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417 · Sep 2014
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
one can only hope
to taste freedom from the mind
oppressed deep inside
(C) Maxwell 2014
413 · May 2014
It is He
Luna Lynn May 2014
God* came to me in a rain
and He spoke of Truth you could only seek in His Word
and He sang of songs unheard
of a promise only to His people
God's people

And as He spoke I turned my head,
for fear someone might see me praising the rain like the dead
And the lightening struck in disappointment
and it was then I fully understood
How God created man for the greater good
how sin has taken over the land He created to be pure
how He has created people like me to preach the cure

You see
I let the water hit my palm
and trickle up my arm
and I cupped enough in my palms to cleanse my head
Thanked God for *His
water and bread
and cleansed my soul in the Son, the Father, and the Holy Spirit
and I thanked Him from the depths of my heart
and I know that He will hear it

So I will carry out what God has asked me to do
He has given me the gift of words
to write what is real
to write what is true
to pour all of the meaningful promise
right into you

Let the Heavens open up and take a look deep inside
See what God has promised you!
The God of Abraham
The God of Israel
The Father of  Christ
and you thank Him
and you seek Him for all direction
For He will provide you protection

Because God is not in selfish churches tarnished by man
He  is  the water
He  is  the land
He  is  right with you
Right in your hand
Oh ye of little faith...
Do you not understand?
It is  God  I say!
It is  God!
It is  God  who will give us the riches of life

**Stop putting your faith into man!
(C) Maxwell 2014
410 · May 2014
the Rose
Luna Lynn May 2014
though delicate as a rose
I still have thorns
that outlive the pedals and stems
and once I've rotted
and ****** into soil
the rebirth process begins
and as I grow back
my colors are brighter
the boldness of red as it bleeds
but I am reminded so
of the knives in my side
that the flower refuses to see
(C) Maxwell 2014
409 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Collective Soul told me about
The World I Know
And standing on this ledge
With no other place to go
I jump
I'm crying
But I'm flying
It's that split second before dying
That I realize how much I love
The world I know
(C) Maxwell 2014
406 · Apr 2014
I walked -- Haiku #21
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Are you really sure?*
he asked me on a blind day
and I said **** it
(C) Maxwell 2014
405 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
it's a man you don't no
that's all you need to know
(C) Maxwell 2014
405 · Mar 2014
Haiku #7
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
this blade is so cold
burning holes into my soul
some pain is just right
(C) Maxwell 2014
405 · Nov 2016
Luna Lynn Nov 2016
Royalty they say
is something you're born into
or brought into
by the King of Hearts
what's that you say?
she's been summoned
by the Prince
to a world unknown
soon transition starts

A peasant turned Princess
who knew such a difference
from buttons to jewels
to China from dishes
and yet
humbled from her world before
resistance meets her at the door
love with her Prince
is tug of war
it seems their worlds keep them

Oh to love with a wounded heart

she gives him her all and tries her best
she loves him all over
slips into the new life he's shown her
still a piece remains left to attest
her Prince is happy but not fulfilled
and she wonders if she should depart

a twinkle in the eyes
a bleeding love from the soul
made her realize to flourish
her garden must grow
the life of a Princess isn't just something you know
it takes time to become
what you've just never been shown

Oh to give life back to her heart

love takes its time
perfection perseverance
to build a shelter that can
withstand any storm
to create a house from the roots
where you'll lock up your treasures
and forever keep the blood of you warm

Oh Prince that be,
you must always be patient
for it is deeper than things that are seen
be kind to her heart
she is loyal to you
and only preparing to be Queen
(C) Maxwell 2016
404 · Mar 2015
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
back and forth it goes
my mind is doing that **** again
you know, when you avoid difficult decisions but they come back to haunt you and so you lay awake in the dark listening to anything and everything to shut it off

it's unavoidable
the brain will taunt you

so you start to talk to yourself in attempt to find some sort of reason
a reason for all the struggles and all the pain,
the very same storm that sends the flooding rain
Soon enough you're drowning and at this point it's sink or swim;
barely holding your head above water you're praying to be rescued and it's then you realize life's a game

that even if you're pulled ashore
you'll be back in that **** water
and laying in the dark again.
(C) Maxwell 2015
403 · May 2015
Luna Lynn May 2015
i've held them in
and now they fall
it's a bittersweet taste after all

you love me forever
i love you the same

and it's for that very reason
we had to walk away

No hate, only love. Forever.

