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Saumya Oct 2017
Flowing, flowing
From West to east
Soothing me.

The sea across which is our little heaven,
Sparkles, glitters,
In the moonlit night.

My hairs,
Moving to and fro,
Fast and slow,
Reminding me of my man

The starry night,
Staring at me
Waiting for you each moment.

The water,
Splashing my mouth,
Splashing me now & then

But ah! Your arrival
Lits up these moments.

The moon dims it's light,
The star in awe... Hide
The cottony cloud, cover the sparkling sky.

The owls shrills it's cries,
The breeze blows wild,
The sea rests for a while.

The nature,
The stars,
The moon,
The sea.
And the fading moonlight.

Waiting, waiting for all
that will be pure delight..

You come so close,
And kiss my nose.
Hug me tight,
Like I'm always yours.

Your eyes meets mine,
My eyes meets yours,
Wishing this sights
Lasts forevermore.

I smile,
You grin,
At stare naughtily,
That maybe just yours.

We are at the window,
Enjoying our love tango.
And later you smile,
And close the door.

My heart throbs fast,
With your steps so fast,
You come in to the window,
Now so close.

You kiss my cheeks,
And play with my nose,
And as I giggle,
Your hands make my eyes close.

You take me in my arm,
And you smell so nice,
Taking us to our bed,
My lovely, night.

You kiss my eyes,
When we are just in bed,
Oh, what I see!
Is my man, naked
Kissing my forehead.

I kiss your lips,
And lick your lips,
Bitting them,
Like my favorite chips.

You kiss my neck
And bite me,
We keep turning us,
On and on.

I feel you members,
So, so divine,
And caress the one,
That's growing to be mine

You smile, your smirk
And kiss my head,
While I circle
You *****, and your head.

I squeeze it hard,
As hard as you moan,
It so soothing
To so you moan.

You kiss me fast,
with a wilder last,
You do that thing,
That beautiful thing.

Now you're my king,
And I'm your queen,
It's so good to be us
After all this thing.

I smile, and smile,
Turn on and on
You grin and grin
Like my favorite storm.

We toiled in us,
All this night,
To watch you in my dreams,
Could wet anyone in delight!
Just a pondering :)

Lemme know how it was.
Thanks for reading.!
Saumya Oct 2017
...placed , watered in the soil
With the hope, of Turing into

...Forming cotyl
... That eventually differentiates
In epicotyl & hypocotyl
To turn into a leafy stem,
And a fibrous root to be...

Growing, developing
...Into a bigger one indeed!
Gradually, happily forming leaves!
Bifurcating into two and many branches to be....

Roots...Helping the stem
Stem... Helping roots
growing in water & sunny heat.

Stems...Now branches
Branches...Now leafy branches
Happily exhibiting their grape green leaves!

The leaves, being a proud elements
Of the latter tree to be,
Working, dedicating,
All their energy
To fulfill their needs.

But oh! These leaves,
These generous ones indeed,
Are unaware , so unaware
Busy working days and nights,
Devoid of greed.

They rejoice at  the tree yielding its fruits,
They rejoice when the tree ripens it's fruits,
they rejoice, when these see birds and beasts,
Relishing how yummiliciously sweet it is.

It all passes,
Never worrying them about grosses.
The young leaves come,
And greener it becomes.
And the old grow pale,
Time for the fall.

The tree grows big,
So happy in its veil
Carefree about the leaves,
Who toiled night & day
Growing pale & pale
Pale enough
To even Carbon dioxide's  inhale.

Seeing the tree who no more cares,
Fruits & seeds, busy pampered & care d,
They get one thing,
We all should sing,

Nature gives what
It one day takes,
We came from it
Will one day be it's waste.

What is so ours,
Isnt really ours,
Time rules,
And nature mocks!

Oh humans,
Oh birds,
Oh women,
Oh men,
Listen, listen,
As I won't repeat it again,

Hope, hope as much as you can,
But never expect as you always can!
As Hope takes high,
But Expectations drain.

For nature gives,
For nature takes.
It makes you young,
To work most of what  you can!
It makes you old,
To live your last lost plans.

Enjoy this life,
As much as you can,
Enjoy what comes,
Regregreting not  your  pasts 'I cans'.

Care for you as much as you can,
Know, know that somebodydy else will
But nobody forever can!

I'm now but a growing leaf,
At my deathbeds highest peak,
Teaching you as much I can.

Life your life, as you always would.
Be proud of what you can and could.

I was a leaf,
I am a leaf,
An now a jaded, old pale, trashed one.

I came from soil,
As a part of seed,
The seed that yielded a bigger tree.
The tree is happy,
With its flowers and fruits
The fruits yield now,
Many, many seedy fruits.

But oh, this tree this busy one indeed,
Knows not thay it's but the leaves make it!

Today that it has many,
It misses not me,
But oh, I feel pity,
But heart sobs much in misery,
Remembering, reminiscing
That first parent seed
For it was the seed,
That loved & blessed ,
Blessed enough to be a tall
Tall, yet a 'selfish' tree.
Just a pondering.

