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Apr 2020 · 163
August Drive
Anne Apr 2020
I strum Pawn Shop Blues
on my guitar
An ode to you
A longing
A calling
Hoping the sounds
of the soft chords
Float up to the moon
And fall back to the Earth
Right in front of you

I wish I could transform into a dove
Just so I could watch down on you from above
My eyes full of pure love
But you are so far gone

I don't even know where to start looking
for you

Speak to me through the radio
I always have it turned on
And I will always be listening  

I am afraid to step into the future
I am afraid it will never be as golden
As when we lied down in the grass together
I'm scared I'll never find any love even close to yours
Not now or ever
Apr 2020 · 156
Poor Ugly Happy
Anne Apr 2020
RHCP on my car's radio
My thrills are found on the backroad
I live in my memories
I never let anything go

You don't care
But I still do
Push me far away
I fall back to you
Cant make you love me
I just wish you would

I stay awake all night
Just to see the morning light
The blue and gold
The melting colors of the sunrise
Have shown me
That change is beautiful
But I'm scared of anything new

I miss you
I always will
I wonder if you still write little poems
Just like you used to

If you wrote a letter to the moon
Would you beg for her not to go down
Anytime soon?
So that her silver light would never fade
And you would never leave me
No, you would only stay
Apr 2020 · 124
Dec 20th
Anne Apr 2020
I've been disappointed
I put the ones I loved on the highest
as if they can do no wrong
I often forget to take a look at myself

Should I run away
From who I am
Should I cut my hair color it change my
Unfortunately I know I will act the same

I'm reminded of my own struggles
Everywhere I look
Why have I been quiet this entire time
Discouraging my own happiness

I only trust a select few
The artists the poets my mother
They have seen this cruel world
I find comfort in their views
For the understand the pain I go through

The pan is impossible to explain

There is no way to undue the past
I wish I would have shown more love
If I did
Maybe the one I loved would not have left
So fast

Time changes nothing
Each bad memory still burns
Waiting for the past to reveal something
What can I say I have learned?
Apr 2020 · 157
Gold and Garnet
Anne Apr 2020
pt 1  
the moon looked like a chunk of gold
the clouds trying to take hold
of the moons glow
but it's light cast on the lake
refusing to do as its told  
a shimmering stream of moonray
dances on the dark blue water
moves side to side
forbidden from restriction
all the unearthly beauty
moon, are you trying to hide something ?
you can tell me  
moon can i ask, what is the closest star to the earth?
show me the dark side few see
i won't leave,
the truth doesn't scare me
i will stare in awe as your wisdom falls down to the earth
pt 2
a heart made of garnet
a pack of reds
satin sheets cover my bed
a conscious as heavy as lead
love that is strong  
love that finally doesn't feel wrong
love that won't fall apart
living in a daydream
i hate to check the time.
it would only remind me that this moment has an expiration  
so i'll forget to check the clock
i'll just get lost in the hydrangea, lilac, hyacinths and daisies
i will not let the time jade me
Apr 2020 · 128
What I Miss
Anne Apr 2020
i miss the spring time
i miss driving around with my windows down
the smell of cola and fresh limes  

i miss the warm breeze
i miss the chilly rain
i smile but all i feel is pain  

the music on my radio many hear,
but few listen
messages are hidden in night time shadows  
but you stare at the sun as it glistens

i miss the asphalt cowboys
and all the baby magick
i miss going a hundred down the highway
my car was melted silver, the most
beautiful metallic  

how does anyone bear
this heavy humanness
the feeling of being completely full
of emptiness?

time flys by.
time is lost.
wasted time
is the ultimate cost.
Apr 2020 · 126
Anne Apr 2020
rock playing softly
an airplane flys
in a teal sky

i don't pick
the spring flowers

i only caress
the fallen petals
of the cherry blossom
i promise

i promise
i won't hurt you no more  

i want to be beautiful
and unseen
timid and growing

born from a dream
there is no capturing me

the spring sunshine
melts into my eyes
i try not to cry

"wish you were here" plays
there is no one to hold my hand
how i wish you would have stayed
Nov 2019 · 167
Blue Bird of Paradise
Anne Nov 2019
my bird fly free
from your cage
fly down South
where the orange
groves are sweet
and where the sun never sets
on the golden sand
you'll be free from worry
free of gloom
and I hope to head down
to see you soon
no one matters to me  
only you
my baby bird so blue
blue enough to match the sky
as blue as the tears in my eyes  
when I told you goodbye

