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Feb 2022 · 898
Is This Okay?
Raven Feb 2022
"Hello" I say to you
(Hello) You reply

"How are you?"

"What are you doing?"
(Fading away)

(Hello) You say
"Hello" I reply

(How are you?)
"I'm fine"

(What are you doing)
"Listening to music"

"Hello" I say to you
(Hello) You reply

"What makes you want to die?"
(The constant people who use me)

"What makes you want to live?"
(John and his love)

(Hello) You say
"Hello" I reply

(What make you want to die?)
"Lots I guess"

(What makes you want to live?)
"My stuffies"

"Hello" I say to you
(Hello) You reply

"How do you feel right now"
(I want to go away. Forever)

"What do you want?"
(Actual consistent love)

(Hello) You say
"Hello" I reply

(How do you feel right now?)
"I'm okay. Listening to music"

(What do you want?)

(Don't lie to me)
"I'm not"

(What do you want?)


"I want to be free"

(I want to die please)
"I want to die please"

As you may see
They are both me
But the difference is
One is who you see
Feb 2022 · 607
Cuddle to Fuck
Raven Feb 2022
I smile the most
When I want to

I laugh the most
When I want to

I sit here
And I act playful
As we text

But deep down inside
My heart
And my hope
Have failed
And I lay here
Stuck in my head
Unable to leave this bed

I miss having more people
To hold me close
And cuddle
For now everyone
Makes it ******

I miss holding hands
With people
And going on adventures
But now everyone
Assumes that means
I want them

I do want love
And I do want someone to hold
But just because I cuddled you
Or held your hand
Or was goofy with you
It doesn't mean
You're the one I choose

A cuddle
Shouldn't turn
Into a ****

Holding a hand
Shouldn't turn
Into love

So why is that
What I always
Run into?
Feb 2022 · 128
Raven Feb 2022
I reach up
Up above my head
Further than I could get
My whole body to go

I feel nothing
For there is nothing there

I'm surrounded by darkness
By cold
And by silence
Like drowning
In an ocean wave

I can breath
But when there is nothing
To breath for
Why would I want
To breath at all?

I can move
And stumble around
But I make no progress
And go nowhere
For every step
Just leaves more darkness behind
And even more infront
So why move at all?

So I may aswel sit
And think away
The never ending time
That has no light
To guide me through
To tell me how long I've been
Lost in this darkness

I cannot escape
And I cannot die
For when there's nothing around
You cannot do anything
But lay on the ground

But I begin to ponder
And I begin to wonder
Is there even a ground
Beneath my feet at all?

For all I know there isnt
For all I know I'm just falling
But when there's nothing around
And no light to be found
You begin to assume
That you just float

So until I find a light
To guide me through
The never ending nothing

I shall just float
I shall just think
I shall just lay down
And give in
To nothing
Feb 2022 · 127
Raven Feb 2022
His hand on my leg
On the back of my thigh
As I lay on my side

Please go
Bury the memory
Alongside all the others

He comes in my room
A place he shouldn't be
While I'm peacefully asleep

Please don't
But I've already forgotton
Because I didn't even know

He sneaks into the house
When he should be home at his own
Uninvited but unafraid

Please leave
Wake her up so she notices you
And makes you leave once more

But thing's don't happen the way I wish
So instead I'm here
In bed
Trying to sleep for a little
When I no longer can

So I wake up and remember
Just a little snippet
Of that night
And I know once I remember more
I'll lay on the floor as I whisper

Feb 2022 · 121
None Left to Bleed
Raven Feb 2022
I wanna hurt myself
Worse then ever before
I wanna do it until
All I can see from my legs
Is the blood all over the floor

I wanna hurt myself
Worse then ever before
So that I can see the blood
That makes me feel calmer
Than anything more

Its pretty
And so easy to focus on

When the rest of the world feels
And so hard to cope with

The way it feels is so nice
The way it flows is so soothing
The way it warms me up is so calming

Its warm and cozy
And makes me feel
Less lonely
And empty

No one understands it fully
Other than me
For I've never met another person
Who cuts for the purpose
Of seeing themselves bleed