Thankyou for reading.lemme know how it was :)
Saumya Oct 2017
Words that I say,
You don't get.
Heart that I pour out,
You distrust.

All things I do for you,
You interrupt.
You take my love for granted,
Misconidering it, to be 'lust'

We are far,
Far to be friends,
Far to even trust,
Far enough, to distrust,
Misinterpreting things to lust!
I guess, tears, remorse
And laments all

That will ever be the element,
Of the impossible 'Us'
A real story.

Thanks for reading :)
Saumya Oct 2017
I have witnessed many, who are so confident & eloquent about what they are, what they need etc.But yes, when this question is asked to me, I start asking myself, who actually am I?
Lol..I know that sounds funny, but I do have a logical reason behind that.Well what's that? That exactly is, because I'm what I see myself to be, and to honest, I'm not the same as I was yesterday, and if you see what's me wrt. Tommorow, I'm not the same person, I'm today.

I see, I learn, I grow & I am a new  me  everyday! I know, there may not me many, who'd like to talk to me personally, but those, who have ever had a chat or talk in real, with me, know the real me

When it comes to my personality and my behavior etc, know this very clearly, 'Im what exactly you're to me.No more no less '
Normally I'm a very sweet, caring, and humble kinda person, but when it comes to liars, backstabbers, cheaters etc. You'll  find me an intolerable demon, that won't regret throwing you outta my life. I'm sweet as sugar, bitter as gourd, and will be strong enough to burn you into ashes, if you mess with me for wrong this, cheat etc.
For me, life's a one way thing.Either I accept people, and accept them with all my heart, never treating them as an after/ second thought, else I treat them as 'strangers' whom I never knew anyway.And if at all there comes a phase, when you once had been a friend,good friend etc. And I start treating you as a strangee, know that you did something wrong that was unforgivable & with that, you lost your respect in my eyes 'forever'.
I'm normally a forgiver, but I don't forget .Things like Temporary, half, fake etc. Mean nothing to me when it comes to people.either, it's completely true and honest, mutual, or better completely nothing.

I never judge people.But when, you continuously cheat & fool around,you lessen your chance on me trusting you, and event you'll mean nothing to me.
Whether it's people on or offline, I take them seriously, and expect the same, don't take the risk of taking me for granted

I love reading, I love writing, & I love painting too .As fir writing, my favorite genres are : Adventure, philosophy, ****** etc.( These will normally be the genres you'll see my writings in) also, I love the genre "horror' though I haven't written a piece in this genre, so far.I love collaboration, so if you want someone to join you, feel free to ask :)

I'm a very open-minded person, and talk freely about any & everything.Nothing's bad, it's just ones perspective .

I'm a Hindu, but I love & respect all religions.Christmas carols are my favorite
Let me know if there's still any detail required.
Thankyou for reading. :)
Have a great day!
Saumya Sep 2017
I m good to you
And great with others
You see?
But oh, I'm the one
Who isn't me indeed.

I please you you today,
May please others the comming day,
And thats how
'People pleasing' flows in my way.

But you know what,
What I wanna want you know today?
'People pleasing helps one
In no ways!'

You mind may applaud you now and then,
But you heart soul will  noway,
Because pretending
What you aren't
Is sheer disgrace!

Be proud of you,
Smile and say,
'Im good, I'm great
And I  follow my heart's way,
Because it's me and myself
That knows our ways.

Why to pretend,
Why to be afraid
Pretending never helps
One anyway!
Random piece...Just a thought
Saumya Sep 2017
Your eyes
My eyes
..Staring, gazing , watching us..

Your lips
My lips
..Tasting, relishing the sweet us..

Your face
My face
..Moving here, there, caressing us..

Your neck
My neck
..Embracing, bitting, and licking us..

Your ears
My ears
..bittibg, *******, licking us..

Your shoulders,
My shoulders,
.. Pressing, compressing, cupoing moving deep in us..

Your stomach
My stomach
...Pressing, pressing us...

Your fruit
My fruit
... rubbing, mixing, shaking, dancing, going deep, making us, 'us'...

Your hands
My hands
...touching, pressing , caressing us..

Your mouth,
My mouth
..Moving up and down
Sharing the juices on & on us...

Your tongue,
My tongue,
.. Travelling, tastings, relishing the depth of us...

Your thighs
My thighs
...Clenched, entangled in each other's ..

Your body
My body
...*******, discovering, relishing, ...
The love
The lust
The hunger
The thirst
And the hot Furnace is us.

Lost in me
Lost in you
Lost into each us.

I am in  you
You are in me
And we are
'Into us'
Sensual & ****** .

Lemme know how it was :) Thanx for reading.
Saumya Sep 2017
It's been these two years
Since we don't talk,
No chats,
No calls.

Yet I miss you
Every day, Every hour.
My mind wants to forget
But never does the heart.

Oh why did u?
Why did you depart.
You asked me to block you forever,
That something you knew
I couldn't think of ever.

