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715 · Dec 2019
Khai Dec 2019
I was the question
And she was the answer.
You found the answer,
And forgot the question.

--It's always been her...
It's always been her.
517 · Dec 2019
Khai Dec 2019
I am a snowflake and I'm in love with the sunray
Your touch is warm but it melts me away,
And I understand, I understand, I understand.
I'm not meant to hold your hands.

But Everyone yearns for your warm.
You need to rise for everyone's sake.
And It's okay, don't mind my aches
I'm the promise that everyone breaks.

So melt my presence away,
That's what everyone wants anyway.
I'm too cold, too cold for their taste.
But for you, am I just a phase?
486 · Dec 2019
Dear Heart,
Khai Dec 2019
I am truly sorry.
For giving us this sad story,
This isn't the first time, I know.
When will I ever learn?

I put you through so much pain,
I gamble you and lose the game,
I am very sorry!
For this another pain to carry.

You are so quiet when you cry.
You just break apart as you try--
Try to understand everything,
How everything turns into nothing,
Till the questions leave you empty.

Oh my dear heart, I am sorry,
For giving you no mercy,
For still lingering to those things that hurt you,
For holding on to something that is long overdue.

But you are so forgiving,
Not once did I hear you blame me for loving,
With all your wounds and scars, you're still beating,
Still urging me to try and try until we win.
My heart, I am sorry.
319 · Dec 2019
Khai Dec 2019
Yesterday I chose to regret.
But today, I choose happiness.
I'll let tomorrow choose whatever she wants.
Because today, I live.
Live in the present.
277 · Dec 2019
Khai Dec 2019
216 · Dec 2019
Khai Dec 2019
Love puts
Ideal Person
211 · Dec 2019
Make It Stop
Khai Dec 2019
Hope turns into a distant star.
Something that I can see but I can't have.
Advises turn into riddles
And I'm not good at solving one.

Happiness seems so far,
It slips through my fingers like light.
Sadness seems to be my only friend.
As It stays and embraces me when everyone leaves.
But I'm okay now.
201 · Dec 2019
Khai Dec 2019
Sunset may be stunning,
But darkness sets in after it
Roses may be alluring
But their thorns could cut a finger tip.
Butterflies may signify beauty,
But their lives wither like a whirlwind.

But stars shine brighter when darkness comes,
Roses have petals where you could lay your thumbs.
And a butterfly's short life is where it truly lived.

Life gives us these tasks,
To find beauty beneath the frightening mask.
To anticipate the dawn after a gloomy dusk.
To wander and wonder, to seek and to ask.
170 · Dec 2019
Khai Dec 2019
I love you
too much,
too much
that I've lost

169 · May 2020
Khai May 2020
You beautify the universe
with your existence
My love
164 · May 2020
Khai May 2020
I had given birth to a lot of poems
but none of them knew my bashful name

I wrapped them in metaphors
to be left in front of some people's doors

I can never be their home
their meanings belong to someone else;
To be the tokens of their existence

I had given birth to a lot of poems
and none of them knew my bashful name
but they all knew what I had once felt

For this one,
The memories of their breath,
forever in my chest.
154 · Jan 2020
Quiet As The Moon
Khai Jan 2020
I'd sing the songs with you in my mind,
I'd spell my name with yours on its side,
I'd pen my odes and you'd be the muse,
I'd be the moon to brighten your blues.

I'd fight my doubts to see your heart,
I'd think of you as the loveliest art,
So I'd paint blooms while we are apart,
And smile lovingly for your silly remarks.

But you'd never know these little quirks,
For I'd do them all behind these booming fireworks.
I've written tons of letters for you;
Kept in a box after nearly being sent.
152 · Dec 2019
Khai Dec 2019
I am gazing at the city lights at this moment and the view kinda reminds me of you.
It's funny because most of its dazzling lights come from the heavy traffic, I know how chaotic it is to be in there but when I gaze at it from my window, i see nothing but brilliance and peace.

I come to realize that I love every part of the city; the dark side and the bright side, the dull light and the glittering ones, the lonely parks and the crowded bus stops. No matter how scary and confusing some of its parts are, I still love it--- even though the lights are just fooling me, I still love it, I still love you.

So as I draw my curtains down, I thank the city for giving me such a wonderful image that will be embedded in my mind until i fall asleep.
Our memories together are as beautiful as that, only these memories will be embedded in my heart forever, no matter how bad we ended our thing... I'll still keep them.
142 · Apr 2020
Khai Apr 2020
How many heart strings do I still have?
How many of them have grown thin?
I strum, a melancholic sound touches the wind,
How many heart strings do I still have?
134 · Jan 2020
To My Forlorn Romance
Khai Jan 2020
Had our tale been adequate?
Whereas life's unjustness clung onto our tails?
We reckoned life as a good hitcher on our side,
Howbeit betrayed us when we're too far gone to halt.

We danced among the sparks, amid the magic of desires.
A perfect illusion, we seemed like the fairest match;
'Thou were my honey bees as I was thy flowers.'
Yet weren't wings and petals distinct to each other?

