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331 · Apr 2015
Luna Lynn Apr 2015
to be in love is to be totally free
the love is in you
the love is in me
joy reigns upon us as white rapid sea
the sun is in you
the sun is in me
happiness shines like rays ever so bright
the life is in you
the life is in me
even in darkness we find our own light
i am fully in you
you are fully in me
Just thinking.
(C) Maxwell 2015
327 · Jun 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
You inspire me in more ways than one,
to bless the world with my thoughts
and write symphonies with my tongue
A fellow writer and friend you have deeply become
I thank you for your wisdom
and insightful teachings
and long conversations
and conceptual meetings
This connection we share is not of the norm, but from a divine intervention with the perfect intention to lead our creativity by storm
So take hold of my hand and let's sing the unsung!
For this is only the beginning;
our time is not done
I wrote this after having an awesome conversation with my friend Daniel Smith (aka freak morbidity). He is also a writer here on HP and be is INSANELY good. Please check him out if you have the time!

(C) Maxwell 2014
322 · Jun 2014
waiting for rain
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
in the heat of the day
through the thickness of air
lies a small ray of hope
in a cloud of despair
just turn to the sky
and you'll see me there
(C) Maxwell 2014
322 · Mar 2015
Luna Lynn Mar 2015
oh, i am lonely
i am lonely so
alone in my grief
i never asked you to go
but you have problems too,
i know

so i will make it
there is no other way;
without you when i need you most
i could have used you today

to cry?


nothing is to change

oh, i am lonely
i am lonely so
the pain is stabbing to my core

but my tolerance will grow.
(C) Maxwell 2015
319 · Aug 2014
Luna Lynn Aug 2014
more than an emotion
wreaking havoc on my soul
too weak and
too confused to know
when the lightening strikes
and the thunder follows
the echo is a deafening sound
in my chest so hollow
looking up to the sky
hoping someone's God
can hear my pleads
i'm but a sorrowful sinner
perhaps you have
an answered prayer i could borrow?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I find comfort in the sun upon my brow
only because I know it is you
and it is you that sends the wind through each strand of my hair
and it is you that sends the birds singing
and it is you whom sends the calming rain on a hard day
and it is you who covers me with warmth when I am cold
and it is you that I shall miss every day in my life

heaven may be a beautiful place
but it is a place lucky to have an angel like you
so spread your wings, my beautiful friend
spread them far and wide and soar around the world ten fold
live the life you could not live in your physical body

because I can only see your smile in photographs
promise me you won't stop sending the sun
I will miss you forever.

(C) Maxwell 2014
316 · Apr 2014
i am not you
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
I've come to the final conclusion that I will never be who you want me to be
That I will never do as you ask in the manner of which  you asked it therefore I will just not do it at all
I will never fulfill your dreams of a magnificent woman unless I'm compared to someone of lesser value
I will never stop crying because I will never stop hurting
and maybe that's why the little girl in me will never grow up
(C) Maxwell 2014
316 · May 2014
So Far Gone
Luna Lynn May 2014
Adults who act like children
pass that right down to the kids
So every ****** up thing you said
and every argument you had
they will remember that ****
And for every man you had in your room
or every woman you just had to swoon
Them little ones watching knew the business
you don't need to see with your eyes to bare witness so you should know them children are no fools

And then what's going to happen when all is said and done?
Them babies will grow into adults
Adults that only know the values you taught them
And the time they walked in on you snorting coke or ******* the neighbor
you know that's something not ever forgotten
So you'll sit and be mad at how your kids turnt out; a dead beat dad and a mom with twisted priorities
You can't get them out your house so you live like you're packed poor minorities

And yet all that wasted opportunity
and all that wasted life
all that wasted money and wasted time severed by the knife
That same knife you felt in your heart you passed right on
with no excuse to keep it moving you kept it moving right along
and now you sit in your self pit wondering what the hell went wrong
why the nights are so long
Everyone is so ****** up and far gone
and lost


Everyone is so lost
Looking at the new generation and that is sadly the cost
Knowing **** well you're too ignorant to teach them any different because you're too stubborn to take the blame yourself
I guess some folks are just too far gone to help
Not even a real poem. I'm just mad. About a lot.

