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448 · May 2016
Sequestered May 2016
My spasmodic body's awash;
Submerged in irresistible rippling passion.
This surging waves won't hush,
Till my fever and every shiver get attention.

I crave your moistened tongue,
All over my body; especially down below.
Don't care if t'was right or wrong;
Just lick me most lecherously until I glow...

Into a wet blossom that implore...
Dribble, drip and drool with fervent groan;
Begging for more frenzy to explore
My urgency with thrusts to make me moan...
436 · May 2016
Sequestered May 2016
The dark can see
Wooden door squeaks,
To wheezy breeze
On creaking antiques...

Eerie silence echoes,
Spilling nebulous images
As haunted psychos
From all entrapped cages.

Voices of invisibles
Heard from hidden hosts;
Illusory intangibles
Manifesting to be ghosts...

Goosebumps ripple
Into waves of gooseflesh;
Fear evokes a *******
Entangled in scary mesh.

"The ghosts're real"
Apparitions of restless spirits
"We could **** or heal"
Our actual and factual secrets.
Are ghost real?
435 · May 2016
Twilight Thrills
Sequestered May 2016
As crepuscular light ebbs across
Celestial stretch amidst silky streams,
Exhaling enchanted orange hue,
Left along pathway of eventide...

And sun descends into elysian blanket,
As crystal rays entwined in embrace,
Heralding glorious glimpse of moonbeams,
Whose ascent adorns heaven's height...

And sunset sank into a sweetly sleep,
Twilight thrills...
429 · Jun 2016
Mean Money
Sequestered Jun 2016
I've seen this on a movie,
A shade or two in real life;
Both ended up very sadly,
None was worth the while.

Money's so good no doubt,
But to what effect is money;
If the lover you made it for,
Ends up never loving you?

In it lies the root of all evil,
This kind will steal my joy;
Fly faraway with my peace,
These things I value most.

What shall it profit a man,
To gain this whole world;
Then lost his soul forever,
For money that fleets away.
How much would it take to cheat on someone so you could live without having to work ever again and why would you do it?
426 · May 2016
Earth Cry
Sequestered May 2016
The heaven rages,
Earth looks up for redemption;
Extinction beckons...
426 · May 2016
Sequestered May 2016
Defiled by desire;
Craved frenzy fire...
Certified Satyr!
The theme is "passion"
423 · May 2016
Taunted Tombstones
Sequestered May 2016
Stir extinct repose;
Invoke throes from tranquility,
Taunt them to haunt;
Flaunt the departed from cryptic crypt.
Secluded tombstones,
Entomb beneath grim grass
And withered wreaths,
Bloom in gloom of horror and terror.

Yet another effaced existence...
Spirit and soul severed,
Fate beholds and embraces unknown;
As emptiness uninhibited, embalmed.
421 · May 2016
Hearth and Home
Sequestered May 2016
Entombed amidst her secret crypt,
Eclipsed beneath clumps most tranquil;
Free from meshes and muddles kept,
Her wit and sense to feed my quill.

From clamorous cares I oft escape,
Into thicket whence thoughts she thrills;
To be aroused by lush landscape,
From whence within my fount she fills.

Amidst her ***** whence thoughts bloom,
Lies fantasia beyond this realm;
From cryptic and grotesque and gloom,
To glad ardor from engrossed helm.

From her caress my ink I spill,
Like streams and dreams as rivers flow;
To stanzas strummed from heaven's hill...
That hearth and home whence spirits glow.
411 · May 2016
Spun to Shun
Sequestered May 2016
Suddenly, ardor
Felt as frigid as rigid;
Desirous enfold
Once charming and warming
Left timid as placid...

Sweet affection
Tasted so sour to spew,
Enthused kisses
Lost fantasy's flavour and fervor;
As dish, dressed in disdain.

Served without soul,
My sensitivity she spun to shun...
Me, the spurn she shoved.
410 · May 2016
The Difference
Sequestered May 2016
Carnally minded,
Screams chaos,
Seeks selfish pleasure...
Never reliable.

