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234 · Jul 2019
Manic Monday
Christina S Jul 2019
I have to get up very soon
Why am I still writing poetry?
Tonight the thoughts keep flowing
from that creative side of me

I think about life and love
and everything in between
I marvel at all the wonderful
things that I have seen

But deep down I
wonder if I'm manic
And gonna be up all night
"I should sleep" I say and panic

I think of all the things
I could be doing but I need to get to bed
It's crazy how I fight sleep
and how fast ideas go through my head
It's amazing the stigma that is still attached to those that are bipolar, etc.
232 · Aug 2019
Christina S Aug 2019
Honey, you make me feel alive
like all my dreams came true
as if I'm completely electrified
my body screams for you

When I get to thinking
What we are capable of
I get all hot and sweaty
and search for my love

Honey, now I know I'm alive
I'm aware I rush to satisfy
I would slow down but
dear I think I might die!
I took out a stanza that I thought might be 18+, so I hope the last stanza makes sense. :-)
228 · Aug 2019
I Thought I Knew
Christina S Aug 2019
With careless and wild eyes
you unleashed a big surprise
you didn't love me anymore,
I thought I knew what love was
but surely I didn't 'cause
I wasn't the one that you adored.
My mom cried more than i did
as I was the one that you got rid
leaving permanent emotional burns,
you used me for my looks
grasped in with your hooks
and yet for you I yearned.
You were just a bump in the road
to catch my prince I kissed a toad
I'm so grateful you set me free,
I know you're still alone now
karma works that way somehow
And now I have my own family
A breakup from forever ago. See? Breakups hurt but sometimes they really are for the best!!
222 · Jan 2019
A Love So True
Christina S Jan 2019
Once upon a time my heart
was broken and defeated
The pain I endured had
broken me and I retreated

A heart in shambles from
mistreatment and despair
Had left me feeling alone
and with no one to care

But I found a man who I
thought would be like the rest
Alas, he repaired my heart
and filled it with zest

And now and again to this
day when I feel blue
He reminds me how adored I am
and that we share a love so true!
Christina S Aug 2019
There is beauty in everything
your voice,your eyes, your smile
everything else around me adds to the
beauty and makes this life worthwhile
If you are wondering if you are beautiful too
Of course you are, you are one of God's creatures
No need to paint yourself all up because
you already have stunning features

O God's creatures, know time is a teacher
I've been wondering for so long
What's the meaning of beauty
Is it what we see?
Is it that flower you wish to pluck
And save in a glass?
Is it what you are wanting to be?

I answered myself

It's that moon standing still in darkness
Plenty of holes and yet, its so bright

Its that fruiting, shading palm tree
Sitting in empty desert lonely

Its that sound no one heard and its that side
That shallow persons had never seen

I told myself
Beauty is that warm heart residing in your heavenly caring chest
Loving from east to west
Its you being you

I asked myself to define beauty
And I realized it's a divine beauty.
214 · Nov 2018
Healed My Heart
Christina S Nov 2018
You've comforted me through the rain
Been there for me when I was a bane
Saved me from the oncoming train
Because you know my heart

You've watched me climb to precarious heights
And talked me down till I see the light
You were there for me in my darkest night
Because you know my heart

When the barbed wire encompassed my heart
You were careful to untangle it from the start
Bloodied yourself but did not part
Because you know my heart

Finally, the clouds lifted, and there was you
The injuries and emptiness were gone, it's true
You walked in to hold my hand, on cue
Because you healed my heart
201 · Oct 2018
My Everything
Christina S Oct 2018
The world seems so new
As I travel this road with you
I know we've been here before
But I want more and more

I know it's no big surprise
When I look into those brown eyes
It's obvious, you know
That your love does show

We both fell in love so fast
People, they doubted it would last
You have such a tender heart
It's been that way from the start