Its concerning and dangerous
I know this
But its soothing
And freeing
So how bad can it be

Unfortunately I fear
That one day
No amount of blood
Will be enough

And on that day
I'll end up
With none
Left to bleed
Feb 2022 · 312
Raven Feb 2022
I watch it flow
Off of my arm
Onto the floor
Or onto me

I watch it flow
As it mesmorizes me
And drowns out
The memories

Its beautifully red
Sweetly warm
And bitterly tasting

It soothes me deep within
Like no other person or thing
Could possibly match

It may be bad for me physically
But mentally its soothing

It calms me
Soothes my mind
And soothes my soul


I want to drown in it

I want to make sure there's enough
To make a pool
A puddle
Or to drain me
From within

I wanna be stained crimson
As I fade away
From this house
Where safety
Never existed
Feb 2022 · 136
Floating Fleeing Gone
Raven Feb 2022
I lay in bed
And I fade away
Into thoughts
And memories

I lay in bed
As I drown
From within
Hoping that maybe I'll be pulled back
And be free from this reality


I float on the maybes
Hoping they become solid

Floating makes me tired
I just want to lay down
On the ground
And rest

I drown in all the things
That fall through
And are no longer true

I drown in all the things
That you did
And that I did to you

I'm falling away
From reality
But I'm not even sure
If I even want to stay

I'm full now
Full of broken promises
And the lies people tell
Too full to take another bite

I'm wishing to be gone
To float away
Up into space
Where I can just be
In peace
Feb 2022 · 67
Raven Feb 2022
I just wanna be fully safe
Just for one day

But you want your support
From a *******
Just like before

You ignore how I feel
Because you wanna believe
Everythings fine
And that I'm happy

But if you really cared about
You'd make him go away
You'd make him

I just want to be able to sleep
But you already chose
A *******
Over me

Soon you'll no longer be mom
If you keep
Choosing them
And ignoring me
Feb 2022 · 70
Raven Feb 2022
I'm just another broken soul
Drifting through life
On one last piece of hope

I grasp onto that one last piece
As it pulls me along
And drags me forward
Even when I can't walk

It drags me along
And bruises and breaks
As it goes along
Dragging me across every bump
And every surface

I'm drifting away
From this place
Drifting away
From the space
That I occupy

I've got one last piece of hope
But its leaving me
Bleeding and broke
As I drift away from

Feb 2022 · 90
Escape Reality
Raven Feb 2022
Can I please
Just eacape reality for a day
As I lay on the floor
Drowning in music
And every memory of before

Let me escape reality
As I bleed out
Behind a closed door
And fade away

Let me escape reality
As I burn myself
And stare at the flame
Mesmorized by how I made it
Through the day

Let me escape reality
As I bite myself
As I have no other way
To feel the pain

I want to fade away
From reality

I want to watch the blood
Drip down my arm
My thigh
Or any other place
Shy of view

I want to watch the flame
As it turns my skin white
And burns the thoughts away

I want to watch the bruise
Form on my skin
When I bite myself
And it splits apart from within

When I harm myself in many ways
I can escape reality

When I watch the blood
It mesmerizes me
With the way it flows

When I feel the burn
It soothes me deep within
As the only thing I can think of
Is now the pain
And not the painful

When I bite myself
My thoughts numb and dissappear
As I dissociate
From reality

Music isn't loud enough anymore
I can't write enough poems
Your cuddles make me insecure
And drawing is too much effort for me to cope
Feb 2022 · 130
Drown Me
Raven Feb 2022
Drown me in the memory
Of your touch
On my body

Drown me in the memory
Of when it was a yes
Not a no

Drown me in the memory
Of being high
In your arms
With lovely kisses

Because I don't wanna drown
In the memories I have

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
Your arm around my neck
And your leg between mine
Forcing submission
Without permission

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
My nails digging into
The back of your hand
Doing anything I can
To remove it from behind

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
The emotionless expression
And lack of remorse
When you look at me as I lay
Hitting myself and screaming
Mentally in too much pain
As you never even said
"I'm sorry"

Drown me in the memory
Of when you were gone
And I was free to just
Be me

Drown me in the memory
Of all days I was away
At a friends place
Or camping peacefully