Spiritually minded,
Whispers calm,
Seek another's pleasure...
Forever faithful.
LUST vs LOVE (20 words maximum)
409 · Jul 2016
Sequestered Jul 2016
From the
Body and soul
She lusts for;
Fading into
Boundless beyond,
As she drifted
Away from existence...
408 · May 2016
Forbidden Fruit
Sequestered May 2016
How can I ever resist
My craving for thy compelling charm?
From the irresistible attraction of thine arms,
My willpower couldn't desist...

From thine alluring entanglement,
I've tried to untangle myself a thousand times;
Still a million times I've gladly embraced 'same crime,
That I'm wholly devoted to its torment.
Depth, and is raw in emotions.
407 · May 2016
Fetters of Fear
Sequestered May 2016
Against her will,
From her ill;
Hope complained.
399 · May 2016
Naked Love
Sequestered May 2016
Breathe thy sinful breath upon my solemn soul;
Let thy fragrance stir and arouse my entombed passion.
****** my dead desire from the grasp of heaven;
Tempt me into hell's unquenchable fire beyond comprehension.

Make naked love to me in wild warring arms of heaven and hell,
Let me wholly burn in fury fire and beautiful bliss;
Till ashes are enraptured into pixie dust enchanted to yell
My death into life over and over again with ease.
399 · May 2016
What's in Word
Sequestered May 2016
She's like thoughts exhaled through the mouth,
Within her breath exhalts the power of life and death;
That she can heal and also hurt is a fact no doubt,
And once spoken she forever exist and never will fret;
As life and spirit even in realms beyond this earth.

Thus, bridle your tongue lest she spits out fire,
Too monsterous to quench over your convicted soul;
Instead before you speak think twice and aspire,
That all your words be seasoned with salt as a whole;
To bless and never to curse should be your goal.
"Although they are only breath, words which I command are immortal " Sappho
394 · May 2016
Until Unveiled...
Sequestered May 2016
Begotten as plain as naked could be,
Rejected for sheer innocence and purity;
Simplicity was woven as complexity
And was reborn from the abyss of obscurity.

As that feeling of intense affection,
Grown as romance into ****** attachment;
'Was wholly accepted for all she is not,
As carnality swallowed every commitment.

Yet we all crave to experience this lie,
Who was never embraced in her true form;
But in the falsehood she has become...
To this veiled, all of humanity still conform.

She walks into folk's lives as forming...
Every iota of sincerity thrown to the wind;
As desire overwhelms logic with magic,
Reality breathes as fairytale into mankind.

Suddenly magic starts fading into logic,
Pretense is soon confronted by brick walls.
Here, she's exposed to folks as storming,
Where the first disagreement and fight calls.

But folks soon learn to agree to disagree,
Because intense affection is seriously at stake.
She is then manifested solely as norming;
Relationship becomes comprise of give and take.

Understanding beams her rays of hope
Into these two souls entwined into conforming,
To salvage romance and ****** affection
And then, she's finally revealed as performing.

But she is not all of what we made her be,
Until unveiled as she really was, is and want to be;
Hearts sold into her will always be broken,
But she is love and never been blind but can see.

She's simply robed in the apparel of patience,
A tunic that is never envious, proud nor arrogant;
And embroiled with respect and selflessness...
Her heart not looks is what makes her most elegant.
A poem written on how to Survive Love.

Love comes in a blur of in coherent stages, that come and go. But in the end if we look back is all too recognizable.

A poem about the stages of love and how it feels to one's core. guess to survive love...
389 · May 2016
Dying Wish
Sequestered May 2016
Dearest Ceasaro,

I belong to your yesterday.
'Don't intend to resurrect the past.
I'm least worthy of your today,
But tomorrow I'll breathe my last.

Against none I've sinned but you.
'Umpteenth times myself I've crucified.
My life's not worth to pay the due,
For the anguish I caused can't be denied.

