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421 · Dec 2024
"Mindscape into blur"
In my poem, I'll grasp the handlebar with sweat-drenched palms
& unfocused eyeballs as they blur through the evening spectacle.
I'll clench death at the knot of my fingers,
& the grease oozing out from me like life itself.

The door creaks covertly, as I focus on the evening grey,
my face sliding into the shadows, unmetered and unseen.
No solace can be found at this moment,
neither can Papa's gentle smile cradle me in hope.

I'll climb onto the bridge rail, watching as people
are sliced into silence, emptied onto the deserted bridge road.
The water's blackness beckons me,
and I'll answer with my legs, climbing,
assisted by some unseen force.

I'll dissolve this fleeting hope and sink into that blackness,
where consciousness dissolves into nothingness.

#poem #hope
#shadow #speactacle
326 · Dec 2024
Good poem
In this chapter, I'll be writing a rather pleasing storylines. The pages are rough, old, dusty & sandined with the weather's breathe. Exactly my point.

I've watched and also learned that linguists seem to soar in language, and freely express themselves in the tongue of the Language they speak. But, good poem outweight a sane course. It's indescribable express where every words have their own thought to act and rhymes as figures in the speech.

I'll say a man whose words slur like nocturnal isn't perfect, and imperfection is a beauty rare. Good poem is a world apart, like consciousness morphing into unconconsness unconditionally. Yes! Good poem breaks the law. It's outrageous to say that this poem can match your heart like a sorcery of visual, and tactile of kinematicism echoing auditory patterns of gesticulation.

Good poem is alive, a merlin, a warlord that fight against injustice with intoxicating and provoking characters coming alive.

As I'd say as a new regent,
'good poem **** the bad ones'

Write a good poem, I'll like to read some a savor.

I have no ideas of my own, just like how this poem bears me witness of the hormones she awakens. Keenly, I saw the widow weeping & the small girl curling in the shadow with dust caking her face.

Poetry is alive in men. It chooses, just like it chooses you.
Corpses of words litter my lips,
adorned with embellishments of ellipses.
I speak in tongues of madness, yet
papers crumple, lifeless, devoid of muse.

Darkness streaks across the skyway like faraway stars,
a lone luminary twinkling before me.
Meanwhile, my mind creaks with a low hum,
a spectator to the whirlwind thoughts that dissipate into nothing.

Through my varied feelings, truth slips away,
bad words shatter their chains, and darkness loses its shadow.
I hope for a tryst that awakens the muse,
and a tongue that speaks the muse, in all its hues.


When you have a lot to write but cannot connect to your muse. We have many visual and auditory scenes that can arouse us to write. The earth pleads with tears, we see it on the street, in the house as parents-child suffer backlash.

You can write again and again and again until you come alive again as an executioner.
240 · Jan 5
Definitely, there are backgrounds ready to either cover your picture or to reveal your picture.
Life's best live in its slow motion.

Live your signature behind, it'll trail you and rat you out.

On steep plains, it fades like weight
Compressed beneath crowdy privilege
Plank-wood biscuits crumble, fettered for ants
Dusty fingers bury colors, vibrant life

But the crowdy privileged glance through
The compressed, like a stolen breath of rest
Oblivious to the struggles, the weight
Of poverty's crushing, suffocating fate.

© Mikelson
For those living in the subharan part of Africa or African continent at large. Poverty is a common disease, disease of the mind and soul and sometimes, brain becomes a dead man living
205 · Jan 3
cricket's sigh.
the night
symphony on the platform.

What do you think?
196 · Jan 3
Nothing can **** well enough than a gradual death, a slow suicide. Internationally, it steals your breathe with a precise increase of choke but you still enjoy the little escape of the air from the plant to your lung.

Suicide is not suitable to be fast, quick and instant. It's a clog, constant deep-throw of ******* into the mouth of a flowing water. That's suicide.

Suicide is not instant
191 · Jan 3
than a sole that breaks silence,
patter patter of rain

Nature's sweet, but it's a message, like telegram.
178 · Jan 2
debut of
episodes. A
like an
eagle's evil cry, lacerates the die-hard spirit of death and hardship.

