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 Oct 2018 Kim Essary
Pagan Paul
I awake in the night and whisper your name,
is it just a dream when only silence replies?
a melancholy descends like a blanket of shame
at the arousal of remembering your Siren's eyes.

Such sleep as I had not enjoyed in long ages
disturbed by the intrusion of an old lovers face,
rearing up to unbalance the serenity pages,
your name passes my lips with yearning grace.

Unsettled by your surprise and quiet arrival
I lay back, anxiously sigh to the waiting void,
uneasy closing my eyes, craving dream survival
but the illusion of rest has now been destroyed.

I sleep in the night and whisper your name,
is it a dream as the silent in mute rejoice?
A sadness drops slow like a blanket of shame,
at the distance of remembering your Siren's voice.

© Pagan Paul (21/10/18)
True we are here to learn but as well
Here for a good time not a time long
Life slips away every day in every way
Of this must be some where a song

At times one thinks this is no good
Same thing every single day it seems
Reality getting harder to handle of late
No time to even think of ones dreams

They say lifes made of choices I say
Some's choices are just too much true
How can any live a decent life when
Others choices often .. I'm fine F..You

Then pressures rise and it hits the fan
Not in any nicest way at times its so
When others ignorance all that matters
Some souls lose it and simply lets it show

Those of little consideration for others
We find the apple falls close to the tree
And this adds to already stresses and strife
When pressures rise the victims set all free

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
 Jun 2018 Kim Essary
Jackie Mead
Its Fathers Day and everyone is celebrating
Fathers receiving pressies from their kin
Fathers being taken to lunch, menus that have them salivating
Fathers cards lovingly written and given

This year it has hit me hard noone to buy a present or card
The cards have been in stores for a few weeks
They call me to them and I start to seek
Then I remember my Dads no longer here
Noone to wish Happy Fathers day cheer

My Dad, was fun, loving and kind
My Dad was intelligent of mind
My Dad was sporting, table tennis, football and cricket  
My Dad was this girls winning ticket
My Dad loved classics, music and books
My Dad had film star good looks
My Dad was my best friend and I loved him to the very end

So instead of a card or a pressie, this year
I will lift a glass of alcohol cheer
Raise my glass and thank the universe for my Dad
He was the best a girl ever had

Dads are a special gift to cherish all year
So raise your glasses and ring out the cheers
Happy Fathers Day to all Dads including those no longer here.
It has been 2 years but this year has been particularly hard, I keep seeing cards and presents in all the shops and then remember I don't have anyone to buy for, it's hard.
(For All Fathers, and Nurses too.)

Dispensing meds to heal the hurt,
He never treats us like some dirt
But takes the time to laugh and joke.
And always with a gentle stroke.

Such goodness from a gallant heart.
And thus we call him King Edward.
The kindest soul who's ward, I  find,
Is a kingdom (within his mind).

I pray God that your goodness goes
Around the world both to and fro
To ease the feeble, here and there,
From all the throes of life's despair.

Kudos to Father's everywhere.
And "praise" for nurses that do care.
For Edward Robinson (RN), my new friend at OS Tybee on this beautiful Father's Day 2018.

Revised July 1, 2018. In order to make this poem a "Sonnet," like it was intended to be, the last two verses (having been mistakenly omitted) are now added.
 Jun 2018 Kim Essary
Pagan Paul
I know this place,
light stone avenues,
fig, pear, apricot and apple,
trees that line in rows,
cut paving with neat gutters
**** white granite buildings,
as ferns and creepers
cascade from roof gardens,
the green shining vivid
in appreciation of being alive.
And I connect across the aeons,
this place was my home,
from centuries long passed,
yet reaching out to be found.
The avenues mimic my mind,
long straight and narrow,
broad and winding,
leading to sedate squares
to sit and feel the sun,
to bathe in beautiful isolation.
And the trees sway
casually in a breeze so soft,
it caresses the branches,
enough to tickle the leaves
and cool the ripening fruit.
Here, the forest erupts,
circles around this sanctuary,
forming a natural hedge
to this garden of tranquility,
this oasis in the maelstrom,
this home in my heart.
Flowers of honeysuckle,
jasmine, of clovers and lily,
adorn walls and buildings,
bright in contrast
to the shadows of the trees,
bloom with the intensity of colour,
riotous in hue and arrangement,
yet, ordered to Nature's Law.
Paradise wrapped in image,
slicing through time and space,
my place a thousand years ago,
my place to claim forever,
and the wind carries me home,
I know this place,
because it lives inside of me,
because I made it.

© Pagan Paul (06/06/18)
 May 2018 Kim Essary
Pagan Paul
The blink of an eye would have missed it,
a brief glimpse of pure beauty
and then it was gone.
The passing of a gloriously sublime moment.
Darkness drew its curtain around
and it was forever vanished.
Folded away and filed eternal
into the vaults of history passed.
Catalogued and captured in an instant
from within the blink of an eye.

The afternoon sun lights the mountains,
reflecting the sheen of the forest
in a riot of greens and yellows.
Bathing the vista of sight in a scene of serenity.
The air, still and warm, echoes a kind of magick,
seeking to manifest.
An event approaching with certainty
yet waiting for the correct second in time.
And the day hangs
like a cloak on a winters morn,
unmoving and timeless.
Anticipation drips from the instant,
taking its ease at the imminent
moment of intensity.
A brief glimpse of pure beauty,
and the blink of an eye would have missed it.

© Pagan Paul (21/03/18)
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