Drown me in the memory
Of when all you did was yell
And hit me
But never said you love me

Because I don't wanna drown
In the memories I have

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
All the nights I lay awake in wait
Waiting for you to come in
And use me as you please

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
All the times I'd avoid the shower
Because when I didn't
You had to come with

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
All the times you'd ask me
To come watch a movie
Because that wasn't all it was

Drown me in the thought
Of meeting you again
And being happy
That you know me

Drown me in the thought
Of the movie theater
And hoping no one sees
As you mess around with me

Drown me in the thought
Of sneaking glances
And passionate kisses
Full of love

Because I don't wanna drown
In the memories I have

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
My no's going unheard
And never noticed
As I push you back

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
The pain as you forced your way
Inside of me
Into places I never wanted you to be

I no longer wanna drown in the memory of
When I told you what happened
And all you said was
I'm sorry but that was a long time ago
And I never even heard you

To everyone else
Who ever touched me
When I never said yes
And even said no

And please
Just let me
Live in peace
Aug 2021 · 723
Alone At 3AM
Raven Aug 2021
At 3AM
Under a bridge
Contemplating what life
Means to me

At 3AM
Under a bridge
Wondering why
It always has to be

At 3AM
Laying on a swing
Wondering why
I cant just eat

At 3AM
Laying on a swing
Just thinking why
Did he have to touch

At 3AM
Under a bridge
Hoping that you
Can make me feel

At 3AM
Hoping one day
You say you love

In my thoughts
Getting dragged down
And drowned

Why cant I eat?
Why cant I imagine anyone wanting me?
Why cant I sleep?
Why cant I stop thinking about what they did to me?

I want to fade away
Dissappear at 3AM
Somewhere far away
Somewhere I dont have to be
Aug 2021 · 94
Cant Breath
Raven Aug 2021
I cant breath
When I imagine
How you used to
Look at me

I can't breath
When I remember
The last words
You said to me

I cant breath
When I remember
How you threw me away
Without a care in the world

I cant breath
When I remember
All the times
You didn't want me


Just set me free

I dont wanna live with
These memories anymore

I dont wanna suffer
Every night
When I remember
Exactly how your touch

I cant handed it

Just let me go
Set me free
From all the memories
Aug 2021 · 86
Please Say No
Raven Aug 2021
I'm scared
That something
May have happened
To you

So in my heart
And in my head
I cant stop wishing
And whispering
For you
To please
Say no

At this point
Even if
Its a lie
I'd rather you say no
Then have to live with knowing
That it happened


Because it seems as though
These things
Like to follow me
Wherever I go

So if I make myself look sick
Look hurt
Look unappealing
Will you leave me alone?
Will you leave me be?

I dont want to feel this way
So strongly again

So please
Say no
Aug 2021 · 279
Come With Me
Raven Aug 2021
Come with me at midnight
Traverse an obstacle course
Leading to my heart
And into my soul

Come with me at 1
Run through the park
With no care in the world
But your hand in mine

Come with me at 2
Dance with me
In the middle of a field
Like only we exist

Come with me at 3
Tell me all the secrets
Your heart carries
And I'll tell you mine

Come with me at 4
Let me pour out my soul
As you hold me close
And I hide in your warmth

Come with me at 5
Look at me with weary eyes
And kiss me in disguise
As I melt from the look in your eye

Come with me at 6
As we return to reality
With me in your arms
And you mine
Aug 2021 · 74
Loved It
Raven Aug 2021
I love the time I spend with you
It makes me want to do better
And it makes me want to try
And do things on my own
With you watching
And guiding

I loved cuddling under the bridge
Watching as it rained
And dripped a bit on us

I loved kissing you that first time
It made my heart melt
And made me feel warm inside

I loved when you played with my hair
You did it with such care
When I never even asked you

I love when you stare at me
It makes me feel shy
And a little pretty

I love when you rub my arm
And my back
It makes me feel comfortable
And safe in your arms

I love laughing with you
It makes me feel free
And mostly at ease

I love making you smile
It makes my heart warm
And makes me feel worth it

I love your hair with all its floof
Its cute when it gets in the way
And I have to move it to kiss
All the sadness away

