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Cynthia Jun 2014
We've met before,
Unexpectedly in dreams
Where reality was vividly present
But many days have gone by
Since our last encounter.
Can we meet again?
Set the day and time and I promise to
Arrive at the appointed time.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Cynthia Jun 2014
Some keep me hidden
others bring me to the light,
I fight for justice and peace at mind.
Through sorrow and pain I am also found.
You say to others, “The Truth shall set you free,”  
but all along you’ve kept Me locked in a cage.
Enslaved by your own lies,
They became your own refuge, your only escape.
On the other hand, I am certain, simple and gentle, never hurtful,
I fight for justice and peace at mind.
While some keep Me hidden and others bring Me to the light,
My name says it all, I am the Truth
My word will set the Way- to the Truth- in your Life.
Don’t hide me, bring me to the light.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Cynthia Jun 2014
It is heavy and hard
to see past these four walls.
Desperately desiring to break out,
Because something always awaits on the other side.
I hate this place,
I want to get out
but doubt is standing right in front of me
What will I face?
Will I be content with myself
for getting OUT and exploring
what I never had?
But always wanted to accomplish?
Or will I be upset,
As usual my expectations were Too HIGH.
Every thought ***** all my hope,
I see broken dreams scatter on the floor
as if the pieces are too heavy
unworthy to be put back together
but I CAN NOT give up,
I AM NOT giving up,
I know there is much more to life
then these walls
Please help me,
Get me Out,
Tare down these walls!

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
  May 2014 Cynthia
G H Goodland
In literature I go
Still I search for you
Firm grasp of the pen
Still I search for you
To the canvas & brush
Still I search for you
Until my passion is met
I will always search for you
  May 2014 Cynthia
Mike Hauser
If God let nature pick out its colors
I'm sure the sky would still choose blue
And the deepest depths of the ocean
Would want to stay that color too

If the mountains took to long to decide
Their peaks would turn a snowy white
And the stars in all of their glory
Would still relish the black of the night

The green, green grass of the valleys
Would not want it any other way
Just like the yellow of the morning sun
On any given day

And the leaves on the trees in the cool fall breeze
Would be any color that they like
At any given moment in time
Is when they would decide

If God let nature choose its own colors
I'm sure they would all stay the same
Because God knew what he was doing
When he created it on that special day
Cynthia May 2014
For so long I've waited for you to notice me.
Your hair has turned gray from the stress,
lost hope is marked on your face.  
I wonder if deception or courage is to blame.

The missed train
the last stop—the getaway—

Every run reflecting your cowardliness
How dare you abandon me in this hollow place,
holding the key of faith and opportunities.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Cynthia May 2014
I stand outside the door
Are you afraid of me?
Chase the wind go on be free
Enjoy Today because for now I am too far away.

Copyright© Cynthia Ulloa
All rights reserved.
Be present. Don't rush in to the future.
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