i'll hope and pray
you'll come back my way
Nov 2019 · 165
fragments pt 1
Anne Nov 2019
tell me something sweet
promise me this life isnt real
i feel the tears grow in my eyes
even though I forget how to feel
im on the highway
i daydream we see
out of the same set of eyes
so we can both see the beauty
of our own paradise
as we both lie
starring into the tangerine sky
god took extra time on you
eyes crystal clear blue
your actions only offer kindness
i love everything you do
Sometimes the only warmth I feel
Is the sunlight against my skin
Sometimes the only uplifting thing I see
Is a lone bird flying high in the sky
In the late summers wind
"We only have what we remember"
Are the truest words
I've ever heard
Have I already passed over to the other side?
Why can no one reach me
Is it my fault?
I must have lost the key
To unlock the door of serenity
Nov 2019 · 193
Oct 2nd
Anne Nov 2019
Drivin round
Lookin out my window
Through the eyes
Of my small town

Early Morning
Smoke my first cigarette
Of the day
I let my eyes get heavy
As I wait
and watch my future slip away

Day dream to escape any pain
Im fine living a mess
I let my troubles
come and go
I live in a state of acquiesce
Which is dangerous

Of all these things I've done
I wouldn't change a single one
Except for the times
I've held back
Hidden emotions

Wishing for someone
To take notice of my notions
Someone to help me
Figure out life's confusing commotions  

Its okay if I die
Sooner than later
To die young
With a heart filled with
Instead of
A heart that was taught lessons but
Never learned
A heart thatd been burned.
Sep 2019 · 149
Life is a movie
Anne Sep 2019
I try to imagine Life as a movie
We must chose to see
Life's all encompassing beauty
Which is not easy

Time passes quickly
And life never plays out like you thought
You can't predict the convoluted plot
It is all up in the air  
I have found you obtain more pain
When your heart begins to love and starts to care  

Often we are dealt a dreary role
Our emotions become heavy and take a toll
Suddenly our once shiny, new dreams
Fall and shatter, a million pieces of glass impossible
to piece back together

The characters in the movie will not remain
Most people you love will eventually fade away
You can come to this realization as you slowly see them change
But remind yourself
Change is a necessary evil
No one is to blame