I love the way you make me feel
As if maybe I can keep going
And finally be real with someone
Without having to worry

I love when I get to hold you close
It makes me feel wanted
And like you're okay with me wanting you

I love when you laugh
At all the small things I do
Even when I have to just wonder why

I love seeing the way you feel
When I look you in the eye
Because I know it's not bad
And I don't have to worry

I love all the smiles you bring to my face
It takes only a small amount of effort
Of just being you
Aug 2021 · 102
Raven Aug 2021
I feel as though I'm empty
And as if my feelings will overflow

I feel as though I love you
And as if I cant feel at all

I feel as though I want to try
And as if I've given up on life

I feel as though I want to see you smile
And as if I want to erase it from my mind

I feel as though you made me happy
And as if you broke me apart

I feel as though I feel too much
And as if I don't feel at all

I feel as though I want to be alone
And as if I never want to let you go

I cantradict myself
And my feelings when it comes to you
But also when it comes to me

I wish to not feel this way
As you dont feel this way for me
Aug 2021 · 95
Nightly Ritual
Raven Aug 2021
Every night I flee
I flee the place most would call home
For to me the place is just a house

Every night I escape
I escape into my mind
While music follows close behind

Every night I drown
I drown in every feeling I've ever felt
In the feeling of unconsensual hands
Brought on by the memories in my mind

Every night I go outside
Into the dark as it holds me tight
Closer and safer then any person
Has ever felt

I can be me
I can be free
But thats honestly

I think of all the times I said no
And the times I couldnt speak

I think of all the times no ones listened to me
But then they treat me like I never said a thing
And I become a problem

I scream in my mind
Feeling left behind

I claw at desperate feelings
Of the smallest sliver of happy

I crave the warmth and safety
That I felt in your arms
The arms that are no longer mine
But still hold me close from time to time

I fade from reality as I wish to escape to a place
With no more pain

But I dont want to die
For I fear to be alone

I dont want to die knowing I always had to be on my own
Except for those short 2 years
With you.
Aug 2021 · 71
Endless Blue
Raven Aug 2021
I drown as I gaze
Into the endless blue
Of the sky

I think of all the poeple
Possibly doing the same

Thinking about this
Thinking about that
Thinking about everything
And nothing

As you stare into the endless blue
Are you thinking of me
As I think of you

As you stare into the endless blue
Do you think or heartbreak
And what could have been?
Or do you think of love
And what is?

As you stare into the endless blue
Are you sad
And lonely?
Or happy
As you can confidently say
"I have someone to hold me"

Everyone who spirals
Into the endless blue
Will spiral into thoughts
About everything
And nothing

But the question is
Are you happy
Or depressed?
Aug 2021 · 55
Raven Aug 2021
This is my introduction
Of me

My name is that of a flower
My name is Daffodil
A choice made by
My mother

I was born when all flowers bloom
Into the world
When all things warm up again

My past isn't bright
Like the month I was born
It's dark and cold
As if I was stuck in a never ending

Regardless of my past
I remain resiliant
And hopeful
Of all the things to come

My favorite colours are
And orange
But I walk the halls wearing mostly
Shades of yellow

I have many friends
And blend in among all types
Of crowds
Shining bright as can be
Spreading sheerful smiles
Among everybody

I tend to tuck myself away among friend groups
That have already been established
They appreciate my company
For they say I keep the pests away
With my cheerful display

I have unfortunately earned the nickname of daffy
But people say they like it
Because it dulls me down a bit
And apperently I need that

So hello
This is me
I hope one day we meet
May 2021 · 65
Raven May 2021
You have decided you no longer
Want to know me

You say I'm too much
You say you feel
Like ****
When you're around me
So you've decided
To leave

I'm devastated
But at the same time
I'm relieved
And I dont know why

Maybe it's because I won't hear you
Telling me all the things I do
That are wrong

Maybe it's because I won't hear you
Telling me how I make you feel
And that
Its not good

I won't hear you say
"You don't make me feel okay"

I won't hear you say
"I dont want your help"
Because if I help you
Then you'll want me around

