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I'm a firm believer in the sixth sense of animals and their ability to portend the future 'sometimes' . Many cases exist , farm animals included , of strange occurrences just before an Earthquake , Tornado or Hailstorm !
Animals have the ability to pick up emotional signals from human beings as well ! We had a quarter horse that could pick up fear , a dog that would hide under the bed an hour before a hailstorm , and a pet pig that would squeal and hide from someone it didn't recognize ! Then again I had a Rooster once , that picked up on my depressed state of mind an flogged me good with its razor sharp spurs one afternoon ! I questioned his ability to see the future later on that evening as I rocked on the front porch and picked out his barbecued remains with a wood tooth pick and a cup of hot tea* !
Copyright September 20 , 2015 by Randolph L Wilson * All Rights Reserved
I have known you since kindergarten,
But now you are Greek to me
On quiet afternoons in the Fall ,  Oaks and Maple cry , drumming of war heard through the pines , for on this hallowed ground Georgia was  divided , Native Tribes became belligerent , the Northern third of a nation lost , on this very day, late afternoon , by rushing water , voices whisper agony of Chief McIntosh , warring tribes of Cherokee , Creek in battle , brother against brother , bitterly divided over outside aggression , by stroke of pen , broken treaty and deceit ,  forest alive with ghost of man woman and child , the ensuing Trail of Tears and destruction of a once proud Nation ...
Indian Springs State Park in Georgia.
Some say that God created the Universe,
But others say it was all an Accident.
Yet either way
Accident or God
Must have Existed
In some Realm or Place.

Think about it.
No accident without cars, ships, trains or planes.
No God without Somewhere to reign.

Oh yes, of course, it’s all beyond our mortal comprehension.
Outside of space and time.
But here’s the rub,
The Bard would say:
The miracle is that we Think,
That we Know we exist

Sentient Consciousness:
The most wonderful thing,
All lodged in the Brain.

Matter is easy
Compared with the maze
Billions of years
Of Evolution
By mass destructions
That darkened the Earth
For many long years.

So now we can watch a golden sunrise
Or russet sunset.
We can marvel at the Milky Way above us:
Countless snowflakes swirling
Over the endless plain.

Paul Butters
Considering the human predicament again.
I'm reading old letters, yellowed with age,
The voice that speaks to me as I read is weathered,
Aged, and yet in clear syllables tells me,
All about life 70 years ago, when the world
And her people were at war with themselves.

Through the voices I heard while reading,
I glimpsed the chains that tied
My country's people in their skins, and engulfed
Their minds in suffering and shame.
Curious thing this epidermal tinge that a shade too dark, shackles a man
Down to the dust, robs him of pride
And breaks the spine of unborn children.

My grandfather's letters are old, dying sheets of paper,
His memories are moving clouds of silken mist,
Which swirl and glide as he remembers
The days of his youth, carrying a satchel to school,
Because his dark skin, the condition of his people,
Their status as the Subjects of a King they did not know,
Forbade him from walking in boots and a better school.

The moonlight shines through the window,
70 years have passed, and a shackled spirit now roams free
Broken chains lie in the dust and words exist in history books,
But my grandfather describes freedom best.
Dedicated to my grandparents.
We're just young
And we're trying to get by

I have seen the best minds and
The greatest potential

I have seen their light devoured
And energy spent
Blind and always at breaking point
Minds rejecting
Bodies resisting

That's just how we feel
An entire generation isn't overreacting
 Sep 2015 Abhishaj Sajeev
J Valle
We'll smile for the camera
Smile for the picture,
Then why won't we smile
When we see our reflection?
We'll held our cups up
And scream 'cheers' together
But we are not cheering,
We are actually trying
To clear up our conscience.
We'll discuss about ***
Like we are the masters
But the truth is,
We are still not over
Our last ex.
We act so precocious
To start the next stage
But we are not conscious yet
To leave this stage.
We should stop expecting
To do what we see
We are still on time
To change
What others will see.
Too often we think
our story doesn’t matter,
too often we’re wrong.
I wrote this haiku on the last day of the World Suicide Prevention Week ‘15. We cannot let this movement stop here. If you (or someone you know) are struggling, please reach out. Get help. Know that you are not alone. Know that there is hope.
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