(C) Maxwell 2014
315 · Oct 2015
suppressed memories
Luna Lynn Oct 2015
what happened?
(C) Maxwell 2015
313 · Mar 2014
For Amanda
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
you may feel rather broken
due to demons in your past
you feel the need to be outspoken
so you can speak at last

but never short your broken heart
from what you do deserve
and never tear your wall apart
and pull your loving from reserve

open up your mind to accept
you just might fall
don't try to take on all that's left
or you will not try at all

don't let the fear take over
it's all part of the plan
Jesus has you on His shoulders
and your heart inside his hands
(C) Maxwell 2014
312 · Jun 2014
dangerous sin
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
not a wolf in sheep's clothing
more like a tequila sunrise
on a hot summer's eve
not a demon with gnashing jaws
more like a soothing winter breeze
choosing to remain the same on the outside while creating a raging storm within me
even haunting me in my dreams
the danger was always there
in fact it remains to be true
while erasing the worst of pain
in pleasure long overdue
eating at my innards
is the plain forsaken truth
but I am in love with summer's eves
and a good pair of walking shoes
and I enjoy a light blanket of snow
and the wetness on my boots
how can sin be so dangerous
when it comes as lovely as you?
(C) Maxwell 2014
311 · May 2014
a Bedtime Prayer
Luna Lynn May 2014
If I die before I wake
All my memories you should take
Nestle them deep within your hands
Then release them swift as blowing sand

I am the earth; the earth is me
Look to the sky, that's where I'll be
Spread my love and do not weep
Do not mourn, for I am free
(C) Maxwell 2014
310 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Is my favorite kind of night
Even the dead is asleep
There is no witching hour at
The wind has picked up
The trees are kissing
The moon is high
and glowing giving light to life that doesn't exist at
The righteous sleeps alongside the wicked at
as I lie awake
(C) Maxwell 2014
309 · Mar 2014
not so nice
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
I really hate when people think they know me
You go ahead and make your analogies
Since you know so much
You're so deep
Skin deep
You're a *******
With a tinge of wit
I don't care what you say
Or think
Or feel
Or believe

Still like me now?
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Today I feel like total ****
So please just let me be
Well would ya know
This crazy ***
Just wrote some poetry!
Don't ask.

(C) Maxwell 2014
302 · May 2014
I Am Ready
Luna Lynn May 2014
Alone in my thinking
I am no longer afraid
in fact I am ready
I am ready to change
and with that change
I'll start anew
a life meant to live
add a smile or two
Tomorrow is not given
So I will cherish today
the past is good riddance
there is no dismay
and although the pain
will be back one day
it won't rule my life
nor doom me insane
nor eat at my heart
nor devour my brain
The devil once had me
and he had his day
But now I am ready
I am ready to change
(C) Maxwell 2014
298 · Jun 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Not hanging my head in defeat
just searching to make the water clear
why we will never be
what our hearts' desire
why I must leave my love in the fire
and hope you can forgive me,
my dear

I cry because I love you so
and it is for that very reason I must go
you pull my sleeve and beg me please
don't leave
and while every cell in my body meets resistance
and while I've found what I had been waiting for in all my existence
and while our souls have conjoined amidst such great distance
and with patience and persistence we still found the power within to be

I break your world

and in the name of fear
I flee
(C) Maxwell 2014
296 · Apr 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Sway to the left
Now sway to the right
Smile at your partner
Oh what a night
A night for dancing
A night for fun
A night for rhythm
A night for love
Kiss her hand
And grasp her waist
Dip her to the passion
Of the music played
Shake your hips
Clap your hands
It's a never ending
Night of dance
Feel warm in her hold
And drink from her cup
Dance dance dance
Until the sun comes up
Just something fun I wrote while listening to good Motown music.

(C) Maxwell 2014
292 · Jul 2014
still in shock 7/7/14
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
you'll be proud to know I finally got my makeup on today
and I made my eyes as black as the night's sorrow
I said to myself, I'm in mourning
or something like that
I was already out the door and couldn't take it back so maybe I'll try a different color tomorrow
did you see how high the sun was today?
it seemed like it never set
that the light just faded into night
well maybe you did see it
after all, you are apart of the stars now
I wonder where you are now
and if you've seen Heaven yet
Is it as pretty as they say?
(C) Maxwell 2014
291 · Mar 2014
the secret of secrets
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
The delicacy of a daisy
The innocence of
Evening rain
Washed away in a sea of
Because he took it all away
It became elements of
The ghosts of past obscenities
Never disappeared
Haunted dreams
Daylight becomes the night
There is no sun for flowers
Not even water from the skies
Could cleanse away
(c) Maxwell 2014
290 · May 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
Rolling around in an abundance of soul searching time
When time is something so scarce
Searching for a dream that seems so hard to find in a storm that's no less than fierce
Lost in so many moments we seek further refuge in memories that do not exist
In doing so we give way to the devils temptations that are incredibly hard to resist
(C) Maxwell 2014
290 · Sep 2014
facing hard times
Luna Lynn Sep 2014
when the road appears broken
and you cannot walk around
you trudge right through it
you just do it
(C) Maxwell 2014
288 · May 2014
Night Rain
Luna Lynn May 2014
when the sun sets it's just not the same
in losing the heat of the day
I find myself engulfed once again
beneath the darkening sky
it isn't safe they say
but I don't mind the risk to take
if it means one drop may kiss my cheek
and promise me the skies shall clear

