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 Jan 2016 Sin
Death was yesterday,
Death is today,
And death shall be tomorrow.

Every second,
He lurks behind the time.
He hides in the shadow of our prime.

Every smile,
He waits in the frown.
He knows you won't always wear the crown.

Death is everywhere.
He is in you,
He is in me.
He is in the stars we see.

Death is everywhere...
 Jan 2016 Sin
 Jan 2016 Sin
A shadow always follows you, just like your past.
 Jan 2016 Sin
His eyes were full of
And his smile showed false

And yet I still
Fell for it
 Jan 2016 Sin
 Jan 2016 Sin
When dark clouds shade my sky,
I feel that I am blind
I have a broken, stained glass eye
And there is no road ahead for me to find.

But now there is sunlight
peeking through the smoky grey
filling my entire world with light
and granting my wish for a brand new day

You take my hand, and guide me on
Your soft kiss reminds me how to feel
I feel as though every teardrop is gone
and ours is a fate that we can seal

We will greet the sunrise together and find
That there is way to leave darkness behind.
 Jan 2016 Sin
I wish my heart
 Jan 2016 Sin
I wish my heart had a hand
It could write about feelings I don’t understand
If you asked me how I felt, Id know what to say
I wish my heart had a hand.

I wish my heart had a voice.
when I’m with you it’d be the most beautiful noise
that speaks when I can’t find what to say
I wish my heart had a voice.

I wish my heart had a shield
Against a love that’s just weeds in a floral field
A love that dies at the end of the day
I wish my heart had a shield.

I wish my heart had a door
So I couldn’t let strangers in anymore
That leave scars in this fragile place
I wish my heart had a door.

I wish my heart had a sign
It could warn me about the lies in your lines
So that at the end of the day I’m not torn
I wish my heart had a sign.
The girl with her nose bleeding faints

she has been at that so called nose candy

the rush she says is mind blowing

but she doesn't  look like she is glowing

The chap in a dark corner, proceeds to strap up

he grins as there he jacks himself up

this gig is getting rather heavy

their health will be payment, the levee

Some guy took acid an hour go

now he thinks he can fly

he's hanging out of the bathroom window upstairs

people are trying to stop him, but he turns on them with a venomous glare

Just another day in drug town

just another empty high

all are waiting here for something

but they are all too off their faces to know why

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Watching me
watching you,
day and night that satellite
up in the sky watches as we
wander by.

The pentagon
must have a file
on everyone
and the CIA or FBI
also watch as we wander by.

We can't escape
the state.
we can't take flight
where could we go that the satellite
has not already been and does not know?

Every camera still and frame
bears each and every persons name,
are we the fate which became reality
or what the **** are we supposed to be?
 Jan 2016 Sin
Hold Me
 Jan 2016 Sin
Don't let the beating
waves drag me away.
Don't let the waves part
us apart. Don't let the
ocean's salt erode
our bones.

Hold me like a pirate
does with his treasure.
Hold me like a lover with
pleasure. Hold me the
way lost people do with
rain drops in the sahara

Keep me close to your

Let me rest my tired
body against your flesh
and bones. Let me rest
the way clams do when
they wash up on

Tired and exhausted.
Lost and not found. But
yet they try not to

As they keep buried in
the golden sands with
their shells shut on the
pearls that rest upon
their rose pink
tongues* ~
 Jan 2016 Sin
Taylor Forbez
Long ago,
There was a boy,
He felt alone,
Without a joy,

All that he had,
All that he’d done,
He deserved so much less,
Than what he had won,

This boy was broken,
Shattered like glass,
He thought himself stupid,
A pain in the ***,

But then he met her,
On a cool autumn’s day,
She lit up his world,
She showed him the way,

She picked up the pieces,
No matter the cost,
And put him together,
Not a single piece lost,

She gave him her all,
And he gave her his,
And they both discovered,
What true love really is.
Just a story about a boy.
 Jan 2016 Sin
The only one
 Jan 2016 Sin
He is the only one who I truly need.
The one whose arms shield and protect me as a castle does a queen.
When I am sad his are the only hands which can wipe away my tears,
And he wields the only smile that can sooth my soul and rid my fears.
His eyes, oh how his beautifully cliche eyes see me. All of me.
It takes a fool to fall in love
And a fool to run from it.

I know one day he'll break my heart
And there'll be nobody to blame.
He'll be worth the pain when we part
And no one else will be the same.
He is the only one.
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