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Two figures dressed in red and black robes sat on a bed in a room that was illuminated in red light.  The larger figure looked at the smaller figure and said
"This is the day we've been waiting on.  It's ok to be nervous but don't be scared.  You are the sacred vessel. "  "I'm not afraid.  I'm just ready to get this day over with" said the smaller figure.   "That's just what I wanted to hear Levi.  It's time to get started.  Please follow behind me" said the larger figure.  "Yes" mother said Levi.
Levi followed his mother out of his room and down a hall that was illuminated in red light.  As Levi followed behind his mother he asked the question "Why do we use red lights to light the compound?"  "Because red is the color of blood.  Blood is sacred.  The color red is sacred" said the tall dark skinned woman.  "Oh" said Levi.  "When Priest summons the spirit Evil remember not to fight it.  Just let it take over" said the tall dark skinned woman.  "Ok" said Levi.  When Levi and his mother entered the worship area she had him stand in front of the altar and clergy.
"Thank you Harriet for escorting Levi to the altar" said a tall figure wearing a black hooded robe.  "You're welcome Priest" said Harriet.  Priest stepped down from the altar holding a baby creature in his right hand and a knife in his left hand.  Priest stabbed the baby creature in it's stomach and ripped it opened.  He stood in front of Levi and dipped his finger in the baby creature's blood and anointed Levi's forehead with it's blood.  "Bring me the Book of Evil" said Priest.  A short figure wearing a black hooded robe stepped down from the altar and brought Priest the Book of Evil.  Priest turned to the chapter Evil and began reading.  "As the night blinds the sight of the male and female and Death stalks the living and Hate stands on the grave of Love.  Only then will evil reveal itself.  I offer this vessel to the spirit Evil.  Come forward Evil I summon you."  
When Priest finished reading from the Book of Evil the red lights that illuminated the compound began to flicker off and on.  From out of no where a gust of wind began to circle around Levi.  Slowly the wind transformed into black smoke.  Levi was over taken with fear and unable to move.  The black smoke entered through Levi's gaping mouth and took possession of him.  Levi shook violently and fell to the floor.  "Levi are you alright?" asked Priest.
Levi stood to his feet and looked Priest in his face with eyes that was as black as death.  "The child is no longer in control" said Evil.  Evil walked up to Priest stock his hand in Priest's stomach and pulled out his intestines.  "LEVI YOU KILLED YOUR FATHER!" screamed HaHarriet as she ran over to the lifeless body of Priest.  
"I am Evil.  Like I told the child's father Levi is no longer in control but for amusement everyone may still call me Levi" said Evil as he looked at Harriet.   Evil pointed at the figures on the altar and told them to get rid of Priest's dead body.  "Yes Levi" said the robed figures.  "Harriet go gather the members of Sinister and bring them to the worship area" said Evil.  
Harriet walked out of the worship area and to the office of Iniquity.
She turned on the intercom and with a commanding voice Harriet tells the members of Sinister to come to the worship area.  Harriet turned back off the intercom and stood in the office for a few seconds.  What have we done? I can't believe I let my ten year old son be the vessel to that thing.  I can't believe we were stupid enough to summon that thing.  Thought Harriet.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
This is a horror story
My love, you need to grow up
It's time for you to become an adult
I won't take the blame anymore
To shield you from the pain

It's time to own up to your own faults
To become the lady you want to be
Though I can't take all the blame
I will own up to my part

I tried to keep your innocence
Tried to save you the pain
I can't handle playing this game
It hurts to bad to lie

Saturday was my last day
I care for you so much my darling
You're pushing me away for good
I'm breaking inside and screaming
My wounds you can not see

It's time to grow up sweetheart
It's time to stop the games
A quick passing of a faint sound...reached my ear
A whisper of a whimper the silence of the midnight's atmosphere
Over coffee...i listened harder,
One minute, it was there
The next was gone

Morning quickly came
But, it just wasn't the same
Before noon was over,
The "weirdly quiet" backyard
Became crazy...with activities...

