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III Aug 2018
I'm sitting here,
     Lost among the
Static shadows of
     A slumbering morning,

And while the world
     Blinks awake
I'm left wondering
     When my head
Will finally succumb
                              To sleep.
III Aug 2018
All the pieces
     Of myself
I never quite

     To those who've never seen
The colors of a night
      Never long enough.
III Aug 2018
I woke up today
With the overwhelming feeling
That I was alive,

That my skin could feel
Cold and warmth,
That my heart could feel
Joy and pain,

And I stood in the shower
And let the water wash over me,
Wondering if all of my troubles
Were self constructed,

And what was keeping me back
From feeling connected to reality,
Like a leaf to a branch,
A tree to the crust of the Earth,

Like light from the sun
That's always guaranteed.
III Aug 2018
You seem like a thing of the past,
Like a book I've read years ago
And forgotten most of the plot to.  

Though a vague structure of the events
Remains cemented forever in
The corners of my mind
More dark and unkempt,
The details that once made it hurt
Have withered into dust,
Now only scattered
In small concentrations
Across the ledges of my days
That I forgot once carried the weight
Of my adoration for you.
III Jul 2018
Does the sun
Chase the moon
Afraid of day,
Or does the moon
Follow the sun
Unknowing of night?
III Jul 2018
And so we lay
On warm carpets
And smooth tile floors,
Safe from the grasp
Of the spirits of the stars
And the beauty of unpredictability,
And we call it "stable"
To keep ourselves from
Creeping towards insanity.
III Jul 2018
Grass roots
     Hear my whisper
And feel my touch
     Skirting soft
           As I trace my hand along
                  The moon kissed curls,

And when a blade
     Catches the round of my finger,
      Please don't let go.
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