You said I unfriended you,
And you  knew I could'nt ever.
You were to me so dear,
You still are dear.

But the thoughts of you,
Fill my heart with fear.
You asked me to leave
Giving a lame excuse.

I still ponder,
What took us there?
I was cute, & sweet
U were smart and clever.

But the reason u gave is still unclear,
How could you, or a guy anywhere,
Would think of ******* her sister!
That's a bond so piously precious.
And you could do this
Just because a child, she can never bear?

If you just said,
You've got someone else
That sure would be hard to hear,
But the fact that you left me for sister,
Is something that haunts me everywhere.

I did all things
A friend should do,
I regret the fact,
U never understood.

U lied,
U cheated,
And left this unclear,
Making me think what led us there.

I cry, I weep, and smile in despair,
Tis even today
I miss you with regrets and tears.

Why did you love,
When you had to leave,
When I needed you
Devoid of greed?

You fooled, You lied,
And ruined my life,
I was soo wrong then,
Thinking you were but the reason
Behind my smiles.

You try even today,
To text and call,
But I'm no more the one
Who desperately died to
Accept your calls.

Sometimes what's harsh,
And tears off one's heart,
Is but the best cure,
For a sobbing heart.

You played with me,
Abusing the young gal and childishness in me,
But sigh* you never knew the real me!

The one who cared for you,
More than herself,
Crossed all barriers,
She never even crossed for herself.

Simply because she loved you,
More than herself.

You left her saying,
You gotta **** your sister,
Boy, I feel pity for a sister!
She has a bro,
Who's but a monster,
Who'll never know
It's  shamefully sin,
For a bro, to **** her sister!
This poem is more a real.story about a boy, one of my friends met on a writing site, online.Intially they used to be very good friends, later, they exchanged no.s and things went more to night talks, and day chats etc. (The boy was 26, while the gal was 21) Since the very first day, when they first heard each other's voices on call, the boy behaved like he was so into the gal...And started asking the gal for a kiss. It was way to wierd and uncomfortable for her (For a good girl, obviously, things like these happening all of a sudden is quite uncomfortable, but she managed delaying things, and waiting patiently till he properly knew what kind of a guy he was) this boy, litterally forced her for the kiss, everytime they were on call, but never even took the effort of doing so...If he was so desperate lol, he himself could have done it  ;).well, things stayed the same for around 4 years, he used to play the game of blocking , and unblocking the gal, thinking she was innocent and could do what he wished anyway.(He never knew, that the gal was way more stubborn than innocent she was, and did exactly what she felt Ryt, and exactly at the time she felt was OK) she continued delaying, and the guy continued his games and pranks on her
One fine day, when he thought this wasn't working with this gal, He asked her to do one thing for her, what was it? She asked her to block him from all places, where they could  contact. It was obviously wierd ,why was he asking this all of a sudden. Plus, since the gal actually loved him it was both tough and unacceptable for her to think of it. Sigh* thank heaven ! These two never saw each other in person....This gal was weeping incessantly, yet was brave enough to chat with him like she was not much agitated.
She asked the guy why should she block him? He answered, ' things work one way with me, either talk, and enjoy all the sexually abusive  kind of thing I talk about, else leave me forever! She said what?&;He clarified with a yet new strange reply, saying, 'see, I'm an *** person (idk what is it) and I want you to block me, since my mother checks my phone everyday, and I can't manage blocking you, plus, my I've a sister, who's married and is having problem in conception, since her husband has ******* problem, and therefore she has asked me to do it for them!
This was seriously the most rediculous things, this gal could've even thought of! She asked him if he was serious? And there came a one word reply, 'yes!' ...The gal lost her control, and asked it for he last tym with the message, 'So, you seriously want to leave me forever?' and then there came a reply, 'please block me, I have to go today too..TCR.' she saw the message, and replied, ' Thankyou for everything, Bye forever :(' and then came the reply, 'Thankyou for blocking'.

But it was hard for her to block him so she left. It was after 3 days, there came a message '?' this things geared her boiling anger and then she blocked him. Later after 3 months he unblocked him.
Also he blamed her before she blocked him, that she had already unfriended him on Facebook, which actually he had, not she, a forgot, and wasn't ready to accept. She blocked him there, and he's still blocked there, next when she checked the writing site they met on, she discovered that he had blocked him there, too, and full of rage, she blocked him there too.
But yes, neither the gal, nor the guy had blocked each other's no. For phone calls. But that day, she strictly warned him not to call or text her again, but after that blocking thing, he tried calling the gal ;sometimes, but she either ignored his calls, or switched off her phone.

Afterall, after all this there was nothing left to talk about.and even if she managed receiving his call, she wouldn't be able to talk since she had immense pain in her heart, and his voice could only let the tears flow incessant, barely allowing her to speak.
Also, she decided never to be a problem in his life anymore, by completely taking her out if this otherwise love and lust triangle.

Feel free to let me know your honest thoughts, suggestion, etc on this.
Thankyou for reading :)
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