There is some fun
It comes in not knowing the next scene
A call from a long lost love or
A dance is the ever cleansing summer rain
Can make life worth living once again
Aug 2019 · 177
August Thoughts
Anne Aug 2019
It's lonely to look out at the cloudy sky
On an August night
And wonder who will come into
And drift out of my life
Stuck in this strange matrix
I don't know how to overcome
The feeling of becoming numb
Summer is ending
My mind begins transcending
Into the beautiful world of memories
Is it wrong to look into the past
To try to gain knowledge and reflect
On all the times I've held back
Was scared to show my love
Fearful I might lack
The essential fundamentals
To be loved
It is impossible to know
Where you will be found
Next year
The funniest part is that you'll never grow
If you let  your roots dig into the ground
The pain of remaining the same?
Or the pain of wandering into an unfamiliar frontier?
Which is to be feared?
Aug 2019 · 160
Anne Aug 2019
We are not meant to float through this life
As far as I know
It is so hard to dream
When materialism rules everything
To be young and in love
Is all we should fantasize of
What can connections or riches truly do
For you?
Opulence leads to abuse
To willful ignorance and misuse
To not be able to look around
And be grateful for what God has given
The gentle winds
That offer a change of perspective
If you allow yourself to give in
And look in
side your heart
Still so lost and no where to be found
It is hard to say where my mind is right now
Love seems convoluted
A caprice heart
Meaningful moments constantly misconstrued
Ive only ever felt like a freak
Fit in no where
Only with strangers I breifly meet
Here and there
I fall in love quickly
(due to immaturity? )  
The stranger leaves me
High and dry
Disconnected completely
I haven't learned the lesson of who to trust
When I am left in the cold
I just blame this misfortune on unearthly bad luck
At times I cant understand
The purpose of this life  
This feeling of despair is out of hand
Anne Aug 2019
Sunlight falls on your white house
Beautiful enough to make me blush
Rose of Sharon closing up
As the sun falls down to dusk
Sweet Indiana
Tell me what I did wrong
Alls Im trying
Is to figure out where I belong
I stare at the sun
As it descends into the tall grasses  
I long to belong
In your strong arms again
Hold me like the child I was
Life seemed much simpler then
If I could have only opened my eyes
To realize what lies ahead
I want to send a prayer to God
To ask forgiveness for all the bad I've done
But my tongue is dry
From all the whiskey
But I'm feeling brave enough to try
I ask God to send Love down to the Earth
Pure Love from the Heavens above
God answers back
"You're a little lost"  
But God,
Aren't we all?
Jul 2019 · 266
Anne Jul 2019
I've been feel sullen
For some time now
Resentful of my past
And the moody way
I act
I'm kinda outta luck
Life  has been stagnant
And my heart is getting numb
So I pop my bubblegum
And roll my eyes
As a guise
For my uneasy feeling of life
I've never had a moral compass
Pointing me due North
No I've been a wayward scrap of light
That some stop to observe
But quickly move on
Realizing I'm a waste of time
That I'm too absurd  
Late at night I'll ask myself
Do other people feel astray?
I can never tell  
Everyone is wearing a grin
And has a plan
As if Hope is guiding them from within
Well I envy their confidence
To go after what they love
As of right now
My dreams are a long shot
But if I put one more penny in life's slot
I could hit a jackpot
"Life can change on a dime sometimes all you have to do is gamble"
Jul 2019 · 224
Anne Jul 2019
i wont wait
for heavens gate
to open
love is innate
i was never meant to tolerate
heart break
i become desolate
my mind sets up prison walls
no windows at all
and my dreams dressed as an inmate
attempts an escape
only to fall on its back
and cry aloud
there is no escape
the only answer is to isolate
soft hearts do not belong
in your cruel world
Jul 2019 · 245
Far away
Anne Jul 2019
Past midnight
Cruising the backroads
In yer monte carlo
A cigarette on my lips
A tear on my cheek
There comes a fog
Then a rain
Is it true
That I can only see the shadow of you?
Cherry blossom under the
Street light
The lilacs are not ready to bloom
It is all so beautiful
And it is all gone too soon
I still dream of you
And when I awake
It still feels as though
You'll be lying
Right next to me
But the harsh reality
sets in.
So I brace myself
for the monotony
of another day
of my true love
being very far away
Jul 2019 · 138
June 23
Anne Jul 2019
Drowning in cigarette smoke
My throat burns
As I laugh at another of life's trials
But to me its no more than a joke

How can this beautiful world
be taken so seriously
I was not put on this Earth
To participate in this ugly monotony
Cant you see?

My hair is the color
of the night sky
My cheeks blush the same
pink as a rose
My mind wanders like a butterfly in summertime
And I hate doing what im told.

I do not love like others do
I have fell for the sun
the stars and the moon too
It is hard to know when love is true
But I have learned true love is never fleeting
It will always be returned to you

I am growing old very fast
As I write this poem it remains in the past
I will never be as young as I am right now
What to do
With an hourglass
Winding down

