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 Mar 2022 Levv
My Dear Poet
I’d trade my heart
for your mind
My touch for your eyes
My soul for your love

Yet never, my mind for your heart
My eyes for your touch
Or my love for your soul

For how then shall I
Ever know you
Ever see you
Ever love you
 Feb 2022 Levv
My Dear Poet
Your apology was drowned out
by the noise in my mind

I’d have read your lips
but tears had me blind

I tried to feel your words
but I was numb at every line
 Apr 2021 Levv
Eric the Red
 Apr 2021 Levv
Eric the Red
In the process of breaking
Someone’s heart
Leave them with a soul...

Know when to go
When to stay
When it’s over

When love has walked into the darkness

 Jul 2020 Levv
Letters from Lia
We are all victims
of failed society
They criticize
They hate
They judge
and we all just
stood there
and broken.
We are too numb
to feel,
We pretend to be deaf
about what they say,
We stay blind
of the things they did,
We are the outcast
of this broken world,
We remain silent
creating our own
vast world within
our enormous
we stand
taller than towers
There, our inner voices
speak the loudest
There, our sight
and imagination
is boundless.
I said
they will
all fall, and
I'd be too
oblivious to hear
all of their screams"
—they made me like this.
 Feb 2020 Levv
Tina RSH
 Feb 2020 Levv
Tina RSH
Morning is such a desperate lover.
How else could she make
you meet her if she didn't
steal your dreams at night?
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