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 May 2017 Barrow
Lady Misfortune
Today it rained
As if to mock the pain of the day
I knew I was alone and had no friends
But to have the evidence smack me in the face
Was another thing
I knew but I wasn't prepared
They claimed they loved me but would they care if I was dead
I'm overthinking
Thoughts get out of my head
No one cares about my life
So why would they care about my death
Of course I won't be the reason I die
Because then my soul would be in an eternal hell
Unlike here there will be no bail
ill judgement was passed
Yesterday I was on top of the world
Today I just crashed
They say the day you enter the world is the most painful of your life
And we don't even remember
But who would
No one asked for this we're just here
Just like my unwanted tears
Happy  Birthday to Me
 Sep 2015 Barrow
Candy Noire
I try to forget it
I try to act like you were never mine
But when I wake up it's the same day
I repeat you leaving me in my mind
I wash my skin like a ritual
To try and wash your lips off mine
You're haunting me I can't escape
Cause you surround everything

Hurricane, you took your pain and destroyed me
Hurricane, I took the blame and avoided it
Hurricane, you took my heart and you swallowed it
Hurricane, was it all for nothing darling was it all in vain?

I try to move on now
And pretend you were never in my bed
But I can still hear your voice
Whispering words that you never really meant
I try to find love in others
But I can't find my home with them
You aren't alone I know this
Cause you get everything you want

Hurricane, you took your sadness and ignored mine
Hurricane, I tried to change but it was too late
Hurricane, my house was solid before you came
Hurricane, what did you get out of hurting me that night?
 Jul 2015 Barrow
Zach Hanlon
The Siren's song swimming into my ears,
sweetly against the harsh instrumental.
The angelic vocals flood all who hear;
a love of a melody so gentle.

Hair long and dark as the lyrics she sings,
eyes a bold green and skin a soft, pale tone.
A Goddess of elegance beauty brings,
whose talent does her no justice alone.

But nurture does as it will always do:
A son born from such grandeur; a Lion.
The immaculate voice is all but through;
A respite of lull sulks from the scion.

The achievements of song left in her wake;
I'll wait evermore, as long as it takes.
A sonnet for Amy Lee, lead singer of Evanescence. We miss your music and hope to hear some new stuff soon!
 Jun 2015 Barrow
Zach Hanlon
I Knew
 Jun 2015 Barrow
Zach Hanlon
I knew I didn't fit.
I knew from my expression,
and I knew from theirs.
I knew from the "she, her" and "him, he"
I knew from mirrors,
I knew from signs on bathrooms.

I knew when "woman" couldn't mean "man".
I knew from the stares, the questions;
I knew when they called me "boy",
but soon apologized.
I knew something was different,
I knew something was wrong,
I didn't know it was me.

I knew it would hurt.
I knew it would hurt you.
Your little girl, your one and only,
She isn't dead;
He's still here.
 Jun 2015 Barrow
Zach Hanlon
My my, what a special little snowflake.

Why did you choose to be this way?

You chose to be different, you chose to rebel.
No binary for me!

You chose the grief, the pain.
You chose this abuse, bruised by
the verbal ferociousness, forged by physical fallacies
To be thrown out of bathrooms
because doing your business in the bathroom is abysmal.
You chose to be derided by decisive discrimination.
You chose to be murdered by misconceptions,
***** by ridiculous requirements.
You chose to be beaten, assaulted.
You chose the words I weave to weaken your will.
You chose the sacred sermons I spit at you.

You chose to be
What I find disgusting, despicable
because you chose to be what you aren't,
but I realize what I really regard you to be.

My my, what a special little bigot.

You think I chose to be this way?

You think
I chose the injuring, injustice,
the jester, the joke
the target, tortured,
This pain, my poison,
the prey, praying,
the sinner of sins so bittersweet,
So I could be "special"?

Special isn't a sacrifice of physical self
Nor the gunshots and gruesome grief
Nor even the crass comfort of a half-assed comrade.
You think I CHOSE this,
and you didn't choose
to spit and spew your sour speeches
to disperse your disgust in discrimination
to integrate your ignorance into my existence.
Or did you not choose
to deal the abuse
by your hand

My special little bigot,
You live as you are.

So be it, if I am so "special", the special little snowflake.
Yes, we are the little snowflakes that your palm's presence melts away,
And you're that burning persistence of life
Blocking with your own self our slow, wistful descent,
As if it were futility and not of your own will.

If I am the snowflake, you are the fire.
 Jun 2015 Barrow
Blake Smith
Why search for an identity?
You can live without one, right?

Living is not synonymous with time moving forward while you
haven’t moved a single muscle.
Time runs even if you have no identity
but life? It can’t start until you’ve found one.

On a day when everyone puts their identities on display
I am left out of the exhibit
“Sorry,” says the museum, “but I only want art that has meaning.”
and I suppose that’s fair…

Yet as fair as it may be, I still want to be a part of the museum
I want to be able to present myself proudly with the other brilliant
works of art

Tick. Tick. Tick.
When Time passes by the museum my heart skips a beat
because one day he could decide to shut the establishment down
before I’ve had my chance.

On a spectrum commonly interpreted as binary
where will I fall?
Am I plummeting towards my identity or my death?

An army of questions are ready to fight
and the little clue I have stands no chance.
so I pull him back and I keep him close
and acquaint him with good ol’ mr. Time.

It’s fine that I’m frozen
Now that I know
that patient time
is helping my little clue grow!

— The End —