(C) Maxwell 2015
399 · Jul 2014
Move Me
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
In this very moment
at this very stance
I breathe in the tithes of wonder
I give new light a chance
and in the days I felt I never could
I lift up my soul to dance
For there is no other place
nor spare time spent
that could replace this very heaven
this place of content

The tears that form are that of joy
there is no room for sadness, you know
and as I lay down my heart
with so many feelings to deploy
my happiness will only grow
Lost in music and rhythm so
the lyrics paint my life in melody
for the songs write my story in notes

I give way to the sounds that soothe me
Oh, how the music moves me
I started a contest with some friends on my poetry page.  I asked friends to give me a topic about anything and that I'd write them a poem about that topic.  Here, my friend Jenny asked me to write about being moved within a certain place or time.  This particular moment depicts being at a concert.  It fits so perfectly since her and I often share these moments when we see our favorite band Hanson. :) Just having fun!

(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
A broken heart is never
ever healed
only scarred
tucked away
and concealed
You never stop shedding tears
they only lessen
harden and
dry up over the years
However, the blood never, ever stops flowing
it never stops flowing
Do you understand?

give fate a chance
and love again
(C) Maxwell 2014
397 · May 2014
nightmarish daydreams
Luna Lynn May 2014
I can't understand why I cry at the thought of something that does not even exist
I guess it's the idea of a love that's lost that takes it's toll on a sacred mind as this
(C) Maxwell 2014
397 · Apr 2014
be anything but real
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
will you make love to me so bad it
So that I cannot tell the pain in my heart is worse.

will you leave marks of agony
on my skin?
So that I cannot sense the suffering
deep within.

will you say how much you love me
even if for one night?
So that I can be lost in the moment
and the moment be right.
(C) Maxwell 2014
396 · Jul 2014
No hurries No worries
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
you took my life by gracious storm
and weaved it in poetic form
what I thought was not the norm
you made it real in deep adorn
masked the pain with golden pride
you showed me worth from far inside
proud I became so I did not hide
i fell into your arms spread open wide
your words found their way into my heart
and turned my blood back into art
the connection spent will never part
something we knew right from the start
coincidences unexplained
what matters is the love obtained
pulled from the pits of soulful sane
you healed the hurt and took the blame
for making me smile
for making me weak
for its all worthwhile
for its greatness we seek

I knew one day I'd find my voice
it's all by chance and not by choice
(C) Maxwell 2014
394 · Apr 2014
Haiku #17
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
The way you touch me
tells me that you truly feel
**we can't let it go
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I miss you more than
the sun would miss the blue sky
Please, just come back home
I miss you so much today Eric. I hope the heavens are as beautiful as you.

(C) Maxwell 2014
392 · Aug 2014
a toast to creativity
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
you are the wind to my earth
you are the star to my sky
and when I look up to the heavens
the sun has never shone so bright
as you and i
I actually wrote this short poem for a friend that i am currently working on a project with.  Fellow Hello Poetry writer Daniel Smith (aka Freak Morbidity) is an excellent, exceptionally talented, exquisite, precise, detailed, AMAZING, graphic writer (you go ahead and read his work and you'll see how hard it is to describe it with just one word!) I had been juggling a book idea and right now it's in the very early stages of creation.  This particular idea calls for a second writer and it is such an honor to announce that upon asking, he did agree to work on this with me. (If you have not checked out his page lately, please do so.  His current access to a computer has limited his ability to post at this time, but he does appreciate all who read and provide feedback.)
This poem was dedicated to him and I and the creativity we have already shared and have yet to share together. Nothing but awesomeness occurs when our two worlds collide!

