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May 2018 · 394
Please give me a restart
Jimmy May 2018
Have you ever been afraid of your own shadow? So afraid that you only wanna be awake when it is dark?

Do you ever shower with the lights off because you hate your own skin and hide from your reflection in the mirror?

Do you cry yourself to sleep wishing that you were created more attractive?

Do you view yourself as worthless?

Do you purposely avoid the light because it's easier to disappear into the darkness?

Do you feel like hitting the restart button on life and pray to become someone else?

I do, unfortunately!
May 2018 · 486
endless shower (of love)
Jimmy May 2018
Every time we talk, you wash away the darkness that covers my body from head to toe.

Your kindness and compassion acts like a shampoo; completely cleansing my mind.

Your smile and laughter is like a conditioner; making my face shine with joy.

Your loving lips and your warming hugs blanket me like a body soap; erasing all the dirt and making my heart spotless.
You haven't ever stopped pouring endless amounts of love on me since I first met you. This shower is still going. I ******* love showers.
Apr 2018 · 314
Sat, April 28th
Jimmy Apr 2018
This is the day

The moment

The time

Everything went ablaze


Saying SORRY just doesn't cut it

I ******* WISH it did

But unfortunately IT DOESN'T
I wish my phone would have just died or my internet could have gone out. I regret everything I said today, other than saying I LOVE YOU.
I am a schlub
Apr 2018 · 1.2k
Jimmy Apr 2018
Her beauty-
stunning like a shooting star soaring across an abandoned night sky.

Her personality-
vibrant as an early morning sunrise.

Her hair-
beautiful as a Christmas snow.

Her smile-
warming like a summer night bonfire

Her lips-
gentle as a baby butterfly

Her skin-
smooth like Mulberry silk

Her thoughts-
endless like a rainbow

Her heart-
mountainous like the Appalachian Trail

Her love-
addicting like a drug

And her laugh-
precious and breathtaking like the 7 wonders of the world
This beautiful girl has me losing my mind. I can't and won't stop thinking about her.
Apr 2018 · 256
Jimmy Apr 2018
It comes and goes like migrating birds, sometimes here for several months other times gone in a couple, moving onto the next poor sucker. No matter how hard I beg, how loud I scream, it always returns back to the place where it all started. It leaves cold and darkness in its place. Maybe one day I can be set free and fly far, far away from all my scary nightmares like migrating birds.
Apr 2018 · 377
Jimmy Apr 2018
I wish I wasn't so weak otherwise this would be my 2nd year just resting peacefully next to that creek. I tried to call it quits but like always I couldn't take any of the hits. I got in my car and accelerated very fast hoping to finally make all this pain end in a firery blast. I wish I would have hit that bridge so I could be buried on some random unknown ridge. Why couldn't I have gotten unlucky? I mean after all my life was very mucky. Maybe it was an act of God or maybe is was from the sad music playing on my iPod. I just wish the pain would disappear so my mind could go back to being very clear. I thought it was my turn to go since I've never felt so low. I still have thoughts of this day wishing that it could have ended in another way. I have tried to become happy but I'm always feeling ******. I have tried to mask my pain but in reality my life is swirling down the drain. Maybe all this is just a big message from above trying to show me that I should just try to love. One day I'll get the urge to get back in the car I just hope that I don't go too far. Maybe in a few years from now I can look back at this post and think; wow I'm really glad I didn't turn myself into a ghost!
If you ever feel depressed just remember all that there is to live for. Don't give in to the devil, instead write poetry, run, yell, sleep. Just don't harm yourself the world is better with you in it.
Apr 2018 · 329
Jimmy Apr 2018
Is it possible to wanna get married without ever meeting in real life? Especially if you have never even met their family or friends. Could it work or will this seemingly endless love eventually run out? What if the two lovers come from completely different backgrounds. Would this enticing marriage last? I've always wondered and now I'm searching for answers. I just want to be happy but maybe this is too much to ask.
Amanda you're my #1
Jimmy Apr 2018
I've been searching for you forever. I've swam across many great seas and crawled across many treacherous deserts making sure not to leave a single stone unturned. I've been chasing you like a rainbow hoping that I'll find the *** of gold. I keep getting more clues but unlike Nancy Drew, I'm no detective sleuth. You're moving too fast and I'm starting to get tired. Eventually I will find you even if it's only in my dreams.
Jimmy Apr 2018
You're like Minnesota snow;

here for many months then gone without a trace making me try to forget your face.

You're like a Kansas tornado;

trashing and unavoidable turning my heart into a pile of waste.

You're like a Colorado avalanche;

hazardous and unstoppable leaving my mind buried in too deep.

You're like a Florida flood;

surging and immense creating an endless pool of doubt.

You're like a California wildfire;

firery and suffocating making me gasp for air.

— The End —