If I could have only
Made the good times
Last a little longer

I know more heartbreak lies ahead
I beg you to let me down easily
As I try to keep my heart tender
Regardless of loves infrequency
Jun 2019 · 253
Love to the Moon
Anne Jun 2019
The moon wraps me
In its lack of light
Soft against my skin
The moon
Kisses my cheek
I have become an outcast
Just wishing for my days to pass
So I can see the moon
And feel like I used to
In the moon's dark sheets
I can be myself
Let the stars illuminate all
the world needs to see
Without the moon
I could never dream
Give me the chance to escape
My makeshift reality  
I'm on my own
Pull me out of my blue nightmares
A pearl glowing in the dark velvet night
The only light
I ever see
Is past midnight
I dont only love you when you're full
I love every shape you are
Glowing yellow as a candle
Or a tint of blue
A kiss of red
The same blushing pink I feel in bed
White as a ghost whose risen from the dead
Wear a cloud as your wedding veil
You are nightfall's favorite mistress
After all
Jun 2019 · 304
Despondent Dreamer
Anne Jun 2019
Despondent Dreamer  
So you didn't show up.
Is it because your heart is locked up?
The sky tonight is hazy
Take the time
To observe the beauty around you
The way the white flowers bloom
The sunrise and sunset too
Instead of feeding your fears
You have started to believe  
What are you so afraid of?
You can tell me
Life will pass you by within the blink of an eye
At the speed that teardrop fell from your cheek
Stop to think
That after all  
We are just visiting
This earth
For a short time
You don't owe anyone a thing
Please don't let love pass you by
It is all we have in this life
Grasp love with your strong fist
But allow love to come and go
Leaving you with both heartache and bliss
Jun 2019 · 167
June's Dream
Anne Jun 2019
You were the answer to my prayers
But now you act like you don't care
You're the reason I smoke
You're the reason I'm giving up slowly  
You're the one I hoped
Would save me from spiraling into a
Meaningless eternity
You're the one I miss
You're the reason I'm killing myself slowly
You're the one who felt like my last
No I'll never fall in love again.
You're the one I dream of
Please come to me again
You're the one I think of when the sky
turns pink
I miss you so much
But do you ever think
Of me?

On this Sunday night
I'm on my balcony
Singing to the moon
That you'll never be too far from me
But it's already June
You're no where to be found
Just my tears to keep me company
Oh to be bound
By a hopeless love
May 2019 · 175
You have changed
Anne May 2019
You have changed
But i still remain
Living with the past
In love with who you used to be
What happened to
The man you once were
Did you lose sight
Of whats important in life
I remember sittin with you
Crying, lying on the floor of your bathroom
Ya life has vengeance
Life has teeth that bite  
Well that night broke my heart

If I was just a fragment of your life
Why are visions of you haunting my dreams tonight
They say once your true love is gone
That the days are twice as long
And everything feels wrong

If I had met you in the spring instead of the winter
Would our love had the chance to grow
Instead of turning stagnant and cold
Maybe in the next life Ill meet up with you again
So I can once again mine
All the diamonds in your mind
Im so in love with whoever you are
This heartbreak will be my biggest scar
May 2019 · 151
You called me Pearl
Anne May 2019
I'll worry when youre gone
When you're off so far away
I worry you got a prettier girl
Who has shown you
The Brightside of the world
You may love her
You may settle down with her
But just remember
She'll never be your Pearl.
The girl who'd seen you cry
On yer bathroom floor
The girl who promised she could love you more
With each and every day
The girl who still dreams of you
night and day
Always on my mind
We just didn't meet at the right time  
How cruel of the God above
To place me in your arms
and then drop me to the Earth
from the heavens above
I cant deal with you havin another love
Because we met in a dream, we met before this life
You are the only one I'll ever love
I am bereft of
Feb 2019 · 178
Castle In The Air
Anne Feb 2019
Come live in my trailer park daydream
Where there is always a full moon
To illuminate the palm trees
And where our once lost love
Is only meant to be
Hazy yellow and purple moonlight
On your skin
We're young and free  
I love to see you grin
Up at the stars
And then back to me
No sadness
No regret  
To live in the past
As if its all we have left
To stay in that moment
Stuck in time
You and me lying in the grass
And the fireworks at night
Will be my last thought before I die
Your punk rock reverie
Swirled from your heart to my mind
my Rockstar I see you on stage
I smile
Theres no question
You'll always be mine
Feb 2019 · 218
Route 41
Anne Feb 2019
I drove to the ocean on Route 41
And I looked out into that endless blue
I couldn't admire the ocean's beauty
I could only think of you

I was blinded, I could not see
any of the rolling waves
In front of me

I pray to the angels
I pray every night
For the love of my life
To return to me

Will the angels answer/
Ill never know
As Im about to leave
Destination unkown
Anne Feb 2019
My heart is broken
By the old songs
On my radio
The beautiful memories of you rewind
In my aging mind
Where did the time go

Fast forward to present day
Im never happy
Doesn't matter where I run off to
I could drive for a hundred miles
And all Ill ever think of is you

The quietness of your absence
Is the worst sound Ill ever hear
Without you Im so small in this world
There is no hiding from my fears