I won't hear you say
"You're too much to handle"

I won't hear you say
"You get in the way"
When all I do
Is try to help you
Except for when im really not okay

I won't hear you say
"I'm sorry, I can't help"
When you never even tried

So yeah
Maybe I'm relieved
Because I can finally see
That you were toxic to me

Maybe I'm relieved
Because I can finally see
How you truly treated me

If I ignore the hugs
The cuddles
The butterflies
The smiles
The walks
The holding hands
The peaceful nights

I can remember all the times
That you treated me like ****
And they exceed the ones
Where you didn't.
Mar 2021 · 584
Raven Mar 2021
You weren't toxic
For once I found someone healthy
But of course the way I am ruins it
Mar 2021 · 394
Do you ever just
Raven Mar 2021
Do you ever just
Sit on the bathroom floor
Staring at the blades
Hoping someone will know
Maybe send a text that will save you
From bleeding tonight

Do you ever just
Lay in bed
Wondering where
Everything went so wrong
Wondering why you are so hard
To love

Do you ever just
Go for a walk
And wonder who else is
Walking around lonely
Wishing to run into another
So that maybe they can be the one
To save you from yourself

Do you ever just
Drown in music
Staring at the roof
The stars
Or the ground beneath your feet
And wonder how many others
Feel the way you do
Or if you're the only one
Whose at the limit tonight

Do you ever just
Wish to be on the moon
But with no air to breath
So that you can finally
Die in peace
Oct 2020 · 78
Can you
Raven Oct 2020
It washes my emotions away
And make me feel free
Can you figure out what I'm talking about?

I hold it in my hands to numb them
And it makes me feel at peace
Can you figure out what I'm talking about?

It drips down my skin
And soothes me deep within
Can you figure out what I'm talking about?

It holds me close
And makes me feel less alone
Can you figure out what I'm talking about?

It heats me up all over
And sends my body into overload
Can you figure out what I'm talking about?

It makes all thoughts disappear
And leaves me breathless
Can you figure out what I'm talking about?

The thought of it sets me at ease
And fills me with a weird sense of peace
Can you figure out what I'm talking about?
Oct 2020 · 58
Raven Oct 2020
I say I'm alright
I say i'm okay
But you don't see the smile
When it falters form my face

You see the happiness
And the laughs you hear
But you're not there when I start to fear

You're not there when I question
All that life
Is to me

You're not there when I question
What it means
To be

I say I'm alright
I say I'm okay
But really deep down
I'm starting to decay
Sep 2020 · 71
Raven Sep 2020
You linger there
In the back of my mind
Like a ghost
Held in by time

You linger there
Trying to push your way forward
Urging me to think

You linger there
But I don't want you to

For everytime I let you forward
I start to smell your scent

For everytime I let you forward
I start to feel your presence

For everytime I let you forward
I'm rendered

For everytime I let you froward
You haunt me

You linger there
Taunting me
Haunting the darkest corners of
Sep 2020 · 375
Set my heart on fire
Raven Sep 2020

That's all I can think about
morning and day


Set my heart on fire


Make me feel warm everywhere


Ignite my feelings that I hid away


Are all that I can think about

You set my mind
My heart
My soul
And everything within
On fire

I sit here and I read old messages
And it sparks feelings
I never wanted to feel again

I'm scared of what you do to me
Cause the last time
The person completely broke me

I sit here and think of
And I smile
And I squeal
And my heart sets itself on fire

Whenever you cross my mind
My whole body feels ignited

Whenever you cross my mind
I can't think of anything else


And nothing else
Until the fire goes out
Aug 2020 · 55
Raven Aug 2020
As I sit here and watch you play
My heart plays
A tune of its own

My heart plays a tune
That rings out
I love you

My heart plays a tune
That says to
Stick around

My heart plays a tune
That hopefully
Means something to you
Aug 2020 · 62
Raven Aug 2020
I sit here on the floor
Just contemplating

Should I call
Or should I not?
Because I don't want to wake you up
And I've already called once

I sit here and I wait
Hovering over the button

Should I call
Or just suffer in my silence
Because if you don't pick up
That's how It'll be anyway

