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Sean Achilleos Dec 2021
Speck of Dust

Sometimes the most valuable things in life are hidden in plain sight
And now that you are gone
We are left with only a void
There seems to be some kind of hollowness
While the days are long and deeply quiet
There's a tangible silence in the air
And nobody knows quite what to say
Words can not make it right
Words won't bring you back
Even tears seem futile
A picture frozen in time
Displayed in a time capsule
You are virtual now
And will never grow old
Your smile will never fade
The smile you so often used to hide the pain ... pain unseen
Your mask became heavier to bear
Like a goldfish in a small bowl
Swimming round and round
Life pushed you down just as you were coming up for air
But we will live by your request
To remember the good times ... for you

Lance Christopher Weyer
23 April 1987 - 26 November 2021

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Lance Christopher Weyer
23 April 1987 - 26 November 2021

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Sean Achilleos Nov 2021
Always afraid that time might run out
Always afraid that I haven't lived enough
Done enough ... gone the extra mile
Living in a state of chase
Looking back ... was I wild enough
Did I take enough chances ... was I crazy enough when young
Can the tape rewind
Can I live it all over again
Just to make sure that it actually occurred
Was I really there
Why did it pass so quick
Like a fleeting dream in the night
I blinked and the years had sped past
Half a century strong
sean achilleos
Sean Achilleos Nov 2021
Nature itself has boundaries by which it abides
The waters of the sea can only go as far as the shore
Unless instructed otherwise
Likewise you need to set boundaries in your own life
You are responsible for who you allow entry into your life
Keep the darkness at bay
But remain open to the light
Who is the light you may ask
Those who bring forth the best in you
And remember not everyone who says "I love you" is necessarily of the light
Weeds grow among flowers too you know
Who is the darkness
Those who practice envy, strife, and sow destruction
Who reflect their dislike of themselves upon others
Avoid such people
Do not engage
Lest they reel you into their bottomless pit of despair
Like a fly you may get tangled in a web
From which there might be no escape
And soon the spider will emerge to devour its prey
Learn from your mistakes
That's what mistakes are about
For you to obtain knowledge
But NEVER repeat the lesson
Forgive but keep a distance
Never allow your heart to be darkened
It will only make your enemies happy
The world consists of givers and takers
No one stands in the middle
Trust your gut
It will never tell you a fib
Keep the good and cast away the bad
But never forget what you had learned from the bad
Don't be afraid to use the word "no"
You'll be surprised how much power such a small word contains
Always try to do the right thing
And remember that the journey which you are on
Is YOUR responsibility alone
So remain true to yourself
And don't forget to enjoy the ride while you are at it
Sean Achilleos
Sean Achilleos Oct 2021
When I catch a bird's eye view
A city from above at night
Thousands of buildings
Millions of windows
Windows lit up
Where there is light
There is also life
In a sea of people
The most dreaded disease
Remains loneliness
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Sean Achilleos Sep 2021
I autopilot can pretend
I autopilot can feel
I may go about my chores
I may go unnoticed
Punctual is my middle name
But can you see what I feel
And can you feel what I see
Do you know what lies beneath the surface
You who are of many words
I could make you laugh
I could make you feel great
I could even cause myself to lose
To enable you to win
Deep within myself I hide
I dream of better days to come
I autopilot remain on mute throughout the days
I speak only when spoken to
I watch the moving of the trees from my favourite window in my home
And I dream ... simply dream ... just dream
sean achilleos
Sean Achilleos Sep 2021
I had to say goodbye to save my mind
I had to leave you in the past where you belong
You will never grow up
And I've grown too old to lie
Too over it to pretend
If I had lied
My emotions would have persecuted me
And my body language would have given me away
I don't wish it different
Because I don't like wishing in vain
The race has begun
But I'm not running
The fight is on
But I'm not fighting
sean achilleos
Sean Achilleos Aug 2021
The soul is no colour
The soul is no race
The soul is no gender
The soul simply is ...
Written by Sean Achilleos
23 August 2021
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