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Miriam Aug 2020
I just want someone to love
To make me feel enough
I just want somebody to hold
To warm me up when I’m feeling cold
So when I’m feeling lonely
And all the fears surround me
It’s just your face I want to see
Oh baby just love me
Copyright ©️2020
Miriam Jul 2020
2019 was so sweet
2020 we got knocked off our feet
but sometimes we’ve got to fall down
to get back up
And realise that life’s not always buttercups
Copyright © 2020 mhawley
Miriam Jul 2020
Everyday I think about you
I don’t even know you
Your not part of my life
Is it admiration?
Is it love?
I don’t know but I’ve had enough
Of falling for someone I can’t trust
Copyright © Miriam H 2020
Miriam Jul 2020
2020 now
It feels like we are slowly making it to the other side we’ve received cuts and bruises but now we have reached a meadow, there’s still thorns but they don’t hurt as much as we look upon the flowers of our growth and can see the lush grass that awaits called hope

Though the thorns of pain are all but dead and gone we see the blue sky of a future yet to come -pain has choked us but we won’t let it destroy and like a flower we will bloom again so turn your face towards the sun! There’s a brighter future to come
Miriam Jun 2020
Black lives matter
All lives matter
Everyone should be treated the same
Loved the same
I’m George Floyd - say my name
For those who have suffered
We can’t stay silent - or ignore their pain
Now we have spoken out-that’s not enough
We must take action
So this never happens again
How has it taken us so long to respond?
To things that started years ago
Across the pond
Dear injustice- dear racism
You don’t deserve to live in our world
So with our weapons of love
We’ll keep fighting-keep pushing
Till your defeated-
and drowned out by our voices
Black lives matter!
We may never go through what you have
But we support you- we will lift you high
Till you and your names - touch the sky
We will unite in power-in prayer
And in our hearts
For We all bleed the same
Your George floyd -we’ll always remember your name
Such a great loss! But you caused a greater gain
A movement that will change the world
Sad it took something like this
For us all to awake
But all for justice
So no more die in vain
Written to speak out against racism and injustice and stand with those who have suffered because of it ©️Mhawley 2020
Miriam May 2020
If you want to do something in life
Then go do it
Life is too short
To dwell on our mistakes
To live in fear
To hold regrets near
We don’t get any second takes
But neither does the first one have to be perfect
So if you want something in life
Chase it ,pursue it,do it.
Follow my insta @_writingwhispers_ for more copyright 2020©️
Miriam May 2020
Cheeks ablaze
Set on fire
Burning inside
Feelings rise higher
A 7 word poem on blushing
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