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 Sep 2014 CD
Jennifer Weiss
I do not understand how we can be unaware.
I read it in this Biology text book,
on page one, it is right there

We're all just molecules and atoms,
How dare anyone think they matter,
More than the next collection of matter.
Just because they managed to gather,
all that wealth.
 Sep 2014 CD
Fadi Sem
If it was up to me,
I’d sing your name
As my mother tongue.
Let the sweet melody
Echo through the ears
Of old and young.

If it was up to me,
My national flag
Would be your hair.
My hand on my heart
Mumbling the anthem when
It waves through the air.

If It was up to me,
You’d stop the cursed wars
With a smile or a wink.
All the fighting cease and
The red soaked ground
Will turn into flowery pink.

If it was up to me,
The golden eyes are
The sun at noon.
Eyeliner is dusk.
And when they shut,
Here comes the moon.

If it was up to me,
You’d be the trees
The oceans, stars & clouds.
Cold summer breeze
Hitting the bale faces
Of the worshiping crowds.

If it was up to me,
You’d be the books,
Butterflies, cities & art.
Brushes of love, desire,
Madness and dreams
On my blank heart.

If it was up to me,
You’d be my miracle,
My water and wine.
The one and only wish
Of this life is that
You would be mine.
I can smell him on my sheets
      I can taste him in my dreams
             I can still feel every inch where he's touched me
I hear his laughter echoing in the walls
             I can still see him in all these pictures I saved for

But this bed is bare
My dream's a nightmare
       I can't hear
             His laughter
       He's not near
             Enough to touch
My eyes are blinded by tears
He's killed my senses,  
      I'm no longer aware

Everything around me,  slowly fading away
His face, his scent, his laughter,  his touch
Maybe I'll just pop a few pills and sleep away the day
At least he's in my nightmares, the pain of reality is too much
He's gone...  He's in her arms now... I'm dying and crying and it's all just too much..
 Sep 2014 CD
Petal pie
Well versed
 Sep 2014 CD
Petal pie
His name purred on her lips; 
She loved the way it
Rolled around on her tongue,
Loosened her vocal chords 

Every time she said 
his name aloud,
It felt as though she were 
Becoming more and more
Well versed in him; 
His character,
His very being
 Sep 2014 CD
Jennifer Weiss
I noticed when I started doing good, I got it.
I noticed when I gave away things, I got them back.
I noticed when I sat in silence, I got the chance to speak.
I noticed when I settled for defeat, that was all there was within me.
I noticed when I let go, I let life.
So why aren't you smiling?
Look at me.
I am here right now, with all you can and cannot see.
I lived death out loud,
I lived to tell you.
I drink from the chalice of life and I will never be full.
 Aug 2014 CD
Troubled Mind
 Aug 2014 CD
Troubled Mind
So the days are cold and your dreams won't grow
While friends move on and the world laughs at you
You say you want to keep staying strong
But you're tired waiting for the sun
Waiting for something that never comes

You want to hide your tears
You want to keep your smile
But this beast that we call life
Won't let you leave without strife

I wanna share your pain
I wanna carry you through
But you won't let me in
Just as stubborn as I am
 Aug 2014 CD
 Aug 2014 CD
"I love you,"
I say, speaking those inadequate words out loud
only to watch them fall to the ground, useless at expressing how I truly feel about you.
You say you love me back, but I want to say
"No, you don't fully comprehend my meaning."
It's not just love.

It's wriggling up against you to close nonexistent space, forever trying to get closer, wanting to prolong moments into eternity, because being enveloped within your arms makes me feel safer than I ever thought possible.

It's reading a book about losing one's forever love in a car accident and consequently nagging you to start wearing your seatbelt and stop using your phone so much. I hate feeling like the nagging girlfriend, but god, I don't know how I'd go on without you, and no horror novel has ever scared me so much as that book did.

"I love you,"
I say, feeling the letters crumble under the weight I place upon them.
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