But the chance
That you might Just answer and talk
Makes me sit here and hover

Because the sound of your voice
Already makes me feel better
And you know just what to say
To make me feel less sad
To not feel as bad

So I'll sir here and hover
And just
Aug 2020 · 35
On Call and IRL
Raven Aug 2020
I wanna fall asleep
On call
While I look at you
And remember everything you do

I wanna laugh with you
On call
While I smile at you
Remembering all the things
You make me feel

I wanna smile with you
On call
While I blush
Remembering all the things
You said

I wanna hold you
In person
Well I think of
The memories
That the scent of you brings

I wanna kiss you
In person
Well my mind fills with nothing
But the soothing sweetness
Of nothing

I wanna hold onto you
In person
As you pick me up
And remind me why
I never gave up on love
Aug 2020 · 94
Raven Aug 2020
Reading in the night
With just a lil bit of light

I start to think
Is it really my that he likes?

Or is the person in the book
Who seems very much like me

Is she right when she wonders
If it's just who
He seemed to first be

Because things seem to be fading
Much more than growing
And that's not something I can bare

So tell me
Is it me you like?

Or did you like my first presence
That shone much more bright?
Aug 2020 · 64
Raven Aug 2020
It counts as consent
Because I never said no
But my mind was screaming
Please stop
Just go

It counts as consent
Because I didn't push you away
But my eyes were pleading
And trying to say
Go away

It counts as consent
If I don't say a thing
But you ignore the pain
And the fear in my eyes

You don't care for me
You just want to look at my body

So please just go
Leave me alone
Aug 2020 · 48
Abuse Me
Raven Aug 2020
Mark my skin pricked with sin
Leave it bruised and scarred

******* lips ridden with secrets
Leave them red and hard

Touch my body marked by memory
Leave it red and carved

Take my hand ruled by demand
Leave it bleeding and broke

Take my heart
Take my soul
Leave them torn
Not whole
Aug 2020 · 46
Raven Aug 2020
There's you
and there's him

He makes my insides
feel as though
they are on fire
and a storm has set in

You make my insides
grow butterflies
and feel as though
a calm has set in

He makes my face flush
with embarrassment
and pleasure

You make my face flush
with shyness
and warm weather

He humiliates me
and it makes me want
his touch
to a new degree

You praise me
and it makes me want
to stay in your arms

He likes me
but he doesn't know yet
to what he's agreed

You love me
but you don't yet know
what that'll mean

I love him
and you

But my heart burns with a completely different passion
for him
then for you

For he's a gentle storm

And you're a chaotic summer
Aug 2020 · 39
Feels Like Fire
Raven Aug 2020
You heat me up and make me warm

When you kiss my skin
I love the burn

You light me up as you die down
Not even my tears can make you drown
Jun 2020 · 50
Feel You
Raven Jun 2020
I can feel the damaged emotions
On the tips of your fingers

I can feel the whispered silence
On the cracks of your lips

I can taste the wasted innocence
On the tip of your tongue

I can feel the gentle heartbreak
On the smoothness of your chest

I can feel the damaged distance
On the edges of your words

You aren't perfect
And you aren't a beautiful poem
But you are what I've fallen for

I want to feel every inch
Of your heartbreak

I want to feel every second
Of your whispered truth

I want to feel
All of the broken
That you hold within

I want to take your broken soul
And hold it all together

I want to feel it on my lips
And on the tips of my fingers

I want to feel it in my heart
And as you run your hand along my body

I want your heart next to mine
Even if it's a disaster
Jun 2020 · 857
Falling To No Destination
Raven Jun 2020
I feel as though I'm falling
With no real destination

I feel as though I'm falling
With no plan on where to land

I feel as though I'm falling
In mind
And it heart

I'm falling for you
And I'm falling out of this
But into that

I'm falling with no real destination
But away
And forward

I'm falling away
From the things
You say

I'm falling away
From the things
You do

I'm falling away
From the I love yous

I'm falling away
Because you tell me you love me
Even though your faith fell away

I'm falling away
Because even though you tell me you care
You're efforts have gone astray