I miss being safe
In the world of your dreams
Hidden away from Earth's evils
Where nothing is as scary as it seems

Now I am forgotten
So Ill just sit at home and drink
And wish that the next time I blink
Youll be here to pick me up
In your Chevy Pick Up Truck
And take me for a ride
As we listen to the radio
And not ever have to wonder
Where did the time go
Feb 2019 · 155
Anne Feb 2019
You dont smile
When I tell stories
Of my strange past
You just give me a grimace
A dead look in the eyes
Like youre tired of hearing my *******  

You look as though everything you love
Has been burned into ashes
Into cinders
That the wind has picked up
And blown away from you forever

I remember being young and in love
With the person you once were
Now your heart is black
And I don't know how I plan on fixin that

Just know I still love
Every part of you
Even if the days coming are bleak
With no dreams left to speak of

Wander down your darkest street
Im right beside you
Ill fight any demon you meet
Jan 2019 · 342
Black and Blue
Anne Jan 2019
You can do anything
You want to
You can make the


Black and blue
Black and blue

It is too difficult
To hide your true self
Just let the waves be felt
Against your soft skin
And your delicate heart

The clouds above are
Made of chiffon
Teardrops fall as you leave me

Withdrawn is my reality
But that is how I prefer to be

All the shameless daydreams
Are about you

Sad eyes
Golden sand
Where did you run off to,
My man?
Jan 2019 · 187
Daffodil Girl
Anne Jan 2019
The girl with daffodils in her eyes
Lets no one see her cry
She is the only one
To see a silver sunrise

To be a daydream
To be in love
To forever have a ten year old heart
Is all this girl could ever hope of

She knows after every heartbreak
She becomes a little more quiet
She sees her lips start to seal
While she becomes submissive to
Her own darkness

The less you speak the faster you die
No one there to console the flower girl
Trusting the ones she loved
Was her only downfall
Jan 2019 · 144
Anne Jan 2019
The air had turned crystalline blue
It was a fog none could see through
Trees encased in ice
And the suns golden rays ever so slight

Farmland covered in diamonds
Dazzles few
As we have become accustomed to
Mother Nature's brilliance  

The tree dance
With the  melody given by changing winds
While the birds sing like angels
And the sunshine melts away too fast

Smoke rising off the Earth
In the twilight
Two lovers get to know one another
Better in this January moonlight
Jan 2019 · 277
Anne Jan 2019
Soft orange glow
The strip
City of Angels
Los Angeles
Neon lights
The heart of rock n roll

Whiskey a go go
Lose and ******
The latest riot performing
Makin it all look easy

Bad boys of Hollywood
On the prowl
Hottest ticket in town
Hell's in crowd

Cult hero Jeff Starship
Has exited the stage
His last words put a curse on rockstars
Who adorn themselves in gold lame

Trash Metal
Super fast
Super heavy
How long can they last?

They got drugs they got grit
Their agent smiles
"They'll make it...
If they live"
Nov 2018 · 187
High Noon in Colorado
Anne Nov 2018
You drive and drive  
You pull up to your late fathers home
You cry, you whimper
A thunderstorm approaches
To let you know you're not alone

High noon in Colorado
But the sky is dark
You run for yer mama
And ask her to mend your broken heart

Lightning only flashes
Rain never shows
The promised rain could have washed away
The problems that continue to grow

Your childhood house is abandoned
Weeds all around
You step out of memory lane  
Wearing a frown

What more can you do
Than to try to move on
While the sparrows sit in Colorado
And sing your father's favorite song
For Duane.
Nov 2018 · 263
when i was In Love
Anne Nov 2018
If anyone ever
Comes near my grave and asks
“What was her favorite time?”
Smile and tell them
It was Saturdays at nine.
Anne Jun 2018
The clouds are gone
But Austin is too
And now the sky  
Has turned too blue.

The birds mindlessly fly  
They sing of a pain I never knew
Their singing goes unanswered
The sky is too blue.

The sky is too blue!
The pilot cried
As he had just written
Austin's name
Up in the sky.

My car glides round the backroads
Music from the radio speaks true
Of all the good times we had together
The sky is too blue.

I used to say the sky is too blue
How I was once confused
I would say,

Why aren't you sad?
Why aren't you somber and gray?
Don't you miss having Austin on Earth
As much as I do?"  

