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 Mar 13 Ghost
Thirty Nine
 Mar 13 Ghost
Thirty Nine
I'm thinking of you
And all the things we didn't do

I'm thinking of you
And all the things we could've done

I'm thinking of you
And all the things we wont be able to do
 Mar 13 Ghost
What’s meant stays,  
quiet and sure.  
True love waits,  
even when we turn away.  
What isn’t ours  
like water,  
gone before we know it.
....sun will rise tomorrow
 Mar 12 Ghost
Lost Indeed
I stand unwavering, bound by fate,
Through the storm of your silence, I will wait.
No dusk or dawn can dim my fire,
Because love like mine doesn’t expire.

No distance breaks, no time betrays,
My heart is hers through endless days.
Even with a broken soul, my vow remains,
Through love, through loss, and through pain.
 Mar 12 Ghost
The ring  that you gave
made my finger blue
it was suffocated it was bruised
tried to rip it off most nights
but it didn't come off yeah it never budged
and one day it did and the next i missed it
     the bruise started to heal it went purple then yellow
but there stayed a line an indentation of what we went through  
in the finger with the vein to my heart  
some nights when the world gets to me
i look at it  - the mark that you left
then suddenly I'm craving you
like air underwater
and it makes me want to swim back to you
we both  know i won't survive the tides
yet the love vein's pulling me back to you .
 Dec 2024 Ghost
So far today
 Dec 2024 Ghost
I want to do something
But I can't seem to do anything
I just sit on the couch
Cat on my lap
Blanket over me
And read

Everything I write
Right now
I feel isn't complete

I want to get up
And walk with my music outside
But I'm tired
Why is this so hard for me?
(this note was written by a destroyed chair that each rip and stain was from different person who felt bad at the moment. It is art.)
 Feb 2024 Ghost
 Feb 2024 Ghost
 Jan 2023 Ghost
nothing will ever be harder than being without you.
 Jan 2023 Ghost
the moments that i spend with you are the only moments that i enjoy anymore.
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