I dont need it
Your touch
But I crave it
The way it makes my skin warm
The way it makes me sweat
The way it makes me shy away
From you
As you pull me ever closer
Against you
Onto you
As you pull me into you
And yourself into me
I dont need it
Your touch
Or atleast thats the way
I wish my mouth
Would say the words
But instead I whisper
"I need you"
"I crave you"
"I cant live without this"
"Touch me, please, I beg"
"Devour me with new memories
Fade the old ones"
I don't just want it
I need it
And if you cant provide
I cant provide you
With my love
Because the need comes from above
Above my mind
Above my own heart
Beyond and before
It comes from before
When the only love I knew
Was when he touched me
So the only love I craved
Was him defiling me
So now I crave to be defiled by you