as the air begins to cool I ask myself
how did I ever feel this way?
how can one not appreciate the night
as it foreshadows the day?
even more so, how can one not stand the rain?

and even though rainbows may never gather
and even though there is no sun to set
the moon provides a different light
the water glistens in the night
the heat of the day can burn my eyes
so it is night rain that I'd rather get
(C) Maxwell 2014
287 · Jul 2014
You Can't
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
You can't give me the world
and then take your promises back
Please enlighten me,
what sort of love is that?
You can't say what you will
and then do what you won't
Help me understand,
because I feel that I don't
You can't make me smile
and then make me cry
Deep down I am saddened
because I truly know why

What sort of love is that?
(C) Maxwell 2014
285 · Jul 2014
promise me
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
the delicacy in the pedal of a rose
could not do any justice
to describe the state of my heart
nervous and fragile here I stand
open wide for your eyes to see
won't you promise to take such care
of the center part of me?
(C) Maxwell 2014
285 · Jun 2014
At Last
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Liberty from my inner prisons;
from my mind I am freed!
No more shall I fall;
my heart is lighter indeed!
Toast up your wine
in honor of my soul;
For freedom taste like honey
and my future's paved in gold!
Be it the center of a rose;
I am the food of the seed
Let the wind carry my presence;
for I have finally been freed!
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Oh the pain
Oh the pain it hurts
and it hurts so bad
Clutching my chest in heaving
never ending breaths
I've lost my soul
I've gone mad
I sit here to pass the time
while you try to buy it
You think I'm fine
but I'm heartbroken
and I hide it
So you smile and drink
your tea down smooth
while I try not to notice
your lips
every wrinkle around your mouth
every motion
every groove
You reach out to
You reach out to touch me
and a fire lights inside
But you packed your ****
and now the cab is coming
because you said
you said the fire died
I was convinced
so I did not fight
Just let you go
into the breeze
into the rain
out of the snow
You kissed me one last time
one last time
and in that split minute
of a moment
you were still mine
and in being mine I rubbed you
and I kissed your chin
and I asked you
was the pain worth giving in
You only smiled
wiped my tears away
Walked right out on my life
and told me I'd be okay
left me in a state of disbelief
complete disarray
and the pain was so extreme
I couldn't even pray
So I took my life right there
right where you left me
right where you left me standing
and as I watched my body become
a distant visual memory in dreaming
a painful reminder
an ugly history of a sad and
a weakly human being
I watched you come back

I watched you

(C) Maxwell 2014
284 · Apr 2014
a raging storm
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
And as the rain trickles down
my sense of wonder
I continue to question my

And as the sun fails to shine
on dark valley nights
I continue to walk without

And as the body shuts down with
failure to thrive my senses
become weak by

But as the skies come alive
to promise me hope
I shall never give up on
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
your lies cut deep as
Samurais embedded much
too far in my soul

i don't even know
who you are in this life any
more than I know foes

makes me sad to know
I have exposed hidden truth
I just can't save you
(C) Maxwell
274 · Jun 2014
kiss me
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
Kiss me and make love to me and hold me and hear me and wipe away my sadness and drown with me in my tears and give way to every door I have opened just for you..

Just do it.

