I cry.

All you do to make me forget
To make me smile again
I know I always can count on
you when everyone else
has left.

You’re also the first to call
and ask me “friend how are you”
The last to leave my side
In the darkest of my days
You never walk away.

Dear friend you are very dear to me.
The best friend one can have.
You really are my mainstay.
A lightbeam in my dark.
I want to let you know
today and say
“ Thank you”.

Thank you my friend.
Then comes that time
Devine season ,
Extra fragrance in the house
Roasted chicken , cinnamon
taking extra time for one another
to show that  we are thankful
For the passing year✨✨
Where people come together
And take special care

Take special time for others
Showing that they’re seen
Buying little presents
To express  the love we share.

O beautiful and lovely season We’ve waited one year long.
To stare at all that beauty
And listen to Your songs
But most of all to give that extra touch to all the people
Who mean the world to us

Let’s pray and be thankful
As we should do every day
for everything You’ve given
day by day
It’s surely worth waiting
For You to return each year
Know that we are grateful
Each and every year
In this world where we’re living
We should treat all people
like it’s Christmas all the time .

Shell ✨🐚
Christmas vibes
Streaming waters of Amazon
Life veins of mighty Paradise
Untouched rainforest
With only mother trees
Where air is clean to breathe
No pollution
only sounds of animals
singing in harmony.
Pure Nature.
Like holy ground
Not meant to be touched
just to be and let it be.

Respect our Amazon
Let my words attract you
Distract you
Bring you under moon and open sky
With the purest love of all
Be mine for eternity
Read me through written time

Shell ✨🐚
Nothing more precious then reading a good book
Maybe writing one !
The bud was asleep
for such a long time
Waited so long for the season
to shine
Then comes the time she is trilled to be

Can’t wait to become a flower
To show off her beauty
For the whole world to see.
Specially to be kissed by the bees

No one knew she waited so long
For this special buzzing bee
to come along
She opened all petals
Beautiful colors to see
Lovely fragrance ascending
To attract her bee

The beautiful flower was kissed by her sweet love
the buzzing bee.

Shell ✨🐚
Trauma the roots
Everything is closing in
Tears like rivers
In the end you’re drowning in.
It’s not you....
It’s what’s done to you.

Every form of addiction has it roots in some kind of trauma. We must keep an open mind. There is much fear and loneliness there. With love you can move mountains.
Trauma in the roots
Everything  closing in
Tears like rivers
In the end you’re drowning
It’s not you....
It’s what’s done to you.
Be open
For help.

Many are struggling with unsolved feelings.
Aggression is what we see.
When someone behaves a certain way, don’t judge. It often comes from pain deep within.
Corona seems such a sweet name.

The howling wind is passing by
When they bury the men
and the  people cry
So many lifes forever changed.

Lockdowns all around
Nothing more the same
A crown shaped virus
Is to blame.

Corona doesn’t ask  
what’s your color
what’s your race
what’s your faith
not even what’s your name.

The whole world
for once together
suffering the same
So many hurt
So much  pain remains.

Shell ✨🐚

- [ ]
People  take good care of yourself.
Protect yourself and each other
Stay safe!
Sparkling sunbeams in the deep
Swirling embrace in  blue clean  waters
Makes you want to dance with me
Gracious motions set you free
Naked emotions are to see
Moving innerself
Oceans blues
Come along dance with me.

Shell ✨🐚
Keep our oceans clean.
The eyes
Lock of the mind

With eyes open wide
you  can’t
feel the mind.
When eyes are closed
the mind will open!!

The flower,  waiting for the wind
To move with grace
Waiting for the sun
to open fully, to bloom at last.
Waiting for the bees
to be kissed so deeply
To be carried away.
To far away places, to bring happiness
somewhere, somehow in someway
Waiting for human eyes to caress her beauty
before she’ll be gone from here forever.

Shell ✨🐚
Beauty of flowers, all flowers.
You can read it as a metaphor as well.
We all are like flowers in the wind, rain, sun.
Blooming and fading away.
There she was.
In hiding.
Too hurt to face others.
The world around her fell apart.
God where are you?

She felt something inside.
Besides all this ugliness something else was happening.
She felt the need to live, to survive.
The light was within.
A melody in her head.
A song in her heart.
Seeping through the cracks of sorrows.
Reaching her core.

She was praying.
God, give me strength to love and trust again.
This world seems so unfair.
But am I not born for a reason?
A warm glow from within gave her light to see.
She saw handles to hold on to.
To find her way out.
And she bloomed.
Like a violet in the dark growing to the light.

People are like flowers
All in need of light and water
To bloom.

Be kind to each other.
Life is a gift.
Spend it well.
live healthy and with respect.
Life itself is a gamble.
Play with gratitude
Be thankful and win the lottery every morning.