Diasy chain is a wordplay in poetry where the letter that ends a word start another word.
128 · Dec 2024
You deserves all love
You can steal a look at strangers
incoming. Hide with hidden
footprints. Climb at leaves without
crunches. Rummage without noise.
Breathe without sound. Cry with
pillow biting. Hurt with scarring skins.
That's how it hurt while you hide, like
an incoming arrow coming to struck.
We don't define what hurt us that's
why it keeps coming. And some, they
are genetic. They hurt like **** and
they live within your soul. But, love's
free, and approachable. It's a sacrifice
you made to live well in the world
that's full of water and no space.
We've chapters. We're the only antique that matters in that old shop. The brunette. The black. The skin color. The eyes. The back. The shape and the structure. All these doesn't matter. Love conquer all, it's free.
127 · Jan 3
irony of solitude
Do not mind what a poet tells you,
it is an ellipsis, find the missing truth.
The title of an elder is not an umbrella
to shield a child's head from life's heavy rain.

When the storm comes, the child's head becomes
as empty as the facade of a hollow title.
Do not deceive when tomorrow's dawn foretells
the fate that awaits, like a burning forest's spell.

In that inferno, the bandits of deceit
are consumed by the flames, their power defeated.
Nothing lasts forever, for the world itself
is a fragile paperclip, destined to be folded into nothingness.

116 · Jan 2
with/out e's
Inks coils hard.
Paint a brush
with sparks. Flows
down a path of art,
a din of an act.

~ Mikelson
Nothing is as beautiful as the ink that write in a brush. The ink is the inspiration of the brush not the hand of the painter.
83 · Jan 2
The water skin
I want my voice

- to steal fright and darkness and restore it with hope & freedom
- to rumble emotion into evanescence of transformation
- to answer your imbalance heart
- to question your wrong notion and naturally free you from your past.
I am not Jesus, but my words can be converted as:
Still as water,
soothing as cold water,
Real as truth,
Direct as straightline.

Poetry is an art with no specific purpose of  act.
But it pays taxes of emotion.

Poetry gives a clear imagery of someone experience. By it, you enter someone's world and experience the pains, struggles and love. Poets die many times like bullets stiff at their bones and marrows.
Wet with pain, you paint
Aborted passion scars your heart
Scaled like a fish, you're torn
From the sea of life, to die on foreign land
The planet breathes through you
Scars of pain are hard to relieve. Until you revisit the time of your pain and boldly attack it with recovery, you won't be free from painful past. Painful scars are best solved than hidden
64 · Jan 3
The light piercing the window peregrinates through my shadowy memories. It's hazy. My head pounds like a festive drum. A fleeting memory flashes, an anachronism that's quixotic. I try to use complex language to mask my shame, ashamed as I am of my limerence for my blood sister. Yesterday, I crushed her desires, silencing them amidst the soothing susurrus of the trees, a secret pose, covert and hidden. Now, the ebulient joy of yesterday has given way to her stained blood beside me, her nape clutching the bedsheets as she snores. That's why I know I am destined to fail.

63 · Jan 5
I enter this poem with one hand,
gripping the towel against the white board.
My feet fight balance, teetering on fulcrum,
my heart absorbs the meaning like a fragrance.
It's like yesterday when I entered a big classroom. The inside was empty. You can shout at the classroom at it'll haul your insult at your face. I gripped the towel I was holding and scrub it on the large board but the board is too hard to clean. So I had to add water to scrub the surface so as to make it clean. This action proceeded for some minutes and tiredness was hanging like a weight on my outstretched hand and my two legs which was maintaining the balance.

The board is our mind. We become what we see, hear etc. Our mind is very important. To stay healthy, we must absorb good content but when it becomes bad, we scrub harder.

Life is a platform of both rest and unrest.
47 · Jan 2
Beley bee is blue and tomato
is tiles red,
Lapped at the leaves on the
stem that carries them ahead.
Tomato trips the stem, and
the bee ***** in fright,
As she lands in the air, with
a gentle, floating flight.
With a soft "foom" she stretches,
her wings a blur of blue,
A tiny, whimsical moment,
suspended, pure and true.

All is blue like array.
Deck in gloom if you pray and play.
Life's a playful ground of
choice and a choice to choose.

This is a word play

— The End —