The sky and it's clouds
Shed a tear and

"the deepest shades of sadness and melancholy
come in blue
my dear... "

A butterfly sails  
In a sky that's ocean blue
Near the cream puff clouds
Where Austin must be now
I wish I was up there too.

The pain remains the same
The pain of losing Austin which I can not evade.

Wouldn't it be funny
If this sad life was just a dream
And I could open my eyes
And everything would once again be rosey.
No one missing, no more dying  
Austin once again by my side,
Just as it should be.
For my dear love Austin. I miss you
Apr 2018 · 476
Anne Apr 2018
I was in love with a man
Who didn't have no shoes
Ya that man was down and out
That man had sure turned blue.

I was in love with a man
Who was so beautiful and kind
Ya that man could have been mistaken
For a flower in the springtime.  

I was in love with a man
Who could play anything with strings
Ya that man was so talented
Did I mention he could sing?

I was in love with a man
Who had a heart of pure gold
Ya that man promised
We'd love eachother til we were weak and old.

I was in love with a man
Who had wavering tides
Ya that man was made of the ocean and the sky
I always was wonderin what he wanted to hide.  

I was in love with a man
Who loved his drugs
Ya that man could get so high
He would fly round me like a dove.

I was in love with a man
Whose eyes always looked a little lonely
Ya that man had a tragic lifestyle
He really made me worry.

I was in love with a man
Who reminded me of the sun
Ya that man was so bright
His light touched everyone.
for Howie
Mar 2018 · 19.8k
fake flowers
Anne Mar 2018
Exotic petals of yellow,
Hot pink and leaves of green
A sunrise of baby blues
And clouds made of cream.

A lei of Hibiscus
Whiskey and Tequila too
A paradise of softheartedness
Where the sun will never set on you.

Lilac skies in the west
Clouds made with a dash of tangerine  
A Pink Flamingo guarding her nest
A sight straight out of daydreams.

The spirits sway  
In the shadows of the palm trees
So come on down and meet us by the Cay
And let all your fears fall away.

Anne Mar 2018
Do you ever see  a bird
and wonder
if its someone you knew
whose passed away
someone you loved
greeting you one more time
and droppin in to say

Do you ever see a dandelion
blooming at an odd time
in late September
and wonder if its an old soul
you had once forgotten
but now remember?

Do you ever take a peak at the sun
as it shines down in a particular way
the rays grace your skin
then a couple of clouds move in
is this a lost loved one
checking up on you
and whispering
it will all be okay?  

Do you ever take a walk by yourself
and stare down at your feet
but the wind picks up
to caress your cheek
the flowers have now turned to face you.
Could this be a late love exclaiming
I still am with you.

Mar 2018 · 476
i do
Anne Mar 2018
i see
i see Your face in the clouds
i see You're every shade of blue
in the sky
i see You
in every season
that passes me by

i hear
i hear a wise man  
i hear the wise man say
"you go your way
i'll go your way too"
i heard him say that
i knew he was talkin bout me n You

i feel
i feel You
i feel You just as the spring breeze came
but just like a robin
You got on up
and flew away

i miss You
i miss You like a butterfly misses
her favorite flower when it has died

but with the breeze she will glide
up to the lucid blue sky
to join her true love once again
on the flipside
Dec 2017 · 494
for H part 1
Anne Dec 2017
sometimes past midnight
my window'll be open
'n ill hear the rev
of a motorcycle
that sounds got me hopin
that maybe in my dreams
ill meet up with Him
and we can pretend
Hes come back from heaven

nothing was more lovely
than the sound of His voice
along with the strum  
of His guitar

how I wish my Baby
wasn't so far

I remember how bad He hurt
and how He always put others first
no wonder He needed to get high
to escape the strife in His life
it was the only way He could fly

He constantly had roses blooming
in His mind
though animosity was constantly
from all His connections, riches, n fame

it was all enough
to drive anyone insane.


my Baby had always been a rose
when His band was all the rage
He would light up the stage
with His angelic ways
n His bass draped
cross His small frame