In life we must be simple, grateful and humble!! Makes you a happy person.
Why do you watch openly from afar but getting closer you got so shy.
Hiding behind the tree
Afraid I’m going to touch thee
I guess I want a kiss from you
A kiss is just a kiss
Or a sign
When it’s more then what it seems
butterflies are not death but still alive
It’s the beginning of something new.
A touch of the heart.

behind a cloud you hide
in my dreams I search for you
lingering moon love

Shell ✨🐚
Read a book
Uncover hidden stories
To discover hidden feelings
See magnolias butterflies
come to life
right before your eyes .

Shell ✨🐚
The power of reading.
I am clean and bright
with iridescent green head
and deep yellow bill.
I’m gliding over silent waters
It’s early afternoon
going to my mate, I can’t wait.
So glad it’s spring again, grass is fresh and strong
We make a beautiful sight together.
To caress your eyes
People looking at me taking pictures
Guess they can see
how deeply in love I am.
I’m on my way.

Shell ✨🐚
Beautiful creatures appearing in spring.
Mesmerized by your appearance
I can’t take my eyes off of you
Like another planet full of light
You come close,  give color to the night
You see everything that’s happening on this Earth
So much darkness so much pain
Want to swing to bring me closer to you
You’re the eye of God, watching
Everyone that do harm, who is to blame.
All I want is whisper to you,
you’re my Moon.
Tell you all my secrets and my name too.

Shell ✨🐚
Pearls of blood in eyes of Mary.
Waves of sadness hit me all the time.
What once was, now gone without a proper goodbye.
Pray for health to watch you grow,  bud of life.
While praising by living healthy.
Try to be kind and grateful all the time.
Live life with grace and elegance.
Like a flower in the wind.
Always staying in the wild.

The wildflower liked being in the wild. Flourishing in silent peace.
While dancing in the wind.

While we bury  a loved one we are blessed with the birth of new life.
One single eye
Watching everything  
Seeing al the bad
The ones in pain
Robbery, abuse, ****
I can go on
But also all the good
Others taking care
Doing good without gain
You can’t hide from His eye
At night when the moon
is there.

Shell ✨🐚
Your deeds will never go unnoticed!!
Always try to do good!!
What a beauty
showing off in nature
Life is full of this surprises
as is nature’s way.
Bloom and make my day
Like little colorful presents
Presented to us everyday
Let us look around
See what nature has to offer
A  variety of all flowers
A good reflection of all humans beautiful in their own special way.

Little great orchid
Proud you stand on sunny days
Bright colorful queen.

Shell ✨🐚
Read, learn
When you don’t read
When you don’t think
about what you read
You will always be
like a bird in a cage
Waitng to be freed
Read , set yourself free.
Let no one control you.

Shell ✨🐚
Education the most important way to
freedom. We must help each other to achieve this!!
Stronger then the bond of love
Stronger then the bond of shared values
Is the bond of shared pain.
Forever connected are those
who shared a  tragedy.
And still it’s because of love that we survive!

Shell ✨🐚
Love the most important
Written, spoken and heard
Give relieve
writer, speaker and listener.

But... they can also hurt.

Shell ✨🐚
It’s good to write down what you feel, it helps you cope.
It’s good to listen, you learn, help another.
It’s good to read, you learn
In silent waters I move gracefully
Long necked swan with elegant ways
I glide , not a ripple I make
Passing valleys low and mountains high
As witnesses they stand
While finishing my way
In early moonlit hours to meet my King of life.

Shell ✨🐚
Mysterious wind
Moving air in four directions
You present yourself in different ways.
Sometimes you stand still
Carry me over land
Cross me over oceans
Bring me to where earth ends
Sometimes you make me fly
Sweet whispers in my ear
Lift my spirit up
You move everything you touch.
Bring tears to my eyes.

The wind, one of nature great forces
The aura is broken
Open wound, for anything to come in
Either to be  hurt more
or to let the healing begin.
The wounded mind heals with care, trust.
With love
Let’s heal each other.

Shell ✨🐚
You can read it in silence
You can read it out loud
You can sing the lyrics of it.
It will stay forever still.
So write a poem
write a letter to all your
love ones!
With the written word
your word will live on
and on and on!

Shell ✨🐚
Looking at the sky
I see my mind
Blue …..

Shell ✨🐚
Three white doves sitting still
No use flying now
Danger everywhere.

sitting in the cellar,
sitting numb,  
praying for LOVE….
shooting guns
throwing bombs.