(C) Maxwell 2014
385 · Mar 2014
can't never sleep
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Scarred for life
That's what they call it
You know, when you can't sleep at night
And you wake up to the sound of your heart
Boom. Boom. Boom.
In your ears
In your soul
You have no choice but to go back
To the time that made you feel just as
Boom. Boom. Boom.
There it is again. Now your mind is awake.
And you're  thinking of every bad thing
You have ever gone through,
And you're thinking of every bad thing you have yet to go through
That you could go through
That you should go through;
You see how the mind works?
Now it's all your own fault.
Boom. Boom. Boom.
No wonder you're scarred for life.
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
why do you write?
to alleviate stress?
to keep from crying?
to find a part of you
that's hard to express?
to keep your peace from dying?
to seek inner guidance to light?

or do you do it for likes?
(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
who are you
my little one?
are you a creative
a caring
a loving
are you impulsive
or in the middle?
do you love cool rain
on a warm day?
or do you like
the hot sun
in the heart of May?

whoever you are
whoever you wish to be
I will love you

because you are
a part of
Ha. Before you begin the congratulations, I am not pregnant.. yet.

(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You have helped me so
The man I will always know
To have my whole heart
Even in the dark
You give birth to immense light
I'll love you for life

(C) Maxwell 2014
375 · Apr 2014
He died for us
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
My Lord
the most High
I am far unworthy
and yet you clothe me
and bathe me
and nurture me like an orphan
back to life
Although I have never denied You
I have sinned against You
One too many times
and yet You forgive me

Father God I do not come to ask You of anything, just to say
thank You.
I thank You for healing me.
I thank You for walking with me.
I thank You for carrying me when I could not stand,
and I thank You for being the very breath of life that you exhale into my soul when I no longer have the will in me to live for myself.
I thank You for every struggle and for every hardship,
for my struggles are incomprehensible to that of the Son of God.

To think, the being of one man, the sole purpose of this one man, was to live only to die at the hands of those who did not believe,
only to rise again and provide salvation, truth, and life to those of us who do.
What darkness will become of me if I leave
the demons behind to fall to my knees and worship the most High.

The devil is a lie.

And it has been proven over again and yet we still battle within ourselves,
we battle with the churches,
and the world,
and the most High Himself.
If we know the truth,
the way,
and the answer,
Why do we continue to question our being,
and more importantly God's plan?

The devil is a wolf in sheepskin
beware of his doings.
But know that Jesus was also tempted,
and tested,
and he questioned,
just like me
and just like you.
This went in a completely different direction than I had planned.
(C) Maxwell 2014
374 · Apr 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
pieces of me have fallen away
now i don't know where to go
the missing parts are gone forever
they're memories ill never know
(C) Maxwell 2014
373 · Apr 2015
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
the only sound to be heard
is the furious pace of fright in my chest
stuck behind a wall with **** for windows
i cannot see what is coming next
(C) Maxwell 2015
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
we slipped up and got tangled
in sheets of passion
and amidst the anger
the getting caught in the moment
the need for release because
i was just so ******* *******
you crossed my mind
and i almost said your name
you first gain control of the mind
then everything else just follows