We'll love each other till the end
You are my lover, you are my friend
We will sustain anything
You are my everything
199 · Dec 2019
A Christmas Poem
Christina S Dec 2019
That special season is here
With Christmas love and cheer
And the children are full of laughter;
they help decorate the tree
as they're filled with glee
It's the spirit of giving I'm after!
There's lists of things to do
And shopping lists, that's true!
All for the magical month of December;
And for the good girls and boys
we'll buy them clothes and toys
And donate to those in need--we'll remember!
When Christmas finally is here
And our loved ones are near
We'll open our gifts and thank the "One";
Without Christ there would be no special day
So we honor Him in our traditional way
We gather 'round the tree and have so much fun.
Each Christmas is special for old and the young
If family or friends we're among
Then we're truly blessed this joyous day!
My favorite time of year
192 · Aug 2019
Thoughts On Love
Christina S Aug 2019
"It is what it is! " Says Love
"This is insane!" Says Reason
"You'll regret it!" Says Caution
"It'll cause you pain!" Says Fear
"This is ridiculous!" Says Pride
"This could end badly!" Says Experience
"I'll be left in pieces!" Says the heart
"It is what it is!" Says Love
188 · Dec 2020
Christina S Dec 2020
Hope perches on a branch in my heart

waiting patiently for spring to come;

She looks out of her broken window

wondering where the cold comes from.

Love is a tired old woman in the

depths of my soul, fatigued and dismayed;

Not knowing what should come naturally,

she sits in the dark afraid.

There outside an empty corpse

love tries to breathe life into me

Almost unwillingly, hope accepts just

enough love to survive, just barely

Because all that is within her

knows that love ends with pain.

the voice inside reminds her that no one

can ever take away her stain.
This was a long time ago.....
182 · Jul 2019
An Extraordinary Afternoon
Christina S Jul 2019
A gentle sun peeks from the clouds
as we go in the water to wade
We hurry to our favorite spot
before the afternoon begins to fade

No swimming for me today
Not warm enough to take the dive
this place~surrounded by sand
dunes, makes me feel so alive

Minnows flash over my feet,
A dragonfly flies by me,
Natures majesty in full display
An afternoon extraordinary
Had a great day!
180 · Jul 2019
Waking Gently
Christina S Jul 2019
The sun rises in the east
with loud colors of orange, yellow and red
waking gently the sleepy birds
that come and peck at my window

Vibrant life begins as nocturnal
animals slink back into their homes
The sun proudly shows off her heat
and beauty as she has been in hiding

Today I will bask in her warmth
and enjoy life's little miracles
As she warms our lakes and rivers
I will swim in the living waters
Last attempt at free verse....i think :-)
176 · Jul 2019
Among The Stars
Christina S Jul 2019
As your gaze fixes in mine
I can feel the world stand still
For a moment, as you kiss me
my life and heart are fulfilled

You have given me a love
that is both amazing and kind
This is such a blessing 'cause
true love is so hard to find

You are my destiny
and all my heart desires
I spend all day and night
putting out your fires

And when we are no longer,
when we are among the stars,
our love will be a legend
No matter where we are!
147 · Dec 2020
Wrapped Up In Christmas
Christina S Dec 2020
I'm all wrapped up in Christmas
but I'm not wrapped up in me
I like to help other people
and delight in my family

I'm all wrapped up in Christmas
Every Christmas activity you can foresee
If I had my druthers, I'd help all
my friends put up their Christmas trees

I'm all wrapped up in Christmas
Armed with wrapping paper, boxes and bows
Although the gifts don't make the holiday
It is fun to watch the kids open toys and clothes

Yes, I'm all wrapped up in Christmas
The Spirit has a strong grasp on me
And as I sit by the glow of the fire, I
remember my fondest Christmas memories
131 · Mar 2020
Christina S Mar 2020
There's an unseen invader
waiting to make me sick,
Lurking around the house
time goes by-tick-tock-tick

Scared of the unknown
Not much left to do
If it's as bad as they say
I haven't got a clue

I'm doing all I can
against the unseen enemy
I dream of the day when
once again I can roam free
The virus has us all on edge....

— The End —