The whimpering started again....then stopped,
Followed by tiny whining voices
My pet's eyes were so alert...her looks shifting
From one pinkish creature to the other(s)
Like...she was doing the counting, herself...

Last time i looked, there were only three,
But, then...three became five!
Apart from Larry, Curly and Moe
I  need two more names.....
No, wait! I need three more, for
I now see six white, squirming square-faced puppies!

If i had things my way
My backyard would extend further, wider....i'd
have eight dogs, a mix of labradors and retrievers
An all female  roam and guard the place
So that my pet dog, wouldn't have to be
As big and heavy as a pregnant ewe
Never again to suffer....the pain of giving birth to six puppies
Never again to whimper, in the stillness of one dark midnight...


Copyright April 10, 2016
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
...puppies were born in April...only four left, two died...
all mongrels, but so fierce, puppies and parents....
When you're going through something
really hard, and God doesn't seem ------
to be there, remember that the teacher
is always quiet during a test ---------------
A quote from Facebook.

Sorry I haven't been on site... The teacher is being quiet right now!

the trees at nighttime
filigree black lace against the
sequined blue sky


(C) 9/21/2016

There lived a man, a crooked man
Who walked with crooked gait
He'd walk along the crooked road
From sun up until it was late

His knees would scream with every step
No matter how much he wanted to run
We'd never know where he was going
He'd always follow the sun

He'd mutter to himself, of rises and falls
And of lessons his life had shown
But what we never saw or barely noticed
Was that he had never walked alone

He'd walk his walk with his cane and hat
Dragging behind him a shadow of black
It did what he did and trailed long and short
It accompanied him down the track

Know this man, the crooked man
Whose back was bent misshapen
He had made the choice to chase the sun
With steps sorely laboured and uncertain
Part 1 of 6
As the sins partied the night away in the country Darkness the sun came rising in the country Tranquility.
"Are you ready to spend all eternity together?" Loyalty asked Love as they stood on their balcony.  "My dear, dear, husband soon to be you already know the answer to the question you ask" said Love.  As Loyalty and Love stood locked in a warming embrace being kissed by the rays of the sun the two share a kiss of their own.
Beep, beep, beep, "Well this is a perfect time for my communicator to beep" said Love.  Love broke her embrace with Loyalty and answered her communicator.  "Hello Faith how are you?" asked Love.  "I'm fine Love and how are you?" answered Faith.  "I'm ready to start this new era in my life" said Love.  "I'm looking over your wedding file.  Are there any last minute changes you want to make?" said Faith.  "No Faith everything's perfect" said Love.  "Lets get going" said Faith.  "I'll be right down.  I have to go Loyalty" said Love.  "Loyalty grabbed Love by her waist and pulled her close.  He whispers in her ear "Are you sure this is what you want?"  "I've wanted you when I first saw you.  Now if you'll excuse me Faith is waiting for me" said Love
When Love exited her house she found Faith hovering in her brand new transporter.  "Wow Faith this is beautiful" said Love.  "Thank you Love.  This is the new Neo 7000.  It was the last one left" said Faith.  Interrupted by her communicator Faith answers her call from Loyalty.  
"Hello Loyalty what do you want?" said Faith.  "Why you have to ask like that Faith?" said Loyalty.  "Just make sure Knowledge have you at the chapel on time.  Now if you'll excuse me I have things to do" said Faith.  "C'mon Faith we don't have time to play with Loyalty" said Love.  Rising higher in the air Faith and Love zoomed away.
As they flew through the sky Faith asked Love about her humanitarian organization S.O.U.L.  "How was your peace keeping mission in the country
Limbo?" asked Faith.  "The citizens there had a lot of raw emotions from war.  There is a big scar dividing the country" said Love.  "Your organization S.O.U.L. has a lot of positive influence.  How long has S.O.U.L. been active in the humanitarian field?" asked Faith.  "Five years" answered Love.  When Faith and Love landed at the chapel Wisdom was waiting for them.

Written by Keith Edward Baucum
A poem that tells a story.  Prose poetry.
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