But I'm here lying ill and due to die.
My only dying wish's to die in your arms.
I beseech you, my plea don't deny.
Let my last breath be your healing balm.

'So sorry, but I love you, still do
And always will even in death...

Prompt: The Letter.
He thought she was gone forever. Today he received a letter from her.
Years have passed. 100 words or less what does the letter say?
387 · May 2016
Life's Invisible Hands
Sequestered May 2016
Swallowed up in the shadow of shallow stream,
Trails of twilight touted and taunted ignorance
To gulp elusive sanity, as he sinks and drowns
Beneath the crypt of folly; whence ere entwined
That twain kinfolks of obsession and deviltry.

In time, their crude creases passion eased away,
Breathing into existence flames of frenzy fervors;
As refining fire fueled by fervency and urgency,
Consuming needs beyond the bounds of mere wants;
Whence envy desires to covet all unto parsimony.

And then came that era when wisdom crept in,
Streaming crystal rays at the dawn of realization,
To redeem those unruly nights of ignorance and passion
With that sunrise of contentment once craves for;
As sanity walked hand in hand with piety as purity...

And now, in the trying pathway of this earthly sojourn;
I've drank from that overflowing cups of ignorance,
'Been set aflame in the burning lake of irresistible passion,
And soothed by this tranquil zephyr of divine purity...
Yet in all these, life'e invisible hands is still weaving me...
Inspired by the quote:
"Purity engenders Wisdom, Passion avarice, and Ignorance folly, infatuation and darkness."
~ Cyril Connolly
374 · May 2016
Dark Dominion
Sequestered May 2016
I'm that opposite side of light,
That other side of you;
Scared and ashamed of your light,
But brazen in my darkness.

I'm not where you ever want to be
When my darkness falls...
Inside my head lies your worst nightmare
You wished you never had.

But I embrace beauty within darkness
Because I'm a very dark place.
Darkness saw alluring beauty within me
I'm where it want to reside.
"My head is a dark place"
368 · May 2016
After All...
Sequestered May 2016
Passion, someday;
Will fickle, flutter and fly away.
Juvenescence, soonest;
As fleeting dew, will fade into oblivion.
Voluptuous, these bosoms;
As rosebud blossoms, will wilt by sunset...

But unchanged, shall my essence remain.
Love me now and next;
Unconditionally for me, only.
361 · May 2016
Cryptic Blossom
Sequestered May 2016
Rosebud of death
Into poisonous petals
Soon withered...

Hell's lecherous lips'
Veiled kiss of death
For lustful lost.
361 · May 2016
Dressed In Depression
Sequestered May 2016
She burned for him
All daylong;
Waited all nightlong
But he didn't show up.
Drowned inside wine;
Her with disappointment...

Despair dressed desire
In depression;
Embracing her existence.
358 · May 2016
Footprint of Faith
Sequestered May 2016
On water tossed by waves most contrary,
Christ walked; His footprints on boisterous sea.
Them, sore with fright in ship's sanctuary,
In depth of doubt disciples drowned; how can it be?

But reassurance met with a quest for proof;
A test Peter embraced but doubted the impossible,
From fading faith amidst waves most aloof...
He starts to sink and yelped for help from the Able!

And unto this day, disciples in doubt still live,
Though with only our lips we oft confess these words;
"With God nothing's impossible", to deceive,
And many we lost to sea of doubt pierced by swords.

Though like Peter of old, sometimes we doubt still,
But call on Christ; our ever present Help in time of need;
From storms into safety He'll pull us out if we will,
With outstretched hands to those whom his call will heed.
Jesus Walked on Water..
Place yourself at the moment, Jesus is suspended upon water;
and for a moment Peter was also able to stand upon water.
357 · May 2016
Ray of Hope
Sequestered May 2016
Like boundless estranged snowflakes,
You breathed your cruel boisterous blizzard;
Freezing every warmth ever woven in me
From crystal sunrays into numbness.