I'm falling away
Because I feel as though
You're falling away
From me

On the other hand

I'm falling for him
For the things he says

I'm falling for him
For the things he does

I'm falling toward
A possible I love you

I'm Falling for him
Because even though there's no love
The faith seems to be there
and hopefully will stay

I'm falling for him
Because he shows me he cares
Even without the words

I'm falling for him
Because when he holds me tight
My heart feels warm

I'm falling for him
Because when he looks in my eyes
I feel seen

I'm falling for him
Because I feel as though
He's falling towards me

I'm falling
With no real destination
But up and away
Down and forward
Around and around

Until eventually my thoughts
Have me drowned
Jun 2020 · 70
When With You I Feel
Raven Jun 2020
When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even the strongest wind
Could knock me down

When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even the biggest waves
Could drown my thoughts

When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even the darkest nights
Could hide my smiles

When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even my worst thoughts
Could hide my feelings

When I'm with you
I feel as though
Not even the harshest rain
Could dampen my emotions

When I'm with you
I feel as though
I can be free

I feel as though
I can be me

I feel as though
My hearts no longer trapped

For when I'm with you
I feel as though
Anything could be
Jun 2020 · 67
Me, Myself, And I
Raven Jun 2020
I sit here and I think to myself
Are all the versions of me
Just captured pieces of the same personality?

I sit here and wonder
If Raven and River
Could see all the same
Would they eventually feel less pain?

I sit here and wonder
If Raven and Keara
Understood one another
Would we learn not to hate?

I sit here and wonder
If Raven and Rain
Could see eachother
Would we still be the same?

I sit here and wonder
What may happen
As we each grow and change

I sit here and wonder
Once we can all see
And communicate
Our pain

Be the same?
Jun 2020 · 76
As If
Raven Jun 2020
It's only been about a week
But I can already tell
That I'm falling for you

When you look me in the eye
My stomach fills with butterflies

When you hold my hand
I feel safe
And as if
I never wanna let go

When you pull me close
I feel warm
And as if
I want to hold your heart
Close to mine forever

When I hear your voice
My face flushes with excitement
And I feel as if
I want you to never stop talking

When you play the bass
I get lost in thought
And I feel as if
I could stay right there forever

When you comfort me
I feel understood
And I feel as if
I could tell you anything

I know it's only been
About a week

But my heart feels as it
It's falling for you
Oct 2019 · 103
The Watcher
Raven Oct 2019
You watch
And you wait

You wait for an opportunity to strike
But not through eyes of your own

You watch and you wait through the eyes of others
And of cameras conveniently placed

You watch and you wait behind false walls of safety
For you fear the actuality of potentially being caught

So you flee the front lines and watch from afar
Through the eyes of others watching in fall

You wait for me to falter
To waver
To crack
But I won't let it show

I won't show that I'm always on edge
Waiting for eyes to be following me
Across the ledge of privacy

I won't show that I'm afraid
To step away from this home
Where even in safety I feel scared and alone

I won't show that my heart breaks Whenever someone tells me they'll try
To do something to you

For I know they cant
And they may never be free if they try
Because deep down
I know
That you wont hesitate to hurt
Maybe even to ****

Even though I may
Then break

I wont show it for when I do it'll be
My own silent escape
May 2019 · 404
Consume Me Within You
Raven May 2019
Consume me within you

As I walk through the dark
Through the gate of another world
Consume me within you

Wrap me in your pain
And consume me within your rage

You are my companion
And my worst fear

You whisper to me the lies people tell
Then turn around and whisper your own

You whisper to me the hate in peoples hearts
Then turn around and consume me within your own

Sometimes I wish for you to let me go
But without you
I feel as if I'm no one


Like the smallest whisper carried by the wind
Could wisp my will away

So no
Don't go

Wrap me in the dark
And pull me into the darkest corners of reality
As you consume me
Within you
May 2019 · 168
Finally A Home
Raven May 2019
I have had many houses
But never a home
Until I found you

When I was younger I didn't have a home
In the sense that
My heart was alone

When I was younger I didn't have a home
In the sense that
I couldn't drop the fake smile
Until I was on my own