Just kiss me.
(C) Maxwell 2014
273 · Apr 2014
Haiku #16
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
laying next to you
brings out my inner demons
**you are forbidden
(C) Maxwell 2014
268 · May 2014
a poet's brain
Luna Lynn May 2014
Words* become


down the page

the same way
they remain


in the brain

and a poet's mind
is never at rest
no more than the
cannon of life beats
within the chest
(C) Maxwell 2014
261 · May 2014
without you
Luna Lynn May 2014
You are my life
and I cannot live without you
there is just something I cannot explain
there is just something about you
Whatever you do in this life
whatever it is you do
for the love of God don't you ever leave
Don't you ever leave this world
and leave me behind
without you
I cannot be strong
I will not survive
and if you ever leave me
I will most likely die
Everything I spent years building inside
will come crumbling down
in the blink of an eye

So please
I beg
and I plead
on my knees
God don't You ever take him from me
I don't want to feel the pain
I don't want to feel the hurt
If at anything
anything at all
Please just take me first
because each day won't be better
and it will only get worse
and my mother will lose a daughter
because I will be different from the pain
and I just may lose my brain
and my soul will suffer slaughter

I love you
you are my life
There is just something I cannot explain
there is just something about you
So whatever it is you do in this life
baby whatever it is you do
For the love of God please
don't you ever leave
don't you ever leave this world
and leave me behind
without you
I love you Travis.

(C) Maxwell 2014
261 · Jun 2014
you're gone
Luna Lynn Jun 2014
when I think about you not being here
(because you aren't)
I stop breathing

it just seems to bring us closer
and I've grown tired of missing you
(C) Maxwell 2014
261 · Jul 2014
In Life and Beyond
Luna Lynn Jul 2014
if I had to pick one word
or two
or even if I could pick three
there isn't enough
there isn't that much soul
on God's green earth
to describe what you mean to me

when my days are rendered dark
when there's scars upon my skin
you pull me close and heal my wounds
you forgive me for my sins
let it be known when I say
you are the best
in fact you mean so much more
i just wish I had the right way to say it
I just wish I had the words

i couldn't imagine sailing
the sea of rolling tides
without you by my side
you've seen me at my greatest
and at my worst
you've seen me deep in pain
you've seen me lost and hurt
but not once have you ever left
not once have you ever gone
you saw our friendship
for it was to become

you asked me to write you a poem
and I'm sorry it took so long
because to sit and write
every emotion I feel
I want to do you most of justice
I don't want to do you wrong

If I ever leave this world before you
will you please promise me this?
Never stop looking up at the beauty in the sky for what it is
For you'll find me in the rays of sun blowing you a kiss
Sending my love in the way of a dove
and through the wind I send you my hugs
and in the entire evening and morning sky
is where you'll see me smile
so please never cry
my spirit won't be bound
and I will always be around

My best friend how I love you so
I hope you never ever go
My best friend you are my all
I hope we never ever fall
Take my hand and we'll walk on

for you have me forever
in life, after, and beyond
My best friend wanted me to write him a poem. Here it is. I hope you like it Junior. I love you. Thank you for always being there when I need you, and even when I don't.

(C) Maxwell 2014
258 · May 2014
Luna Lynn May 2014
I can feel the tears building
as my eyes remain fixated on the night
aiming to focus on a vision I cannot quite see
I know I am tired and that I should sleep but what joy would fill my emotions if I could just hang my head and cry

But I cannot

And it is for that exact reason why I lay here in the darkness waiting to see a sight of satisfaction in my dreams
I know I have nothing to lose and all to live for and my blessings are en route but sometimes you have to let the water run dry

but I just cannot

I've become far too numb to cry

I can feel the wretched pain crumbling my insides and the butterflies have gathered in a heap of smoke
I can feel the abandoned broken pieces of my heart slowly coming together to make a sound of any life

And yet as I try to speak of foreshadowed unruly motions the words get hung on my teeth and the sounds never leave my throat
And yet the pit of my pain keeps boiling over in my head it is in my chest where these horrors reside

And all of this happens
because I am far too numb
to cry
(C) Maxwell 2014
258 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
Those feelings of hope are very real
so the feelings of reason are concealed
and you're back in the hole
you just climed out
Let me tell you,
I know what I'm talking about
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
If there's anything I can teach you
so that reality may reach you
Don't become soft; don't fall for love or
become so transparent you're easy to see
Because pain is required for all things earned
If there's anything I've learned
from being burned
Let me tell you,
I know what I'm talking about
(c) Maxwell 2013
256 · Jul 2015
fantasy fiction
Luna Lynn Jul 2015
on my mind day and night
you promise me a world i haven't seen
there's a longing in my soul
just for you
that tells me you're telling the truth

