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 Feb 2015 Mari
Sam Knaus
So you wanna know how to write
a poem.
Well, before we do anything else
I want you to take your pencil,
and break it against your desk.
You’re not gonna need it.
Go to your kitchen
grab a glass mixing bowl, and
pour as many prompts into that bowl
as you see fit.
Maybe crack open a rhyme or two,
cause trust me,
you’ve got time
to watch this poem come to life
inside your mind.
Next, add two cups
of melted controversy
cause hey, you gotta keep people talkin’
and talkin’ and talkin’
cause if you don’t, they’ll be walkin’ away
from that scoop of insane sifted
alliterations you were stocking up on.
Maybe to give it a little zest,
even if it doesn’t make sense
to anyone but you,
throw some “quotes” around
a song lyric or two,
cause you are in charge of this.
So, carry on my wayward son,
my angel with  shotgun,
mix it up
and let it bake on the tip of your tongue
and then
spit it out.
Roses are red.
Violets are violet
And with all of this *******
I'm about to get violent
 Feb 2015 Mari
Astrid Ember
You didn't put out my flame
it's still here
licking down to my hands
to burn the people
who maim

But that's not the point of my
words today

I'm trying to tell you
that I'm still burning bright
Only because of you
Because that's what you told
Me to do.

I told you
I'm standing in dried concrete
and I swore
I won't move

You replied with "Nice anatomy"
And we laughed our ***** off
because the word 'analogy' failed to
come out of your mouth.

We sat on the back
of your moms car and
stared at the stars

We danced outside
to some stupid song
as the sun slowly came up

My hurricane
You twirl dangerously
and you spin carelessly
You move out of other peoples way
straight into
Because you'd rather
hurt yourself
than mistakenly harm another.

And Sam
My darling.
you deserve much more,
than you've set yourself up for.

Your life is reckless
and dangerous
And honestly,
some of the decisions are pretty stupid.

I'm not one to talk,
But we can be pretty **** sure,
that the good die young.
So long live the reckless and the brave.

'Cause I'm still burning bright.
And some day
I'll write a book
Titled 'My Hurricane'
Talking about those nights.
The ones that kept us both alive.
Sammy <3
 Feb 2015 Mari
Argentina Rose
You may not have been birthed in the soil,
and granted,
you will not blossom
when spring melts winters wake
but inside of you
grows a thousand gardens
full of exploding stars.
You are of the earth
and your ashes
have been constructed with stardust,
and set free with the wind.
So you may not have a pretty face,
and your body may hold stories
of too many moonless nights alone.
But if you reach inside,
you will find a forest
for a ribcage
and a restless ocean heart.
So don't ever let anyone tell you
you are nothing.
You are a galaxy
holding a million different planets,
and my dear,
that is not nothing.
 Feb 2015 Mari
Ellie Shelley
Docter Pepper
- Barbie marathons
- Micro-wave Pizza's
- The cold ravioli you hated
That unfinnished basement was like a home...
- The crawl space under your bed
- The sims
- Doctor Phil
- Mansy ***** bands
- Plans for Highschool
     - And Warped Tour
Crying was okay...
- Pepsi
- Locking me out of my I-pod
-Sharing weird two A.M. thoughts
- Panic attacks
- Dumb boys
And I bet gullible is still on the celling.

*Remember that moment when everything was perfect?
 Feb 2015 Mari
do not date a girl
who writes.
she will internalize
carve poems
into your eyelashes
instead of
kissing them,

she will analyze you,
calculate age
from the rings
your coffee cup
instead of refilling it.

she will memorize
the way your
lips curl around steam,
but not that you
take it
two sugars,
no cream.

she will read your
palm instead of
holding it
against her chest.

she will not
when you leave,
because she is
romanticizing it.
 Feb 2015 Mari
Sam Knaus
(I saw a piece titled "5 Things I Will Tell My Daughter" and I decided to write one, too~)

1. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder, but what about the hearts that hurt stronger, or grow colder? Do not let your heart grow cold... Dream, darling. Dreams can melt the ice and soothe the pain, their dreams of you gently wrapping your arms around their neck, and, speaking softly, as though they are afraid they will wake and you won't be beside them, the words fall from their lips, “I love you.” You reply, “I love you, too.” But then, we must remember: although all dreams end, the fire that is their soul cannot be put out by any force other than their own lack of will. Your soul will not lose its flame unless you stop pouring gasoline into your heart, until you stop gathering firewood from your limbs. Remember that it takes time to become the person you want to be. Do not, under any circumstances, give up.