Hes gone now
He had to go
back from where
He came


ill still be waitin
for Him
on His black motorcycle
with the flames
because nothings the same
without Him.
for Howie
Dec 2017 · 417
three flowers
Anne Dec 2017
the rose held its head down
in its final hours
as the rain poured down
in a sudden summer shower

the daffodils sat at the edge of the high way
and would wave at the cars thatd pass
their exhaust made the petals melt
their once proud heads begin to sink
to Decay
the petals bow to kiss the grass
no one can feel the pain these flowers have felt
Jul 2017 · 387
graveyard poem
Anne Jul 2017
My eyes look up to the sky   
To see
The clouds twirling with the wind.
A new shade of grey is displayed every time
Ribbons of thunderous clouds roll by

Two dragon flies collide  
On this August night
They drunkenly hover near one another
I hear their tiny giggles
Then like a bolt of lightning, they fly away to hide

What appeared to be a dove in the air
Has transformed into a vulture
More ghastly than his mangy feathers
Is his cold stare

He has landed on the tallest grave,
He patrols the rolling hills
Made of endless tomb stones
Each one beholding a lost loved ones name
Jul 2017 · 382
leaving the station
Anne Jul 2017
I peel open my eyes
to reveal an ethereal
water color sky
it is peaceful
it is silent
no one else around
not a soul, not a sound

my eyes blink
then I think
and wonder why
do I feel a little horrified

I was embedded by carnations
from people
who were trying to show their admirations

toward whom?
who? me? what?

"I will always love you"
whispered the orchid

I recall feeling blue
and my vision became distorted

the peach colored horizon has faded
but the sun, or sky, or time
can never be persuaded
Jul 2017 · 5.2k
Poem #4
Anne Jul 2017
He was my most delicate flower  

My favorite peony

Who seemed resilient of harsh summer showers

He held my aurora

He was my king, my aliferous deity

A dulcet fragrance is mixed with spring’s breeze

His kalon petals would balter  

I whisper “I dream of living near the sea”

He'd grin

Knowing I’ll never turn out as I aspire to be

With more love than the last

Everyday I would greet him  

Nurture him, tell him wild stories of my strange past

I thought too highly of him

I took my sharpest scissors

I lacerated his stem carefully

I killed him and pressed him  

In an effort

To preserve my love of him

For eternity
Jul 2017 · 1.4k
Tiger Lily
Anne Jul 2017
He has vibrant orange petals.

I would fight

anyone who refers to them as dull.  

His orange petals

Are the color of my curiosity

When I wonder what worlds he beholds.

The worlds I’ll never know.

His sturdy green neck

extends to kiss the sky

or to just watch the clouds go by.    

Without him, my heart would have no summer time.

I run to him.  

my lily white fingers caress his delicate petals,  

I admire his natural beauty.

I see his petals begin to unfold

He blooms at the sight of me.

His petals curl back,

creating a boasting stance

His tepals look me straight in the eye

I don’t blink, I can see right through his outside

I can peer into his soul,

I smile, I laugh

Knowing nothing in this world is under our control.


When we are near each other

The harsh, sudden summer rains

do not rip through his soft petals

I don't care how wet my hair gets

after the storm

I find myself dancing along with

His wind swayed groove

during torrential down pours

My smile grows

and grows

and grows

Because of him

Anne Jul 2017
Perched atop a table, surrounded by some jazz

Sits a pink rose as glamorous as

A golden age Hollywood starlet  

This rose is nocturnal, resides in her own darkness

The rose lives in shades of grey  

Like the remnants of cigarettes in a nearby ashtray

With the occasional ring of cherry red lipstick  

Her intoxicating perfume makes men sick

The fragrance of a pink rose

Never does as shes told

Circulates the room like a cloud of smoke

And dances around as if life were a joke  

Almost transparent in the full moon’s light  

A breeze knocks the perfume out of sight  

Natural Beauty is an oddity of her own

With blush pink petals, this rose stands alone

The fragrance drifts out of town  

Near some trailer parks, waiting for something to go down        

Traveled along the highway’s long, slick road

The fragrance belongs in a dream world of her own

Some dare to bottle her, capture her essence

Fools! Will they ever learn their lesson?

Somethings must remain untouched by man

For they have been beautiful since their lives began.
This poem is inspired by  

Josef Breitenbach’s artwork, “Fragrance of a Pink Rose”,

New York, 1945.

— The End —