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Miriam Feb 2021
I miss the time with friends
face to face- not just a pixel on a phone
those moments when you just can’t stop laughing
Everyone else is staring at you,
they don’t know what you’re laughing at
but it makes them smile to see such joy
This is a few lines from my most recent work of poetry all about 2021 and life now thinking about the memories and simple things we miss
Miriam Feb 2021
I miss everything.
I miss people, I miss places
I miss family, I miss friends
I miss that feeling you get on a summer night, driving home from a family gathering,
windows down,music blasting out
with the sticky humidity
and smell of summer bbqs in the air.
The birds chirping ,insects buzzing
and the smell of freshly cut grass drifting in air, while walking bare foot through the fields
watching the sunset on those summer walks.
The family holidays,
walking along the golden kissed beaches, swimming as the sun goes down.
Having fish and chips on the pier
with the cry of gulls circling the air
and sand between your toes.
Road trips to a new place
and feeling that sense of pure exhaustion and satisfaction
as you head home on the motorway..headphones in, reminiscing the day, caught up in your own little bubble  ...
These are a few of the moments I miss the most.
The first paragraph of my latest piece on 2021 thoughts with Covid and reminiscing the things we took for granted and miss so much ... more parts coming soon
Miriam Jan 2021
I’m a castaway
Drowning in an ocean of disarray  
Lost upon the ship of broken dreams
Guess ocean life isn’t as good
as it seems
When will the worries and cares
wash away
They keep floating back
on the tide of the day
And I’m searching for something to rescue me
A lighthouse shines somewhere on the sea
So pull me out
of the shipwreck I’m in
Because suffering like this
feels like a sin
Written 2020 ©️Mhawley
This poem is written using the ocean as feelings and the perspective of someone who is alone and perhaps hurting and lonely they are desperate for someone to rescue them and are trying to get away from their troubles
Miriam Jan 2021
We had it so good
So what happened to us
Well in came the flood
And we drifted away
On an ocean of disarray
This short poem creates a scene between two people in love who have drifted apart as their love slowly dies written from the perspective of their love being an ocean
Miriam Nov 2020
When it’s cloudy when it’s dark
And all I can feel is my beating heart
When I’m alone -no hope
And it feels like I’ve lost my way
I know I’ve got you standing by my side
And you hold my hands as the waves roll by

Cause your my sunny day
My blue sky
That feeling on a Friday night
No one comes close to you
And all that u can do
Your my sunset my winning bet
All the things that I love best
Yh there’s no easy way
Guess all I’m trying to say
Is I love you
Copyright © MHAWLEY 2020
Miriam Nov 2020
Just hold on
It will be alright
Just stay strong
You can win this fight
Just keep going
Till the morning light
Just keep warm
I’ll hold you close tonight
Copyright © 2020 MiriamH
Miriam Aug 2020
Will you be my hope in the darkness
Will you  love me no matter what
Will you be my light
My knight in shining armour
Will you will lift me up when I fall
Will you dive right in when it feels like I’m drowning
And will you build me up
When I don’t know where to begin
Copyright © 2020
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