(C) Maxwell 2014
370 · Nov 2016
stay (haiku)
Luna Lynn Nov 2016
please don't ever die
be sure to always think of
a way to survive
(C) Maxwell 2016
366 · Mar 2014
six feet under wonders
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
sometimes you just can't stop crying
and you don't know why
but you know the river runs deep
hence the tears never seem to dry
you wait for a break in the clouds
and you pray to see the sun
even beneath the dying rainbow
your work is never done

all you know is the river runs deep
and you pray to see the sun
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
You tell me you're there for me no matter what
So don't ***** when I need a moment to complain about my pain or being sick
Maybe it'd be easier if I was quiet I mean physically I already suffer in silence
So what would make this any different?  
Matter of fact when I die,
don't be one of those idiots falling over my casket making a scene as if you actually gave a **** about my demise
You need attention I'm sure
Oh my poor friend has an illness of no cure
Feel sorry for me see here I am I brought you gifts is that enough?
No ******* keep your material things I don't need them sure as ****
Your condolences and waves of support funny I never do see them
But when I'm on the brink puking into the toilet bleeding in the sink
Then you want to stop and think
Maybe I should offer her help

**** it. I'll live alone and die by myself.
(C) Maxwell 2014
364 · Apr 2014
He Has Risen!
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
With every ***** from the crown of thorns
With every unjust lash
Jesus I thank you
He died just for me
And here I am living life selfishly
lost in the world that was never for me

All God's children are born different
you see we were built from the womb
and before God even put us there
He knew

And so on this day that Christ rose
I am overflowing with love
I get it now
I understand you Lord
unlike when I was young
and I cried because someone else did
and I prayed because someone else did
and I bowed my head
and I fell to my knees without knowing
without knowing the God I was kneeling before was the Truth, the Way, and the Life
The Reason, the Being, our vice

I am overcome with emotion as I imagine what you went though
And what a waste as I walk the path You paved for me living sinful
I am unworthy
But you lift me in Your presence
and through Your vision
I am saved
and I am forgiven

Blessed am I for have never seen you
Because I still BELIEVE
I believe you died
I believe that you rose
I believe you cast out the devil
Through the flesh beyond the soul
I believe you are with me
I believe you are in the sky
I believe in You and that I will never die

Blessed am I for have never seen you
Just because I believe

Just praising some God here.
(C) Maxwell 2014
362 · Jun 2014
King of Hearts (Haiku #37)
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
In his fingertips
lies the power to draw hearts
right upon my thigh
(C) Maxwell 2014
361 · Apr 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Like a the thief in the night stealing my strength to say no
and enhancing my ability to say yes
I cannot resist
And in the end I'm caught in a pool of regret
swimming in a sea of what shouldn't be
feeling euphoric bliss
To continue on into the moment as if rules hadn't been broken
I walk in silence wearing the crown of shame, looking to place the blame
Because I gave in to the simplistic demons that I could not resist

(C) Maxwell 2014
361 · May 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
Here I am falling helplessly uncontrollably arms flailing breath ailing screaming silent waves of terror while you sing amazing ******* grace and release white doves into this space of nothingness you refer to as happiness
Here I am a living walking breathless lifeless corpse paying dues blindly searching for the fork in the road while you skip down the golden brick path in your ruby red shoes
Here I am riding the horse of death and there you are a shining fairy drop of sun
Here I am wondering what went wrong
and wondering how you won

Here I am

barely breathing

and I am

(C) Maxwell 2014
359 · May 2014
Looking Up (Haiku #32)
Luna Lynn May 2014
In the dark even
daisies find a reason to
keep looking for Sun
(C) Maxwell 2014
355 · Mar 2014
you're full of shit
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I write you sweet *** love poems like you're the greatest thing that has ever occurred in my life
Then you **** me off and make me think twice
You're far more selfish than you think and I'm sick and tired of you always turning the blame on me
I've purposely done things to you that you've done to me just to see your reaction
And of course you never surprise me with your words and actions always looking for your own satisfaction
How am I supposed to be cruising on a one way street? In one direction by myself on my feet?
And yet you have the nerve to ask me, "what does this mean?"
Take care of home, you tell me, take care of home
We have no house we have nothing but the rotten chains holding us together seemingly forever so what fool says take care of home?
Leave me alone, I say, leave me alone
But you won't

And the endless cycle of love and hate begins
Don't be fooled; nobody ever wins
We ride the roller coaster over and over again until our hearts break so bad they're impossible to mend
And then I'm looking like a ******* because I can't figure out if I'm your woman or your crutch now tell me what is that about?

