There lived a man, a crooked man Who bore his life upon his back It took a toll and weighed him down As he trudged along the track
He'd resigned to his fate as the day grew late Ignoring his unwelcomed guest He had spoken no words as he continued on Till he decided to stop and rest
But his health was failing and his feet were aching His destination no one could know He crumbled to his knees in the setting sun As daylight lost its glow
He knew that dusk was skirting so near He knew that night would come to shroud And soon he would be overwhelmed By shadows that would come to crowd
He curled into his lanky self He cowered in shame and fear For all the things he tried to leave behind Crouched now in the dark so near
He trembled and quivered No one could hear him cry He whimpered and grovelled Knowing that there was where he'd die
Know this man, the crooked man Who then had given up on hope He shivered and sobbed knowing full well That he'd reached the end of his rope
Grey reminds no added age hums Our maturity with young ones Nothing is in colour of hair Reverence be your wear Neither Black nay grey, let us join Nevermore to become a stray
Shooting stars sweep across the night sky. You seem so fascinated by the stars she whispered. I think they are more fascinated by me. I answered I once thought stars were made of magic and could grant the wishes of lovers here on earth. But they are not All they are made of is broken wishes and sad promises. Wishes never granted regardless of all the love in my heart Which is your favorite star she asked? i point to the brightest star in the heavens "that one the brightest star in the night sky." it is full of all my unanswered wishes They are all about you. Doesn't that make you a star.
Scratching for quite some time on this blank white page, my emotions flow shine and glow till the emptiness imbibes my thoughts like raindrops after a **drought.
Imaginary butterflies that danced around my head in a halo, Flowers and twigs and leaves That stuck out of my hair And little kisses from the sun That people called freckles.
Hands that were powerful enough To open doors that turned into portals.
Eyes that saw fairies and magical things.
Ears that heard talking trees.
I was a kid Idealistic and dreamy as could be.
Then I grew up And somehow the stars were dimmer. Summer didn't smell like adventure And winters snow was just ice And no longer glitter.
Swings didn't make me fly And slides weren't a dragons tail. I was just a girl that believed in things that weren't ever real. With a heart that beats still, Wishing to believe that it'd all come true But more than anything I just wish that sometimes I could age back. Maybe only for a little while Maybe forever. Just wish I hadn't thrown my imagination down the hatch.