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K Oct 2018
What's not to love?
The obvious always seems so boring,
With you I jitter and laugh.
I now live,
Expecting unconditional love.
Constantly I miss and adore,
your touch.
We float with no gravity.
K Mar 2018
Today was a short day
I heard melodies within my heart
Saw the air breeze by with a pale face
I learned to bleed without breathing
Sweat without physically moving.
I found that catching deep breathes is easy
Under water especially.
Just today though
K Feb 2018
I was always gone,
Bliss will be the music at my procession,
Smiling am I inside my see-through glass hearse
The month where most flowers end up in the *******,
Sick am I of being a lover.

I can make pretend everything is okay
As if the rose I once planted was not dead long ago.
It's as beautiful as you can think.

Discovering dimensions of death
Look at how beautiful life is without you.
A millionaire on his throne.

I discover more of me
the more I find in you.

I am the air that sings inside your heart,
before you lay to sleep at night.
K Jul 2017
What makes your emotion grow?
Is it the same things that make you
There has never been a more visible
Than in anger.
For when you are sad even the sky
Laughing and smiling
Are so distant
Yet inside,
You may envision flames,
I may see flowers.
Where thy is placed
Is what sets us apart.
Like a bomb
My tenderness ends,
How rude am I when annoyed,
Says my body
Says my tongue.
Humans get excited with money
What am I?
A melody inside your throat.
K Jun 2017
You became my heart
Four years and eight months ago.
Through the windows
Of love
I envisioned you
For so long
irreparable and
Was the muscle
of my heart.
Has nothing on you
An angel
you brought upon me
K Jun 2017
Coffee is my favorite drug
It glorifies
my saintly desire
To improve.
Greeting life in the sun
With ice cream
For breakfast.
every motivation.
We love to
Die for pleasure
We wonder
how pleasure
Dies for you.
I believed in consciousness
Until I met you.
K Apr 2017
Observe a cup
detailed with Urdu letters
Sitting down
You only understand English.
does nothing.
Do you ever find new reasons to try harder?
is objective.
Grasp a rose without bleeding,
I found the purpose to watch the blood drip
Pretext before your eyes.
Watch me not clean the floor,
It's all red.
The way it should be.
Try being
Without reason.
Can you achieve without believing?
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