i'll gladly wear your ring of despair
use it as my ticket to ride
the waves of emotion and hearts on your sleeve
there's a special place in your hell
just for me
(C) Maxwell 2015
255 · Mar 2014
poet 2 poet
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
words have so much power
you can bring someone up just as fast as you tear them down
you can create passion with a pen
go back and forth with your words
over and over again
without even seeing the face you see into the mind
soul searching becomes easy
he's already found mine
the disadvantage of knowing a poet
you cannot successfully hide
you cannot play games and disguise what you feel
because poets of all people know that it's real
emotions and feelings not felt once before
should i open a window or unlock the door?
(C) Maxwell 2014
254 · May 2014
just friends (Haiku #27)
Luna Lynn May 2014
took us to a taboo place
now we have returned
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
waking up to the morning sun
it arrived before I was ready
so I lay here unprepared
my day has to begin
but I don't want it to
I would rather run through a thousand fields or more in my nightmares
than to face the day that awaits me
(C) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
is it too much to admit that I find myself drowning in an ocean of dreams every time I am in your presence
is to too much to ask for a tad moment of your time so that I can become lost in your consuming
is it too much to wonder how life would be if you were apart of my future promising me every little girl's dream
is it too much to love you so truly that my adoration is borderline obsession and I just cannot get enough
is it too much to find myself losing grip on reality when all I can think of is loving caring admiring being with you

lucky to be lost in your presence
cursed to be succomed in your gaze
lost in time that seems but a dream
when you believe friends is enough
i am hopelessly subdued into *you
I'll never tell.

(C) Maxwell 2014
246 · Mar 2014
Haiku number five
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Unborn baby weeps
Looking for a bed to sleep
Mama misses you
(C) Maxwell 2014
241 · Mar 2014
don't ask me what's wrong
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
my insides hurt from crying
wouldn't you want to know why?
look into my eyes
deep into my eyes
then maybe for once
you'll see
(C) Maxwell 2014
237 · May 2014
Gifts from Above
Luna Lynn May 2014
There is just something
about the way
rain water kisses the grass
that promises us all a better future
(C) Maxwell 2014
236 · Apr 2014
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
from all the back and forth I would have figured you'd grow tired and looking into your eyes today as the sun goes down I'd say you are
We are a mere solid existence of a home for each others' soul and refuge for our own hearts
The deep devotion we have the love we express in all of the pain shows no means of forgiveness or salvation
We both know you can't seek refuge forever and yet we continue to dig ourselves deeper into damnation

Your eyes have grown so weary from trying and it only takes a minute of your presence to know and fully understand
Letting go has never been easy so we choose to hang on to that thin line of love and hate and jump into the fire we start with our hands
My love, my life, my reason for knowing all I know and feeling what I feel about loving a man beyond the moon
Our love, our lives, are forever evolving as we individually change and we do our best to grip the alter and jump the broom

it may be too late
it could be too soon

My love, the sweetest of berries on a tree in the sun high afternoon
Shall we part our ways and share this last day?
The irony of it all it may never set with the sun today or tomorrow
I am too afraid to go
You are too inclined to stay
oh what a shame
Two weakened with fear and beaten with sorrow our hearts continue to seek refuge in each others' broken souls
Awaiting the sun to rise again
No form. Just feelings.

(C) Maxwell 2014
222 · Apr 2014
give back
Luna Lynn Apr 2014
Grasping the torch does not mean one holds tight forever
since forever never exists it is that reason exactly
in due time
that it must be
(C) Maxwell 2014
222 · Mar 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
the long pause on the monitor
tells me I couldn't save you
the bells have stopped
the IV's come out
the blood is settling
the room is quiet
the family has left
the shroud is stiff
the cart is cold
zip up and close
how sorry
that I couldn't save you
(c) Maxwell 2014
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
If I close my eyes I'm not even here
My tears don't exist
And the needles in my back disappear
The land is green and golden rose
The sun is glitter the clouds are gold
And my wings are white
I fly wherever I want to go
However I want to go
I want to go

My soul cries out
Still stuck in this ****** body
Good for nothing that's my fault
If I close my eyes I'm not even alive
But a mere sliver of what's left inside
(C) Maxwell 2014
214 · Mar 2014
what becomes of the dark
Luna Lynn Mar 2014
Is it possible to fall for words?
It's ****** up how poetry works
You find yourself in a sea of emotion
That's not even yours
But it becomes a part of you
And because it's so deep you can't even fight it
And because it feels good you don't even hide it
I would rather be lost in the pit of your mind joined at the hands with our souls intertwined than asleep in reality that doesn't exist
You opened the door
I just couldn't resist

I don't even know you
and you've gained some control
without seeing my eyes you saw into my soul

We met in the dark
with two broken hearts
and that is all that we can ever know
(C) Maxwell 2014
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