Shell ✨🐚
Hope- Love - Peace will get us through life.
It’s ironic that we fight for peace.
When in love with forbidden love
Guilty pleasure can begin
As is the beginning of a dark game
Seems exciting, so much passion
In wanting what isn’t yours to begin with.
All the more attracted you are
But know this
It isn’t worth the heartache and the pain
The waiting of two for the same.
In the end everybody loses.
The love, the trust
Many stay broken hearted
in this ugly game.

Never take something
that doesn’t belong to you.
That’s called stealing.
Never betray someone
who trusted you.
That’s called cheating.
Temptations are always there.
Certain things in life are sacred
It ain’t worthy
to lose the good things you already got.

Cherish what you have.

Shell ✨🐚
Forbidden love
I will pin it down
Beauty in sadness
Will make you cry
The sadness of beauty so divine
Blanket of love to cover ourselves
Poems ,
breathing jewels of the spirit.

Writing, everlasting.
Trough moons eyes I see
A world asleep
Not entirely
I see nightlife
So many wandering at night
Homeless in the cold
Searching for a place to hide
Lovers whispering,  looking at me.

Shell ✨🐚
My happiness is gone
tears in my eyes
Only sadness
When I know I am not welcome
No one wants me in their land
I’ve been running from my once called home
They smoked us away
Do you know how that feels?
To know that nowhere on this earth there is a place for me?
Where I’m welcome to stay and build a home?
You judge me because?
I am just a child, I am lost
Walked miles every day in sun and rain with stomach pain.
A burden in everybody’s land
Yes I know it’s theirs,
their right by birth.
I have none.
They let me know every second that passes by that
I’m not welcome here and nowhere.
Can you imagine  how that feels?
Do you know where and how I live? You wouldn’t last a day.
Only sadness on my mind
Eyes filled with tears all the time. Emptiness inside.
So much pain so much grief.
Is it fair to be a child like me?
Just because!!
You could easily have been me.
Think about that.

Shell ✨🐚
Refugee children walking from Myanmar to Bangladesh. Breaks your heart only thinking about all refugee children.
My lover is mine and I am his.
Till early morning dew of day
Till late evenings owls call
Where valleys end
and hills begin.
Till end of time
where eternity starts.

Shell ✨🐚
Valentine 🌹
Everything is a matter of time
Sometimes you just sit
Watch the time
You wait while time goes by
Then time goes so fast
Not enough time
To do all the things
Always in a rush
In the end
Time doesn’t wait
Doesn’t wait for a
life unfinished
Clock is ticking while
time stands still
Everybody’s gone
The wait is over
The light has left the eyes
No more rush
The time has come
To go home

Shell ✨🐚
Winter season,
grey colorless skies
audible in the distance.
Empty feeling in crowded house.
Long, chilly nights, dead water streaming.
Veins with cold blood, stuck.
Passion in black clothes, not breathing.

The year is moving, Spring in birth canal.
Waiting to be born.
I think of you, lying beside you .
I dream of movements of bold trees.
It excites me.
I know it’s wrong but in my mind it’s full blown spring.
A white cloud is coming to me.
Like a bride in cotton candy.
Thinking of you, no more winter skies.

I close my eyes.
In my mind there you are.
There is an explosion of fire in the sky.
Summer in your eyes,
reflecting colors of a sky, burning.
I’m drifting.
It’s summer in my head and my mind is singing.

With passing time,
new days
new seasons
new loves
New memories.
Time, essential to it all.

Time, day, night, new month, new season.
New year.
You are  the sum of time.
Life, how much time left.
Can’t stop it, can’t save it.
Can’t reverse it.
Love, the key to all doors in life.
Faith the fundament to stand on.
Love is a mix of magic and commitment.
Live every moment the fullest
We all have a birthday.
We all have a death date.
In between life happens
Fate through Faith
Passing time until it’s time.
You can’t cheat that
You can’t cheat death.
When your time stands still
While the clock is ticking
then your time is up.
Hold my hand
You will feel my voice
You will feel my love
The stream of love creates a song.
That stays in the heart forever.
When eyes turn blind for light of life
Eternal sight takes over.
The love you felt in spirit and mind
Still there when  crossing over.
Still many have regrets
If only we could have saved time to do certain things over.

Shell ✨🐚
We’re here for a certain amount of time.
Treasure it. Cherish each other.
While time goes by
every second of the day
I disappear, slowly
Losing myself in eternity
living in our own timeline
Growing old
everyday living and dying a little
Time never stops until the breathing stops
The clock stays ticking.

Shell ✨🐚
We  all are here for a certain time still timeless we all are
Fresh green landscape  filled with morning dew.
Awakening after winter sleep
Turquoise sky
Soft pale sun greeting pastel blooming trees .
Whispering leaves in all kinds of green.
Field with opening flower buds
All in blooming mode
As far as the eyes can see.
Soon splendor of colors will follow .I can hear early chatter of parakeets.
Birds can’t wait to bathe in splash of water.
Everything alive back to live the fullest
Everyone in bloom
People energetic, smiling in their happy clothes
Spring painting, rich and colorful
coming to life.