I could go on and on and you'll read this and tell me I'm wrong like you always do
Like you always say I turn things around to put pity on you
Like you always say if you're tired then leave
If you were the man you say you we're then you'd set me free, but no, of course not
It's always on me
I'm just *******.

(C) Maxwell 2014
354 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Last night I saw the moon cry
and this morning I watched the sun rise
That's how life is sometimes
You win some
You lose some
But the sun will always

(C) Maxwell 2014
353 · Aug 2014
old temptations (Haiku)
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
that blade looks quite nice
and my skin could use a feel
please God distract me
(C) Maxwell 2014
352 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Life is so hard.
Like really hard.
Like so hard if I knew then what I know now
If I could turn back the hands
If I could turn around
It would be different, yes
It just might be
Just slightly
They told me to hold on tightly
That the devil spits his **** like lightening
And even though God is there
It seems He don't care
On my knees begging please please please
In silent prayer
I pinch myself to awake from the dream
I've lost control
No intervene
This **** sure isn't what it seems

When I say life is hard
It's not the bills
The baby daddy the broken toilet
The running water the standing still
It's the battle of our minds
The tugging of our hearts searching
Searching for peace we'll never find
Then we become blind
And leave all sense of reality behind
Still searching for the ****** up fairytale
Buried deep beneath our eyes

Life is hard
Life is hard
Life is hard
There is no easy way out if you think along those lines
Go ahead and **** yourself
Your soul may still decline
Because you didn't leave any of your baggage behind
And then you're left in immortal death
Saying to yourself
Life is hard.
(c) Maxwell 2014
351 · Apr 2014
disbelief -- my friend
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I cry tears of laughter thinking of all the amazing memories I shared with you
I cry tears of immense sadness because I will never create a memory with you again

My friend

I looked forward to your hugs
I looked forward to your smile
Though as we got older and life got in the way there wasn't enough time
And that was my biggest regret yet

My friend

I miss you so much I cannot even imagine what your family, your brothers, your sisters, your parents
...what they have to endure

My friend

My emotion takes no form as it hits the page because in writing of you I could go on for days
I wonder where you've been
how often you come and go
Since there is no longer limitations to your soul

My friend

I love you so much
I miss you even more
I look at your picture and I still shed these tears as if I've never bled before
You were the universe to all of us
The sun the moon the stars and the sky

*My friend
Eric, why did you have to die?

(C) Maxwell 2014
349 · Mar 2014
freak morbidity
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
the lone road we walk is that of
a dream
a path of uncertainty nobody
hold on to the dark and call it your
they don't understand and they won't
in the end
(C) Maxwell 2014
348 · Mar 2014
it was supposed to be love
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I am in love with you
but you are not mine
just like that
I have fallen



in a cold hotel room
I undressed and
became your prey
you devoured my heart
I became your slave

just like that
I submit



my mind is lost
in cigarette smoke
as we puff away the truth
my body aches from your abuse
I know you'll never call

just like that
I believed



your answering machine
is quite lovely
you sleep so good in white
I look to the ceiling
and now I feel ugly

just like that
(C) Maxwell 2014
347 · Feb 2015
a short
Luna Lynn Feb 2015
paint me a picture
using liquid golden sun
sign it, seal it, and deliver it
when you're done

and as you stand right at my doorstep
please tell me i'm the one
(C) Maxwell 2015
347 · Mar 2014
Haiku Number Sick
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Tired of being
***** pain and discourage
This is my life now
(C) Maxwell 2014
346 · Apr 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I used to look at your smile and laugh
but now it makes me cry
because you're no longer amongst us in the physical world
you are only the memories I desperately cling to
the pictures I kiss every day
you are a spirit in the sky