I bled nectars and you weren't born with veins,
Though that was a matter I couldn't care less.
Yet you have queens to please,
albeit it must be for my lack of wings.
Still how long shall a heart suffer and understand things?

As truth woke us from our flawless fantasies.
I started to wither; too ugly to merit your visit,
So one day, you found no flowers nor vase on the terrace.
And not a single farewell slipped to rinse the dirtied surface.

Resent me It's alright, I would take the blame.
I now understood the imprudence of my deed,
For which I thought a favor I bestowed upon thee.
I by no means wished to be pardoned very soon,
For I was still the flower which roots kept it from flying.

Shall we abhor this boulder upon our shoulders?
Or beckon reality to befriend our sullen hearts?
Be that as it may, we shall see the hidden art:
Pollination arose after the piercing was done.

A bitter process beyond doubt, wasn't it?
Yet don't we have the sweetest honey out of it?
As someday at some land where my roots have never been,
Some flowers of mine will carelessly blossom and bloom splendidly.

So had our tale been adequate? Perhaps at some point, it had--
Perhaps if fate let us win, our paths might cross again,
And if it does, might the wind guide us onto a lovely mountain,
Where we could make our tale beyond adequate.
129 · Apr 2020
To My Pluto
Khai Apr 2020
Six planets away from your orbit,
You manage to capture my moonless surroundings,
You outshine these planets in your smallest dimension,
And gravitate me with your adrift but brave disposition.

We whisper our love to these fierce little comets,
though sometimes mine wound you with their sharp helmets
Yet you grow and transform with every scar you receive.
You are so ethereal that even Aphrodite has agreed.

A long distance relationship
125 · May 2020
Khai May 2020
Would you let my poems
linger around your dazzling soul?
123 · Apr 2020
Four over Five
Khai Apr 2020
Death is a bridge between living and loving.
A fragile bridge that is meant to collapse without a warning.

Yet love is the real opposite of death,
In a world where living could synonymous with dying.
Love is immortal
120 · Feb 2020
Love is
Khai Feb 2020
Love is the breath of a poem
Or the death of a dream
A taste of heaven
Or a pinch of hell

Love is a magical tale
Or the worst nightmare
A pair of wings
Or an empty cell

Love is the hellos that stay
Or the pain that lasts
A glass of champagne
Or the shots of *****

Love is the smile on your lips
Or the tears on your cheeks
The 3 am message
Or the unsent letters

Love is a word of definitions,
A word that draws your every emotion
'Till my heart tells me its one definition
Love is... you
Love has a lot of meanings, but when you love, the definitions can narrow to one person... Just like how you suddenly see the whole universe in them.
116 · May 2020
Khai May 2020
I'm going through some low point right now

and I just don't know what to say

I don't even know how to ask for help

But that's okay

I'm a champ I can do this

I just need to hug myself and sleep
115 · Jan 2020
Khai Jan 2020
It's sad how you wake up every morning, trying to love yourself,
Then you go out just to breathe but here come people zooming in your flaws.
And you wouldn't flinch, no you wouldn't give them that satisfaction.
But God knows how bruised you are deep inside.

You require yourself to stop listening to their awful whispers,
But it doesn't always work like that.
Because yes, you know yourself, you know that every ***** thing they speak about you is not true,
But knowing it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
It hurts because you couldn't fathom the way they think of you.

The saddest thing is that they don't even know you,
And they hate you as if you've done something unforgivable to them,
When in reality they just hate you because their friend does.

When will they understand your pain?
You just give up explaining yourself to them because they wouldn't listen.
You don't plan for any revenge because no matter how tough you are on the outside,
You've never wished to ruin someone else's life even if they do you wrong.
You just hope that someday, they will understand,
And realize that hatred isn't something you could be proud of having.
100 · Jan 2020
Khai Jan 2020
"Allow yourself to fall in love again."
Folks would tell me.
But how could someone dare to love again,
If her heart has gotten broken beyond repair?

"Trust him, give him a chance." they'd say.
But am I ready to survive another fray?

"You used to love risking, what's gotten into you?"
I fell in love!
That's what happened!
I lost myself in the process!
And I don't know who I am anymore,
I don't even know what I am now.
Am I your flower?
Your poison?
Your happiness?
Your sadness?
Your pain?
My nothing.

94 · Jan 2020
Khai Jan 2020
We lost it,
So we turned our backs,
But we missed it,
And yearned to go back.

We lost it,
So with our dear eyes,
We looked for it.
Yet we saw nothing.

We lost it.
Our desperate hands,
Stretched out farther
Yet we found nothing.

We lost it,
We saw and found nothing,
Because we forgot,
That we're standing back to back.
It's too close but we choose to believe that it's too far for us to reach.
We just have to face each other, but we choose to complicate things.
We truly are fools
77 · Jan 2020
Khai Jan 2020
I am exhausted,
Extremely exhausted.
And nobody knows it.

— The End —