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  Oct 2017 Muneer
I miss your voice the most.
it brought me this indescribable happiness,
so pure, so honest.

Please Forgive Me
I Forgive You
I Love You
Thank You

We are told to say this to a dying loved one.
Its been burned in my mind.

Please Forgive Me
I Forgive You
I Love You
Thank You

I gave you my heart, my soul,
my body and my mind.
You gave me hope, love,
completion and purpose.

Please Forgive Me
I Forgive You
I Love You
Thank You

For the first time in my life I couldn't
wait to go to sleep once I got home,
not because i was lazy
or due to lack of sleep.
Something wonderful and amazing happened to me.

I didn't have to hide in my mind,
dreams couldn't, wouldn't, compare to reality.

I was exited to be alive,
every morning id leap out of bed and whisper your name under my breath.

Please Forgive Me
I Forgive You
I Love You
Thank You

I've lost everyone, and everything
that meant something to me.
I'm getting closer to death.

Please Forgive Me
I Forgive You
I Love You
Thank You
I hope to see you soon.
I don't want to live anymore.
Muneer Oct 2017
Hello friend,
Do you remember me ?
We used to date back in high school.
We havent talked much since then.
All I have been doing since then is,
search for you in others.
Now you ask me how am I?
And I said, I missed you.
You say, I am the sweetest
Oh, that must have made my day every single time.
I wouldn’t have become the man I am today,
If it wasnt for you.
I’m not a fool, nor am I fooling around.
Just telling you whatever my heart feels.
You can take my love for granted.
I’ll give it all to you.
Its always been yours,
I didn’t realise it until now.
At the end, just make me count for something.
Would you still give me a second chance?
Can you still be mine?
I hope you can stay mine, mine alone.
I keep searching for the answers in your eyes,
But all they tell me is that you are more than jst a friend of mine.
Inspired by Avicii - Friend of mine~
Muneer Oct 2017
I seek so much more than jst a physical connection
I seek to know the melodies that cross inbto your mind when you wake up
I seek to hear your voice whisper into my ears
I seek to know who your are
I seek to know your thoguhs, whims and fear
i seek to know the language of your eyeas, the stories they tell
I seek to know what sets your heart on fire so that i can keep it alit for the remainder of our lives
Oh baby, i seek to know everything about you beyond the surface.
- ©M
In too deep
Muneer Oct 2017
Her eyes,
Captivating like the night sky
Drowns me into its never ending expanse.
Her eyes,
So full of life
Sets my life free of its worldly desires.
Her eyes,
So pretty and fascinating
Makes me fall in love over and over again.
My oh my,
There is no turning back for me.
Her eyes,
So mischevious and alit it could be that of a devils
But to me, always something magical.
Her eyes,
So full of fire
Burns my heart into ashes.
I could close my eyes and pretend my love for her isn't real.
But then, all she has to do is smile
And i'm down on my knees again.
- ©M
When her eyes have you in a trance..

— The End —