Those streams to the altar of my heart,
Your bitter and biting pathways left frozen;
Forgotten as frigid and rigid for all eternity,
Entombed beyond salvation’s arms...

But one fortunate mistake you made;
Leaving that tiniest of crack within my depth,
To embrace that faintest strand of crystal ray
That began my journey to warmth again.
Inspired by the word "Thaw"
356 · May 2016
Plea for Justice
Sequestered May 2016
She’s my lost innocence,
Who refused to fade into oblivion.
My aggrieved existence,
Whose silent wounds are my scion.

‘Known since I was a child,
She hasn’t grown but still the same;
A child once gentle and mild,
Beseeching me to avenge her shame.

You can’t see her but I do,
Her plea for justice no one can hear;
I only wish you have a clue
Of this abused whose hurt won’t disappear.
355 · May 2016
Dark Divine
Sequestered May 2016
Desirously as
Dark divine;
Delightfully dangerous,
And beguiling
As seductive siren...
350 · Jun 2016
Beyond Maps
Sequestered Jun 2016
Maps and compasses;
These will be extra weights.
Just look into my eyes,
As I'm looking into yours...

Lets venture into places,
Within the depths of our souls;
Into a boundless realm
Where none has ever been to...

Lets get lost inside one another
Where we can never be found....
349 · May 2016
Evil Is Innocent
Sequestered May 2016
But never allowed
To exist
Amongst the living.

Was exterminated;
Beneath Mother Earth.

Vowed to avenge
This death
With gory vendetta...

Evil seed
Manifested as doom,
Rooted in abyss;
She unleashed dark horror!

Woe unto humanity!
Innocence's resurrected
Herself into death...
Her only mission: destroy!

Dark Imagery
349 · May 2016
The Seventh
Sequestered May 2016
Roman agonizing nails pierced Christ to the cross...
As blood of covenant dribbled down thorn-crowned head,
Scourged ripped skin bled from creation's Source,
His parched thirsty throat was wetted with vinegar instead...

Most excruciating was our Saviour's agony and pain!
Abandoned by His own Father for men's sins He willingly bore;
Yet six times spoke He all words of grace most fain...
In the sixth hour darkness befell the earth and for three more.

Noon sun became dark as The Light started to dim;
In the midst, the veil of the Holy of holies was torn apart...
And the precious Lamb of God, these torments' grim
No longer could bear; as He descended into death's path.

Then for the seventh time cried He with a very loud voice,
"Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit", He bowed and slept;
Then gave up His ghost, as the finished work of His choice...
And the host of heaven and earth witnessed His death and wept.

Even unto death, Jesus entrusted His Spirit unto God...
The Father mourned His Son as His mother and also His friends;
Onlookers smote their *******,the centurion gloried The Lord,
But Christ death and grave's tale wasn't how His passion will end.
" Father Into  Your Hands  I Commend My Spirit" ( Luke 23:46 " Jesus cried out in a loud voice,

This poem captured the emotions that Jesus as expressed at His last statement from the cross.
348 · May 2016
Sequestered May 2016

Horrific cave adventure
Her future corpse

343 · Sep 2018
It's In The Soul
Sequestered Sep 2018
beauty is not defined by size
by stature nor by complexion
its in the soul seen through the eyes
and not in mere hair extension...
339 · May 2016
Cradle of Content
Sequestered May 2016
Stretched in between abundance and nothing,
Amidst every thread woven by these two;
From how to breathe and smell and taste like king,
To *** of poverty that paupers brew...

Life of lack I accept yet not upset,
Within its buds are lessons to learn from;
Still in much I'm humbled for riches fret,
Some go fleeting when storms suddenly come.

On that lone crossroad between these pathways,
All the lessons learned from these lives apart
And from the ups and downs, I'll praise always...
Through it all, my heart from God won't depart.

