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Xaela San Jun 2020
Man is the greatest
enemy of Nature
Man's greatest
enemy is Man
Man vs Nature
Man vs Man
Xaela San Jun 2020
Tranquility in the silence of the evening

A maiden walks in the garden with her night gown

Illuminating moonlight touching her bare face

She reminiscence her almost forgotten past

While thinking deeply, her thoughts influenced her mind

As stories of the past unfold before her eyes

The unreachable past can be felt in the heart

Chapters of her life, feelings hidden, resurfaced

Sweet as a nectar from blooming flowers of spring

A story where tears are evidence of sorrow

Memories serene like the quiet winter's night

Joy and sadness she experienced made her now

This brought upon a faint smile in her once frowned lips.
~Who else randomly recall memories at night?
~Does reminiscing the past makes you nostalgic or sad?
~Does it help you sleep or makes you stay up all night?

The silence of the night helps me remember something in he past that either makes me happy, laugh, cry, sad or feel nostalgic. Sometimes thinking deeply makes me stay up late but also help me learn from my past actions. The regrets, the mistakes, the decisions, the reasons, the joy, the disappointments, the sorrow: It made me who I am now and put me to the path I take today. I guess it made me: Much stronger and better than before. XS

{12-syllables by line}
  Jun 2020 Xaela San
If you want to feel better,
you can't hide things.
the one.
  May 2020 Xaela San
at the end of the day—
it doesn’t matter
how meticulously folded
the envelope is

all i can see
are the big red letters
stamped across the top

i appreciate
the gentleness with which
you continue to
return my unrequited love
every single day

but gentle doesn’t mean
  May 2020 Xaela San
She Writes
Tell me this!
How can you cage a bird
When you fell in love
Whilst watching it fly?
  May 2020 Xaela San
What if every little thought
That lives inside your head
Instead of hiding away in there
Was spoken out, was said?

Would you be embarrassed?
Would you hate your mouth?
Would you rather be mute
Than let the truth come out?

What if every little thing
That people thought of you
Instead of being tucked away
Was heard, was listened to?

Would you be ashamed?
Would you cover your ears?
Would you rather be deaf
Than let the truth come near?

And what if every image
That passes through your thoughts
Was freed from its prison
To roam until it rots?

Would you be disgusted?
Would you look away?
Would you rather be blind
Than see your thoughts at play?
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