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  Apr 2020 J J
Your face melts in the fog
A colorless scene
Our white shadows speaking to us as if we are alone
The tree master has no where to be
Mid day sitting by it self
A branch wanting to be more
Left by the leaf that would never return
Why must all company leave
Mother nature is no comforter
She is no mother
A punished daughter weeps in the garden
Why must you be so cruel
J J Apr 2020
Japanese frothy ice coffee in the summer
Watching the world continue to burn
As the spaces 'tween the paper disinter
and I continue to reap the ideals i sowed

Growing cold to the bones, lungs ache
As my lips wisp a chilly whisper thin as
Phone wire and defeated but riding still tall
Came way too far to give out like cheap cigars

I had to pretend to be so many different people
To realise why and where exactly i didn't fit in;

Optimism keeps me through til the night,
When morning spreads my chest it slits my heart like a knife
But in my soul I can feel the guiding gaze
Of my grandmother, her memories embedded to remind me of

A constant reason to always want to stay alive.

I've got limited time and truthfully I fear I'll never live it
The way i should be,

But by the end of this season I will wear the welts of
My lessons, I will try better to be

Who I should be
J J Mar 2020
I misplaced a tear drop
                                   into a jar full of collected rain.
Cloudy thoughts sway me forward to face the day
J J Mar 2020
Her paper-thin wings, inked in grainy
yellow and true azure blue;
The butterfly's ****** movements twitched
Like a stop motion puppet's.
Her bearded creator bows in sarcastic devoir
Wheeling out the spiralling portal
And contorting it to a star that rapidly unfolded--

At last, the pale sequinned godess is upon us,
Trembling in goosebumps like raindrops atop
   the rattling leaf. Sacred imprisoned witch;
    harbour of her sister's thorny cobweb, and fangs
That wish nothing more than to knit upon our sordid

J J Mar 2020
O  how we have aged
         mother Earth...
**** the world it can die kind of mood tonight
  Mar 2020 J J
Kafka Joint
You seldom know who is talking inside your head.
Your social life is full of surprises.
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