My friend, the sweetest I had ever known
he would give you the shirt off his back
if you needed it you know
and even if he didn't have any to give, he would dig deep for a stranger
Because he knew and understood the struggle
and he knew the love of the Word
and he knew the love of a child
and he had the best laugh you'd have ever heard

I wish I could feel your hugs again
they were the best
I could be hurt, sad, lonely, and just the sight of you lifted Satan off my chest

You were too good to be here
I guess that's why God took you so soon

You were better fit for His kingdom
and if I ever get to see you again,
then I hope I am too.
Eric I hope you hear me when I say I miss you.

(C) Maxwell 2014
345 · Jun 2014
a poet
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Should I jab this ink into my jugular and let the words express themselves in a manner never seen before?
All the while I pour out every single emotion ever known to exist in my being onto puddles of madness on the floor
Maybe that will allow the world to see the words for what they really are and judge the poet not
And the world can envision its own rolling fields of golden daisies in a soil made from carefully sifted rock
Praise the blood that bleeds profusely upon the lines of every page
And bless the minds of the loved and lost who discovered pain at an early age
Allow me to place the cap so carefully back atop the pen so that you may take my metaphors and open doors and churn them in your heart and head
It's only when I stop bleeding
that I am truly dead
(C) Maxwell 2014
344 · Apr 2015
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
i wish you to be a fearless soul
no longer bound by the yield and anxiety
of the mind
as i lay my head upon your rising chest
i hear a pounding sound
the song of a true heart everlasting
leaves a softened voice within my ear
the things you say only flutter my heart
and arouses my own flesh to be as great as you
a mind as complex as a maze is a gift to treasure
observant eyes and ears that present to you the madness of the world
all the while love pumps through your veins to allow the shedding reign of emotions to fall upon your cheek as a river

please do not be subtle in your dreaming
but be the man God intended you to be
and if you cannot do it for you or Him
then i beg of you

do it for me.
(C) Maxwell 2014
344 · Jun 2014
ain't it funny?
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
What were your initial intentions?
because your answers aren't good enough
I saw what was shared when you told me you cared and I'm calling your bluff
Did you forget I am a woman?
a smart one indeed?
to think that you thought
you could hinder my mind
and cloud the reality I see
How silly of me
to fall into an ocean of melancholy dreams
to think I may have found out
what this all really means
When you're just the same
as the rest of them
And here I was thinking **** what a catch; I've found the best of them


Intermediate comical humor;
that's life for you, you see
and like a **** fool I gave in
now the joke is on me
Eh. Yeah. Just thinking and venting

(C) Maxwell 2014
342 · Aug 2014
conversation with myself
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
As the wind sifts strands of hair across my face unsmiling
I chase the waves of smoke from my cigarette as I see my life unwinding
And every single hurt and pain I have ever known has hit me with truth so blinding
I've been sitting here while working so hard in hopes of one day finding
that motivation in my soul that keeps becoming lost behind me
You can say you mean the best and that I will find out soon enough in timing
But tell me since you know so much how can I stop the pain from binding
sticking to my being and causing so much sickness inside me
And when my true self can finally come out from hiding

If she ever can.
(C) Maxwell 2014
339 · Jul 2014
my heart
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
your skin is soft like wonder
your smile makes me weak
even when you make me angry
angry words are hard to speak
and when you lay upon me
the slightest touch or kiss
i'm giddy and I'm blushing
and the rush i feel is bliss
i don't ever want to let you go
even if it hurts to hold on
you are my light in the dark
when i'm weak you are my strong
i've loved you long before you ever knew
and your presence makes me feel anew
if you are God's way of sending blessings
than i am ever so blessed that He sent you
(C) Maxwell 2014
334 · Mar 2014
Haiku Number Two
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Look up to the sky
Sun rays of beaming glory
You will find me there
(c) Maxwell 2014
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