Patience is what I'm christened amidst none...
In plenty, as sober as moon at dawn.
"Two things define you: your patience when you have nothing, and your attitude when you have everything" ~
337 · May 2016
Cursed Climax
Sequestered May 2016
Guileless loveliness,
Tainted by evil's lust
Into dreamy dark paradise...
337 · May 2016
Last Strand
Sequestered May 2016
O' my strand of love; the very last in all existence. With all your breath and blood, you affectionately knotted my body, soul and spirit unto your *****; recreated my nightmares into the dreams that breathed my fantasies into the reality, whose memories I can't let go into extinct.  Though, battered and bruised, wretched and wounded; you were that unbroken tenderness, that breathed with her last breath and bled unto her last blood that I may not only live, but also, thrive in the most wonderful love ever... From this day, unto my last and beyond, for you I'll live and die for.  With all the love I possess, I'm yours and all you ever wished for in this life and the next...
336 · May 2016
When or Where
Sequestered May 2016
'Been tripped,
Fallen, risen, dusted…
Kept walking.

Wings bestowed;
You, the wind
Bolstering to soar.


My feathers,
You plucked;
Left helpless.

I’m plunging…

When or where
I’ll crash!
336 · May 2016
A Sip from Sea of Sin
Sequestered May 2016
Temptation crept 'neath slinky skin,
Stirring sultry sleep to sip from sea of sin.
Her body wanted, but soul undaunted
To enchant the devil with his own evil taunts;
Whence once ere, he touts and haunts.

'Pon hell's lofty altar she, he enthroned,
And then swore to forever adore her reign alone.
Her body he gowned and head, crowned...
Her worthy recompense for daring all to care;
Spirit, body and soul, baring all to fare.

As an apprentice, his shadow she stalked.
Ere glory, 'pon bleeding blade of fury she walked;
Beheld a feast whence others saw a beast,
And allured this feeble to fall beyond the clouds;
A desirous divergent from those crowds.

And now, most intoxicated by her fine wine,
From this fount and bosoms he will dine and recline.
To her, he gave his kingdom to kiss freedom;
Forever enthroned inside his dark star as his queen;
That sun, the shooting star he has ever seen.
Inspired by Nicotine Dream, a song by LAUREL
332 · May 2016
Evil Echo
Sequestered May 2016
No bunny;
But the darkness
Your dribbling Hearts.
331 · May 2016
Ashes and Anguish
Sequestered May 2016
Arise from amongst ashes most anguished,
Stir up repose whispers from wrathful wile;
Rekindle this sweet twinkle once banished,
Charm and churn her essence again to swirl.

Free her fossilized form from filth and fears,
Waft wings wide and wild with wind as zephyrs;
Exhale mortality from thorns and tares,
This wretch, set aflame with gale and fire.

Cleanse this cursed from stenches of sacrilege,
That entombed her in eclipse most eerie;
Then, send her salvage soul on a pilgrimage,
Farthest from hell's grim crypt of solitary.

Liberate this life to live in crystal light,
Let her latched legion loose into delight.
"It was not my body, not a woman’s body, it was the body of us all.
It walked out of the light." - Anne Carson
308 · May 2016
Sequestered May 2016
Can't console
They're lost souls;
Depression's doom.
298 · May 2016
Battles and Blooms
Sequestered May 2016
Armoured in affection,
Your arms, the ivory tower.
Cloistered from squalls,
As fierce as furious...

Stayed within your strength,
Your might, the fortification.

Me, you birthed again,
A hero reborn;
Emboldened with love,
Fearless and revered...

Both in battles and in blooms,
Saved, sound and secured in your sanctuary.
Love poem inspired by the word "SHIELD"
290 · May 2016
Rest In Peace
Sequestered May 2016
To me he was kind,
To another his heart belong;
I wanted both as mine,
But was wrong and this stung.

He said I was sixteen,
But this about my feelings not age!
'Can't till I was eighteen,
So I became enraged with rage.

Thrilled till I became ill,
I set him and his house on fire.
In his absence I'd heal,
Because I've burnt up my desire.

I can now sleep at ease,
Knowing my lover rest in peace...
Unrequited Love
290 · May 2016
Canoodle of Chaos
Sequestered May 2016
O' thou broken heart of mine,
If only thou art hearkened this once
To ceaseless pleas from my head...

