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Nikkie Jan 2021
I deserve love, only the best of the best, from the best!
I’ve spent too much time not being happy; too much time,
signing my own song, too much time, being all alone.
I want so much for you to believe, that you and me
are total alchemy.
There is no one else on my radar screen, no one else,
confiscating my dreams.
No other man on this earth has autographed his name inside my heart.
I used to believe in fairy tales, now I believe in dreams coming true.
You have captured my spirit with your strength, and laced it with a dose
of pure perfection.
Nikkie Jan 2021
The sun does not rise and set on you.
It took you leaving for me to find that out.
I loved you from sunup to sundown.
But you were not a king, you refused to wear your crown.
What on earth did you have to stand for?
You didn’t see love standing right next to you.
You chose the easy way out, you left me standing alone
you didn’t once hear me out.

How do you think it makes me feel,
to see you walk away for no reason at all.
Man, I had you feeling like you were ten
feet tall, you told that at dinner one night.
Gosh, you held me close and made love to
me all night, you had me thinking that we’d
be alright.
What happened to you, or who happened to you?
Why did you change your mind and walked away?
Two years later, and I’m still feeling some type of way.
Nikkie Jan 2021
For some reason, my black love is tainted.
What I mean is; it’s stale and lonely, not reciprocal.
I stand my ground, I speak my truth. Like lightning
and thunder, breaking branches forcing him to look my way.
Yet and still, those same branches, break into pieces forcing him to look away; away from the goodness of my heart, away from the responsibility of being good to me.

He’s afraid of my stance, afraid of me for being who I am.
He is afraid of being good to me, afraid to ease into my being.
He is totally afraid to be only mine, be only my days, nights, weekends and holidays.
He is afraid to own up to being one with me, being my man with no strings included.
He is wrong, wrong on so many adult levels. He is too old to play games.
Too old to play games with emotions like mine; grown up emotions that
deserve the best respect, grown up emotions that hail to my queeness.
I, being the queen that I am, deserves a top notch, down for me king.
Black or white, yellow or green, my tainted black love deserves happiness.
Happiness the explodes inside of me, radiating the glow of my sweet black love, my sweet black touch, my sweet blackness period!

My black love from what I can see is free for the giving, yet not so easily given.
I hold back my heart, I cover my soul, and I lay a dark blanket across my threshold so his feet won’t stump a hole in my heart.
Sometimes I slip and let him through; thinking I finally met my king. I slipped big time, I believed what he said, I believed what he did, I believed……….In him
Enough. Enough to know or should have known that this **** fool was using me.
My black love deserves so much better. My black love kicked his *** to the curb, my black love stands alone. My black love is too good to use up. My blackened love is taking a break, looking forward to the day that my king comes. I deserve to be happy; I am too good at being who I am.
Those who dissed the goodness of this black love will never experience my blackness again.

They will never experience my goodness, my blackness come alive inside of them.
My black love is mine to keep, mine to share, mine to let go when my king walks in.
My black love is lonely right now, my black love is mine to keep.
My blackness is hard to receive, but too hard to give away to just  any man.
My black love is like fire and lightening. Once you experience my power, you close your eyes and walk away. I dare you to step to my black love.
I dare you to stay and weather my storm.
Nikkie Jan 2021
I miss you so much
Your kisses were anointing
A strong bond has died
Nikkie Jan 2021
That night was intense
When you kissed me it was on
I felt your love bomb.
Nikkie Jan 2021
He tried to come back
But his ego was jacked up
So I ended it.
Nikkie Jan 2021
The soft sweetness of your taste is intoxicating to my soul.
You give me shivers, quivers, heart palpations, and lung respirations.
Your kisses are anointing and keep me grounded within your soul.
I melt in your arms as you hold me up on the wall, and ease the tip
of your tongue inside my mouth.
I hear music throughout my body when you kiss me with more than just meaning.
You kiss me and mean it, you kiss me to sustain my presence, in your life…and in your bed.
I get lost in your embrace and cover myself with your spirit alive.
I inhale the exile of your masculine charm and exhale the ten-star rating of your honey roasted kiss.
My deepest breath could never recover from the kiss you ease me into,
every night before we fall asleep.
I have never experienced a kiss like this!
You bob and weave inside of me, but it’s your kiss
that brings me…sweet divinity!
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