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 Aug 2015 Sannie
Falling for a poet
is like swimming in an ocean
of warm, blue water,
with currents that never cease
and waves with a constant flow.

Natural, the water is,
though some would call it
*****, unfiltered* & dangerous-
and dangerous it is, absolutely!
Swim in too deep and
you'd probably drown in its volume!

Oceans cannot be tamed,
Oceans cannot be blamed,
Oceans can be changed.

But if you do get out of the ocean alive,
if you do manage to conditionally survive,
you would be leaving the water
*****, poisoned & polluted.  

Hence, the poet shall write.
 Aug 2015 Sannie
Dylan Lewis
Seeing you happy with someone else still stings on the inside but I know he makes you smile and that makes me smile, I became a man tonight and put away all my childish things like holding on the hate I had for you breaking me, but maybe that was all apart of some greater plan, one I do not fully understand but one day I hope we can still be friends because in the end that's what you were to me my best friend, someone I could count on when things got rough, when the seas got scary you were there to calm the storm. I wanna thank you for letting me be apart of your life for so long letting me get to know your family and friends I broke a lot of hearts in the end but I'm not throwing a tantrum anymore I'm setting the unsettled score I'm letting you and everyone see the real the true vulnerable me. In these poems I talk about how sad I am without you but I think those are lies I just tell myself to sleep at night. I love you I always will as a person not in love with you but care for you always and forever until the day I die I will look back and smile on the times we shared, on the memories, the smiles. Thank you for everything. I owe you a big part of me, because without you I wouldn't have became me. The real me. The true me.

Thank you.
 Aug 2015 Sannie
AnnSura Moon
How do you know me?
Why do you look at me, with recognition in your eyes?
You speak to me
When you have nothing to say
You listen to me
With words I haven’t spoken
You touch my skin
With your ghostly fingers
You light my soul
With sadness in me
Why me?
Why do you look at me, with recognition in your eyes?
How do you know me, when you have never been alive...?
 Aug 2015 Sannie
One day,
Ill be the one to mention your name like you didnt mean so much to me.

So many years have gone by after all.
I hope that day'll come soon.
 Aug 2015 Sannie
black rose
 Aug 2015 Sannie
Today I gave my crush a flower,
because no one has ever done it for me.

But it shrank from the summer heat,
it fried in my back seat.

The rose was pink,
how my heart use to be.

Now it's black
burnt from fury.

I was once a romantic,
but now I just want somebody to go to bed with.
I never thought that a three second eye contact
Could rock my world like this
I just wanted you to notice me
It was never my intention to fall
I don't know where I lost control
Must have been somewhere between your smile and the way you dance

You have marked my notebook
But your smile left a mark on my heart and mind too
You are everywhere I go
And everyone I see
Take my heart with you
I don't need it without you

**I think I better Ron (run)
Fangirling. I dedicate this to the boy who made my day extraordinary. This is for you Ron Mclean Galang. <3
 Aug 2015 Sannie
Anne Sexton
Who will forgive me for the things I do?
With no special legend of God to refer to,
With my calm white pedigree, my yankee kin,
I think it would be better to be a Jew.

I forgive you for what you did not do.
I am impossibly quilty. Unlike you,
My Friend, I can not blame my origin
With no special legend or God to refer to.

They wear The Crucifix as they are meant to do.
Why do their little crosses trouble you?
The effigies that I have made are genuine,
(I think it would be better to be a Jew).

Watching my mother slowly die I knew
My first release. I wish some ancient bugaboo
Followed me. But my sin is always my sin.
With no special legend or God to refer to.

Who will forgive me for the things I do?
To have your reasonable hurt to belong to
Might ease my trouble like liquor or aspirin.
I think it would be better to be a Jew.

And if I lie, I lie because I love you,
Because I am bothered by the things I do,
Because your hurt invades my calm white skin:
With no special legend or God to refer to,
I think it would be better to be a Jew.
 Aug 2015 Sannie
I was born from a farthest star
where beauty and shattered lights
sprinkled all over the place

i touched the glass of gold crystals,
they are soft and silky
that I can glide and say 'weee!'

The strand of my hair goes
to slow motion
as I somersault into the air

The giant moon illuminates
from sight
he yawns as I wave
and gave a sweet smile

I can hear the words
'Dream, Dream, Dream'
echoes from his mind

I close my eyes and feel the warmth
of the stars embrace

'Dream, Dream, Dream' whispers from the
billion celestial of the night

I find happiness in an endless tranquil space.
Have a good night everyone!
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