Thy most cherished calm,
Wouldn't have dissipated in disarray;
In that enticing canoodle of chaos...

Dressed solely to dazzle,
Thine essence to dance to drumbeats;
Whence love' stripped as mere lust.
289 · May 2016
A Glimpse
Sequestered May 2016
"Marvel not, my child;
What I'm entrusted to reveal
To you's wild not mild;
It's more of a vision but real."

The unity of my trinity,
This I beheld in petrified awe;
My disembodied eternity,
My flaws that flouted God's laws...

Spirit that left my body alone,
My desperate soul that gasp'd for air,
My every wrongs I must atone...
Soon, God shall judge and it'll be fair .
289 · May 2016
Amongst All
Sequestered May 2016
Momentary threads,
Knitted by nature’s craftsmanship;
Delicates into intricate
Entwined betwixt and between...

Thou, amongst others,
Breathes contentment, exudes pleasure;
That blissful delight,
Unfazed by complexities..

Thee everyone covets,
Only few embrace thine essence;
Whose existence
Frequently fickle and fades.
283 · May 2016
On Whisper's Warmth...
Sequestered May 2016
Elysian beaut embraces this thorn,
His turbulence twirls tamed to tranquil's thrills;
Cocoon most calm quells troubled toss and turn,
Whence once a love tried and proven still spills.

Her presence soothes, besotted with splendor;
His soul surrendered to inhale pure bliss...
Aura most awed with allure to adore;
Herein, passion kisses peace with much ease.

In return he worships, unto her worst...
Watches her lay on whispers' warmth worthwhile;
Her face the finest fantasy he lusts,
Her place none will replace; come miles nor smiles.

For love most ethereal like ours still live,
Ourselves wholeheartedly we poured to give...
Dedicated to Euphemia Juddbryll
280 · May 2016
Free Fall
Sequestered May 2016
Allure of altitude...

From cradle,
Groomed to mount
With wings;

Grown to master
The art of soaring,

Supreme summit beyond skies...

A day came,
My wings fortune plucked,
I plunged, plummeting...

Fate grasping faith's hem,
Gifting me the trust;

Myself to release,
Free falling into mystery
Feared, revered...
275 · May 2016
Scratching Scream
Sequestered May 2016
Felt like a sweet dream,
Quickly altered into nightmare;
All of me started to scream,
Blindfolded craving became bare.

Soothing warm caresses,
From frenzy and fervent fingers;
Soon every touch depresses
Scorching as fury of fervent lingers.

Darkly scratches clawed
On my spider webbed existence;
My frigid soul they flawed,
Unneeded to scream for resistance.

They said they seek my end,
Descended from height of death;
Every of 'em my dark friend,
To take me from the face of earth.
Scream it out! What is driving you crazy?
271 · May 2016
Apocalyptic Moon
Sequestered May 2016
Alas! ominous moon magnified
The very soul of the silence of the night;
Like an eerie ghostly still lamb
Breathing her horror across shadowy sky...

Gloom glories of dreary darkness
Spread wide wings across heavenly breadth;
Stirring awake the sinisterly serenity,
Sleeping in branches of silhouette of doom...

Whispering winds of gory woes
Streamed beneath the chill of this creepy realm.
Tonight wholly belong to the grey moon
And her evil winged cronies to reign supreme...

Blood of apocalypse will bleed and flow below;
None shall be spared till the moon drips with blood.
269 · May 2016
Swing of Solitude
Sequestered May 2016
Clashes of noises
Flashes of voices
Amidst stillness...
269 · May 2016
Cost of Choice
Sequestered May 2016
Can I stain this soul,
Still stay spotless;
Unscathed by the **** of filth?
Can I shred this heart,
Still remain secured;
Unfettered by the shackles of guilt?

Sure drives a hard bargain,
Compelling my being
To choose gain.
Inspired by the word "bargain"
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