Shell ✨🐚
Spring begins.
Muted forever.
Links of misplaced zipper sewed together.
I am locked inside my emptiness.
Hollow do I sound.
Watching eyes all around, following you what you do.
Can’t express, feelings of suppression, weighing heavy, making me intensely broken.
Time is limited.
No change before the twelfth hour.
Without freedom time stands still forever.
Only memories,
haunting me.
I’ll be weeping forever.
Tears from deep lacerations.
Like belt stripes on my naked skin.
In my lifetime,
I couldn’t be what I was meant to be.
God have mercy on me and them.

Don’t tiptoe walking through your journey
Don’t walk on eggshells all the time
It’s your life, be yourself.
You are enough....
Let no one take your thunder away
Let star showers make you sparkle
You are worthy
You are love, you are light
Walk on solid ground
leave a sparkle behind.
everywhere you go.

Shell ✨🐚
Believe in yourself and the world will too .
Being in love with life,
with love.
Love for living things.
Nature, music,
who I haven’t met yet.
a melody I haven’t heard yet.
Warming my heart already,
making me happy.
Just waiting to be born.

And there I was, in a colorful world.
Listening to the song of
Watching all kinds of animals and all kinds of people together in harmony.
Wondering where all the water was.
Then I recognized you.
You are my mother.

Shell ✨🐚
Every child has the right to be born.
It’s breathing, moving, it’s living.
In my sleep
That’s when we meet.
That’s when I see.
With all the clarity of daylight.
With all the mystic mysteries of night.
The answers to all the riddles
Let me wipe the tears.
Let me take you by the hand.
You’re not alone.
You see when I close my eyes
I’m with you
All along in a never ending song.
As a jewel buried within.
In the heart forever.
Because true love knows no distance.

Shell ✨🐚
Love overcomes every hurdle every distance !!
Being in love with life,
with love.
Love for living things.
Nature, music,
who I haven’t met yet.
a melody I haven’t heard yet.
Warming my heart already,
making me happy.
Just waiting to be born.

And there I was, in a colorful world.
Listening to the song of
Watching all kinds of animals and all kinds of people together in harmony.
Wondering where all the water was.
Then I recognized you.
You are my mother, my brother
my sister
You are me and I love you
Human being.

Shell ✨🐚
We are all human beings. Little different from the outside but just the same !!
Let’s love each other and stop the useless hating.
What’s happening to others today can easily be happening to you tomorrow.
Stop the useless wars.
World Peace please!
I know I am so naive.
Translucent rain can’t hide behind it.
A necessity for the world.
Brings freshness to this Earth.
Translucent tears can’t hide the pain.
They fall like shimmering rain
Life itself is to blame.
Translucent waters, clean to drink from,
a must for all living things.
Translucent oceans, a necessity for sealife
to live healthy to have longevity
So humankind can survive
Translucent air to see blue sky clear
No misty fog to choke the throat and burn the eyes.
Translucent heart, like a crystal jewel
Filled with light, filled with love
For all our people
Just share love by being kind
Afterall we’re all humans, different, still so much alike.
We are all one of one kind.

There are many secrets
out there
The  world is
your treasure box
Go and find
your jewels.

Shell ✨🐚
Despite everything the world is a beautiful place. Just look around.
He created everything beautiful!!
Try to be happy and grateful.
It doesn’t cost anything to look and enjoy all the beautiful things that are out there
Little  golden” planet”
Invisible rope from blue black sky
Spreading passionate glow
over satinlike waters
heart filled with gratitude
and light
Closed eyes, warm breeze
Under coconut tree
Peaceful beach.

Shell ✨🐚
Till death do us part
Sixty years have past
She  has
breast cancer and dementia
He still takes care of her
so much tender love

As a health care worker I’m confronted with this. It touched me.
Treasured dreams.
Disappearing behind fog of life.
Blurred vision
trying to see through curtain
of falling night.
Mystery promise made
Anticipation growing
Flourishing awaits

In lover’s close embrace
Dark of night turns in
light of day and
flowers smile.
Dreams came true last night.
Counting hours passing by
Anticipation for once again
a passionate night’s delight.

Time passes while
love stays young forever.

Shell ✨🐚
True love grows but doesn’t get old.
We grow old and our love ripens  but stays young forever.
The world can be beautiful
as a tulip sea,
living together with differences
in harmony.
If only we try harder
Love unconditionally.

Shell ✨🐚
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