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HeartCore Sep 2017
As we go to rest our bodies
in our soft, warm and cozy beds,
our minds drop from the highest mountain peek,
down to a nonstop fall that becomes the universe,
lightened by stars that shine in every single one of us.
Yet thode stars are so far away.

We fall in deep thought of confusion and doubt
that then becomes an inexplicable emotion.

We defy the laws of physics
to travel though the wormhole
and find that the other side of the universe is closer than we think
And that love really has no boundaries but just a twist in space.

-HeartCore (Kenth B. Soto)
Long distance relationships are strange, hope it works out for anyone that tries them.
  Sep 2017 HeartCore
Please fix me
I'm desperate
Grasping to you but not breathing
How are you dead with your heart still beating
Something deep within you
Watching as you wither and your mind turns needy
Honestly I'm greedy
Wanting to give unconditional love to someone who will always love and need me
I wanna be the thought in their mind
Staying there
Never leaving
The load I carry is heavy
Never knew my mind could be so empty
The scary part is when I look in the mirror I don't realize that's me
Don't wanna be a name in a graveyard
Depression is so scary
Suicide takes too many
Victims rest easy
I know you didn't know me and I know you didn't "need" me
But when any kid dies at their own hands it leaves me grieving
So much pain
I feel it trying to **** me
But I won't let it
I'm too busy trying to fix me
  Sep 2017 HeartCore
Delta Swingline
~September 5th, 2017~
~Sometime between 10 and 11PM~

You're an empath.

I guess so.

Have you ever thought about it?

Being an empath?
I never knew there was a name for it.

I never knew there was a name form my kind of pain analyzation. Like I have some kind of supernatural power to read into pain of all kinds.

Is it that you understand other people's pain or your own pain or both?

I think I’ve always done both.

I had a feeling.

Here we go.

How does it affect you?

A loaded question, and being the person I am I answered it the only way I knew how:

I always get this feeling that when people are sad or hurt, I have to be too.
Sometimes it’s just my way of showing that pain is just something people have.

But mostly, it makes me helpless to stop other people’s pain.
I get sad, like some kind of way to share the pain that isn’t even mine.
And when it is my pain, nobody can seem to understand it fully.
And it’s not like I completely understand someone else’s pain,
but you see and hear a lot when you turn silent for awhile.

Lots of people try to say that people aren’t alone when they suffer.
And most of it is comfort.

But most of the time I see people in pain, and I don’t see a reason to comfort.

I see more of a reason to just be there.

Experience something beyond yourself.

There a certain type of selfless peace that comes when pain is no longer just one person’s fight.

It’s not about being together in pain. It's about experiencing life with pain just passing by.
It’s been said in books, “Pain demands to be felt”
I don’t know, something about that makes me wish I could do more.

But yeah,
I’m empathetic a lot of the time.
Maybe that’s why I stick around even when I shouldn’t.

I stop. I've said enough.

Sorry, I’m rambling...
That’s a ton of text.


And for a minute, I wonder if anything I say is being understood.

The way you speak is beautiful.
I'm marvelling in it.

... I sit in awe. Grasping at a full acceptance of the way I convey myself in feelings, but more importantly, here, in this moment.

You speak poetry.

No wonder I’m a poet.
It’s like destiny or something idk.

Part of me wishes I would have spelt the whole phrase out, it has the same amount of syllables.

I'm here for you.
I **** at comforting and that's not what I want.
All I want is for you to know that I am present.
And sharing the fight.

This, THIS right here, is companionship, and friendship, saying that "I can be here", and that will be enough.

I want to fight with you.
Even though I'm not very aggressive.

Hearing this said, "I want to fight with you". Not "I want to fight for you". This says more than any kind of battle with someone at my side, this is real, in this moment.

Hahah, we’ll fight it with music or something.
Doesn’t have to be aggressive.
Faith, hope, the essentials.

We're believers in things like love, God, and good songs that rock the world... and we don't need much more than that.

That said, music can be aggressive.
But we'll stick to the essentials.

We'll stick to our guns and hopefully, we won't have to fire.

Please know that you can ramble to me as much as you like.
I love it.

I know... me too.

Goodnight, love you.

And as we come to an end, we fall back into a small but familiar silence between us.

Goodnight, love you too.

Thank you so much for finding me.
  Sep 2017 HeartCore
Mikayla Smith
I touched her lips,
reminisce of where they were last kissed
and I hold back broken sentences
that I may find comfort in telling her
if she weren’t the one who
cut off my tongue.

Speechless, she reaches into
my soul like a spear to
a bottomless river, expecting
to find my self-worth but,
instead, she finds a
blackness that has consumed me
long since she burrowed herself
within its depth.

Loving her was my religion,
and as she faded into the Autumn wind,
I knew that I could never love again,
not without travesty,
not without remorse.

Without her, there was
no meaning in the blue
skies or the phantoms that
hide in their corners.

I knew that when she didn’t
answer my prayers at night,
my faith had gone as well.
I have sketched you in so many ways,
with dots and lines
and shadows and lights
and covered in colours
or in black and white.

I've sketched you as a prince,
I've sketched you as a beggar,
I've sketched you as a lover,
I've sketched you as a hater.

I've adjusted myself
to several graphite scales
so I can shade your flaws
into fairy tales...

you have been my muse,
both master and apprentice,
you have been obsession
for my sleepless senses...

But even if your image
has haunted me for long,
you have never been
just mine to belong...

so I'll just keep on drawing
and sketching you, my all
so I can have you near
when nights are getting cold...
Many stories and legends have sketched our imagination when it came to unfulfilled love. I imagined a plastic artist in Beethoven's on Dante's situation - craving and transforming their love into muse, into inspiration.
  Sep 2017 HeartCore
how better
to spend the day while
she sleeps peacefully
but listening to music

the Beatles
in particularly.
Catching a glimpse

of her beautiful
does she dream of me

when I hear
Good Day Sunshine
I ache

to wake her up

— The End —