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 Feb 2020 Levv
Janella Maniquiz
Two souls swimming in a raging sea
Both searching for a mighty plea
Moving through different courses
Searching, pacing, floating, arising

One whose heart has broken shards
Of glasses too thick to pull, to part
One whose heart too bright to see
It dims the dark, it caresses me

Both have loved, and both have lost
Both have seen, and seek to be
The best that they could ever be
Away they go, away they flee

How far they’ve fled we’ll never know
But know for sure that this is true
To where they went there’s peace, there’s bliss
To where they went, there’s no more fear
To Papa and Gel, see you both in heaven.
 Feb 2020 Levv
Janella Maniquiz
It has come to my senses
That I’ll love you for as long as it takes
For as long as my heart can embrace
The memories, the feeling of falling,
And the inevitable breaking

It has come to my senses
That you’ll always be there, gnawing in mind
And itching to find your way in
But no longer you will I love,
For the rest of my life, the rest of my existence

It has come to my senses
That the recurring sadness will take place
And there’s only coexistence.
 Feb 2020 Levv
Pagan Paul
Last Night
 Feb 2020 Levv
Pagan Paul
Last night
she said I was cold.
Surrounded in a halo of frost.
It burnt her fingers
as she dared to touch,
but there was little there.
Just … frost-bite,
and the sense
that she was alone in the room.
In body I was there,
but the Boat of Millions of Years
was sailing through my eyes
to the intended destination,
my lost mind.
She called to me
but I was to far to hear.
Down her soft cheeks
the tears did stream,
as she screamed my name
over and over.
She screamed until
the screams turned to sobs,
as the slow realisation
that I no longer knew her,
knew me, knew anything,
hit her like a wave of grief,
freezing her emotions dead.
Last night
she said I was cold.
And I was cold
because I knew that it was
our Last Night.

© Pagan Paul (16/02/20)
 Feb 2020 Levv
They’ll keep telling you
That its your final chapter

But you know it inside
That you can do it better

If you light up everything
Backgrounds don’t really matter

So be the candle in this run-down world
And help everyone see clearer
 Feb 2020 Levv
I reply
 Feb 2020 Levv
they say I've changed
I replied;
like the rose breaks and turns into another colour
they are my friends who ask me such questions..!!🤐
 Feb 2020 Levv
 Feb 2020 Levv
you were so perfect when I picked you up
every part sculpted to a delicate perfection
I clutched you tightly in my hand
for a while you sat in my room
but now you've died
and with you so have I
 Feb 2020 Levv
 Feb 2020 Levv
tears glisten in the moonlight,
but it shines too bright.
blocking out reality,
and the sad fatality.
of my heart,
and it's broken parts.
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