I didn't have a home
Just a house or two
But then
My heart led itself to you

I no longer feel alone
Because now my heart is yours
And yours mine

I no longer feel alone
Because now I know I can be myself
Even when around you

I no longer feel alone
Because now I live with you
For the time being
And you have made this place feel like a home

I'm no longer alone with only a house

For now I have you
And you come with a home

And I know that even when I leave
I won't be alone
May 2019 · 227
Find myself
Raven May 2019
I find myself missing you

I wake up to our memories calling my name
I fall asleep to my forbidden fantasies
Pulling me away

I find myself missing you
And day

I'm happy
With who I'm with now
So why does my heart remind me of you
Whenever I take a break
From the smile on my face
May 2019 · 142
Too Broken
Raven May 2019
I was too broken for him
And too broken for her
Eventually you're gonna see
That I'm too broken for you

I say things are fine
When really they aren't

I do this because
I don't want you to leave
I don't want you to break my heart

But doing this tears me apart

But now you brought stuff up
That's started a fight
And it's pulling you
Away from me

I waited for you to say
I love you
And you finally have
But not in the setting I wanted
As you have now left me here
On my own
Because you need to think

But please
Don't be like everyone else

Don't leave me
Apr 2019 · 183
Metaphorical Actuality
Raven Apr 2019
In reality
I'm alright
Theres a smile on my face
I say "I'm okay"
You see a person
Whose happy
And positive

The I'm alright screams help
The smile says save me
The I'm okay really says "see the truth"
I'm not a person anymore
I'm my own monster
I'm sad
And broken

In reality
I'm pretty
And cute
You see someone whose thin
You see someone with nice hair
You see someone with beautiful eyes
You see someone whose looks seem flawless

I'm ugly
And unappealing
I see someone whose overweight
I see someone whose hair needs to be changed alot to look okay
I look in my eyes and all I see is my demons
I look at my self and all I see is scars
The visible
And invisible

In reality
My mom seems happy
My dad is not as bad
My brother is nicer
My dog is less afraid
I have friends
I'm mentally alright
Theres nothing but the dark at night

My moms not alright
My dad is worse and gradually becoming more comfortable around me
My brother is always putting up an act
My dog is oblivious
My friends are the shadows
My mentality is destroying itself
And theres monsters that lurk in the night

This is my metaphorical actuality
The metaphors are the reality
And the reality is my metaphor
March/31/2019/11:55PM/15 years old
Mar 2019 · 226
Beyond Repair
Raven Mar 2019
You broke me
Beyond repair
Beyond help

Because now my heart isn't just shattered
But also torn
And fractured
If its even there at all

You took my trust
Then threw it to the wolves

You took my love
Then through it into flames

You took my fear
And magnified it

You took my pain
And watered it whole

You broke me
Beyond repair
Mar 2019 · 138
Raven Mar 2019
Theres a key to a room in a place I call home
Or a more fitting name

There's a key to a room
And that room is mine

I do not live alone
I am not old enough
I live with my parents
And my brother
And a pet
I wish to have two

So why is there a key to your room?

Well because
You see

Once upon a time ago
My own father
Stole my soul
Feb 2019 · 195
Raven Feb 2019
They are
Yet abstract

The colour of death
Of pain
But also of mystery
Yet rare to find a rose
Of such a colour

The colour of love
But the colour of blood
And anger
Oh so common
But what does it mean
That these are in correlation
To one another

The colour of peace
The colour of emptiness
Is peace only reachable
By being empty?

The colour of playful
Of innocent
Yet also of the weak
What could this mean?

The colour of calmness
Yet also of sad
So is your sadness calming?
Or is the calming feeling sad?
Feb 2019 · 134
Free Me
Raven Feb 2019
Let me go
Set me free

I'm tired
Of me
Of others
Of everything

I'm tired of being woken up by yelling
It's damaging my soul
And taking away my sanity

I'm tired of not getting any trust
It makes me feel as if all I do is wrong
And it's making me restrain all that is me

I'm tired of craving touch
All it ever does is remind me of the thing's he's done
And it's stealing my innocence over
And over
And again
Day in and day out

Let me be
Set me free
Stop everything from continuing to
Damage me
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