2. You needn't believe that love is limited, for hearts expand endlessly. Remember that some women will call you a sinner, and some men will call you a saint. Love them both. Love the way that although goodbye means going away, going away does not necessarily equal a forgotten promise to return. Love the notes that you keep in the bottom of your dresser in a shoebox from 7th grade, love your favourite shirt, love your first video game, love your first romantic partner and love your last. Love red flowing dresses and sweatpants and above all, do not be afraid to love deeply, messily, and even predictably, because sometimes, predictability is okay.

3. You are a raging hurricane, an endless forest fire, a light autumn drizzle, the flicker of a candle flame, a brilliant lightning bolt and the house-shaking clap of thunder that follows. Do not allow anyone to undermine your worth, your being, your sentience, your magnificence. You are the world, and the moment you believe otherwise (because you will) is the moment when, if not I, then somebody else you care for, will be by your side with a can of gasoline and a few extra logs.

4. Do not spend your life in search of a place to call your own; instead, mould your skeleton into a home and place your soul behind your eyes; house galaxies, constellations, and all the infinities that you can hold inside your being and never let them go. When your skin starts to crack, pour grace into your wounds and brush the kinks out of your wings; find faith in yourself, at least, if not another omniscient being as well. Just remember: If you have faith, have it when the miracles don't happen, just as much as when they do.

5. Live for the experience of breathing deeply and loving carelessly.
9:54 p.m. is when I finished this. I listened to a fuckton of Shinedown while writing this and I started out hating it, but I ended up in love with it.
 Feb 2015 Mari
Astrid Ember
You have grown
from the shape of
a mouse you once
No I take that
You were a shadow
puppet of an ant
compared to what you
now are.
And you were still
Grown into a tigress,
grown into a
mountain lion
grown into
a goddess.
You are a mountain
compared to the dirt
pile you once were.
You tower over me
as the ocean of
my self pity has eroded
I am sorry I have wilted.

I am sorry I
no longer feel
as if lightning runs
through my veins.
I am sorry I have
become a ******.
I am sorry I can't
face the memory of
the past 8 months
of an abusive relationship.
I'm sorry I allowed
him to make my body
his without my permission
and **** my mind
of the beautiful fields
it once held.
I'm sorry my
mind is polluted with
alcohol and smoke.
I'm sorry I am

but, Jesus I am not
sorry you tower above me.
You have been rusted,
dipped in acid,
in all 7 seas
melted in
80,000 lava pits.
And you still tower
50 stories above me.

I am not
sorry that
I have lived.

I have seasons
tattooed into my skin.
I do not regret
losing the innocence
that made me glow.
But I am glad that
in the absence of my
light you have
become the sun.

And oh God. I wouldn't
mind going blind
starring up at you.
Ella Bella. /.\
 Feb 2015 Mari
Astrid Ember
1) It's not your fault
2) You did nothing to deserve this
3) It's okay to cry
3) It's okay to cry for hours
3) It's okay to never stop crying
4) the alcohol will not help
   You'll just see them in
   everyone else
5) It's okay to hide inside of yourself
   Just don't dig too deep
   You just find them again
6) They do not control you
   They do not control you
   They do not control you
7) The leaves moving behind you
   are not them
6) they do not control you
7) If you need to run,
   ******* run,
   run until you can't breathe
   run until you can't see
   just run
1) It's not your fault
   It's not your *******
   don't you dare let anyone
   tell you it's your fault
1) It's. not. your. fault.
2) You did nothing to
   deserve this
   this isn't karma
   biting you in the ***
2) you did nothing to
   deserve this
3) Cry
   cry until you can't
   cry until you can't
4) The alcohol will not help you
   they are not demons
   you can't drown them
   in whiskey
5) It's okay to get lost in
   Try to find yourself again
   I understand they tore down
   everything that was
   just don't dig so deep
   that you lose everything.
6) They don't control you
   I know you still feel
   They do not control you
   They don't ******* control you
7) Run,
   find release
8) Don't forget to breathe
9) Build yourself from the ground up
   your legs are strong
   your torso is the exact image of power
   your arms can lift buildings
   your pinkies can pick
   up cars and you
   don't even blink.
   You are strong.
10) Pick yourself
    back up.
    These pieces are yours
    put them where they
    put them where you want
    put them down
    throw them away
    leave them exactly where
    they are.
    Pick up yourself
    This rubble doesn't
    mean you're broken.
    These ashes just mean
    you are a phoenix and
    you will burn
    who hurt you.
1) This isn't your fault
2) You did nothing to deserve this
3) Cry
4) The alcohol will not help
5) It's okay to get lost inside yourself
6) They do not control you
7) Find release
8) Breathe
9) You are strong
10) You are a phoenix
11) Everything will be okay, you are your own
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