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Jun 2018 · 161
Fc Heart Break
Foxy Liisu Jun 2018
I think im lost
I think I'm broken
It's not okay to let the blade cut.
I'm sorry please don't blame me
I can't control it
So please can you see I don't want this as well
I'm trap in my mind
But I say I'm fine
There's a line I crossed
Now you snapped and had anger
Tears fall will you hear do you care now
Please don't . I'll change for you
Please I need you to get free ...
You left and sayd no ....
Now the depression roams
Mar 2018 · 149
Foxy Liisu Mar 2018
All the fun is set and done no more LOVE no more LIES time to walk into light to find a place to hide why am I always stuck in one place maybe because I haven't found my way still still but I would like to play a game but you will run away the knife in my hand the dust of the monster I have killed now let's see what I would choose next sometimes even I can't hide from my genocide but oh well I lost my self again goodbye my friend
Feb 2018 · 289
Foxy Liisu Feb 2018
Monsters are everywhere shadows are looking . Vampires and hunting and wolves are howling
Moon shining bright
Blood thick sweet in the floor
Wind blow and it's cold
My golden heart but cold hands
Mind dark and eyes blue
Jan 2018 · 149
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
Don't wanna say that you should come and play who's the slay or are you gonna obay me and leave not stay
Jan 2018 · 192
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
Pinky promise please don't lie
Because friends never break their hearts
Happy happy and there for them  
We no fight no yell
Forever secrets we hold and promise to forever be friends
Jan 2018 · 272
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
****** hands .Dusty clothes
You're the one I hate the most
Stab you're it
You lift me up and slam me down
Took the words right out of my mouth
Can anyou hear me all the monsters cry the same
Can someone come and save me but it seems nobody came
Jan 2018 · 480
Treat me
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
Be kind to me
And I'll treat you like a friend
But if you act like I'm a slay
Then I'll be the one you obay
Jan 2018 · 204
Far away from home
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
Home home
I am not coming back
I am sorry but I have to go
And never come back
No no no no
Not gonna stay
No no not gonna pray
But gonna be a empath
For days
Jan 2018 · 176
Red and Blue
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
Blue The eyes
Blue the soul
Blood the red stain
And the pain that takes
Tear blue
Mind blue
Blood blood drop and chop
Water water wet and pain
Jan 2018 · 184
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
Her happy smile
Dark mind
But why so blind
Lies and cries
Smile and laughter
Loves and hates
An empathy that trays
Jan 2018 · 222
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
Moon moon so bright
Beautiful night
Bright fireworks I see
The sparkly sky and the star shine
The firework colorfull and loud
New year now
It just was like 2014
Now 2018 soon
Wow hope it get better
Not hell or violence
Le the happiness and hope be with you
And let me be a friend  not an enemie
I am no danger  a friend I am
Kind heart and golden heart if mine
Even if hands  cold it doesn't matter
Maybe mad hatter
A chatter sometimes shy
I don't spy so I fly to my way of truth
Bye and be sweet not sour . Show friends and not danger to us all .
Jan 2018 · 145
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
From air to fire, water to stone, drop like thunder and burn
Jan 2018 · 147
Poem night
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
The demons who beg me
To open up my mind
I need them
To let the words come out
They scare me
But it's the devil
Who tries to hold me down
Trow me in the deep and watch me drown
I'm helpless
They shush me
But I'll talk and fight
Even if I get bite by a vampire
Attack by a wolf
Nobody can effect me
I don't want more
Tho is what I live for
Jan 2018 · 176
Foxy Liisu Jan 2018
Colors are what I see
One is in me
One two
Blue the sadness
Green the nature
Yellow the happy sun
White the light
What am I
Blue blue blue
The emotions and deppression
Dec 2017 · 2.1k
Stay strong
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
I show happiness to everyone
To keep them away from my sadness
I burn myself to feel pain of the punishment
I cut to leave my emotions
I look into a mirror and then I say all the negative stuff out but then cry
....then stand up and say

And you're strong brave awesome and perfect
Dec 2017 · 251
I miss you Miku
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Why did you leave me my 4 legged friend
I thought you will stay with me
Little me in the past saw you die
She will never unsee that happen
I miss you
Whiteout you in my bed
I feel lonely
More of you die
The more I am scared
Fear at home
Not a great feeling
But why did you leave
If I didn't let you outside
You would be next to me
Please come back
I would do everything
To be with you again
Dec 2017 · 348
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Only the night of wikied
Are in the night of the full moon
Demons monsters
Roam to the shadows
Vampires inspire blood
Wolf are howling
the moon of light
Full of white
What a life
Mary always waking up at 3 Am
Because the moon always shines
At her face
Now when she got 8
Something happened
What happened Was it normal  Did it have to  Or was it faith
Dec 2017 · 262
Letter of blue
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Blue mind
Blue soul
But trying to find a way
To get a better day
A letter wrote
A poem of hope
But secretary  blue
Dec 2017 · 227
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Round and round
The life of game
Safe and sound
Or dead and found
Same things
Same role
Dec 2017 · 211
Liisu sad
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Roses are red
My wrist are red
Violets are blue
My eyes are blue
The nights are long
No sleep at all
The days are short
Because I feel tired of this
The ocean is blue
My heart is broken
The sky is sunny
My feelings are raining
The nights are dark
My mind is dark
Never ending world
But hoping it to end
But I still won't give up
And will stay strong
with you
Dec 2017 · 1.1k
Broken Heart
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Love is broken
I am dieing
Would you care
If I died
Orcorse not
the broken black rose
Saw your mind
It was dark enough
And mean to me
So seam to be a problem
For me and you
Be proud
I have pored
All the hatred on you
Dec 2017 · 2.1k
Stay strong
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Bullies are Haters
And haters  are lamers
People like us
are Beutyful and stronger than them
We will not let them win
And we will not let them be the boss
They are not the one who is in control
We control ourself and we don't let the haters ruin our beuty
And we are strong for life
We care for love
We stay and help because we care
We talk and hear
We make mistakes and we forgive them
We share and care
We love and live
We see the light
And we stay in the light
And let our happyness in our face
Smile my friend
Dec 2017 · 264
The roses
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Red roses bloomed
The white roses shined
You broke me so I'm blue
My heart is gold
The golden rose is shattered
The shadow rose drop on the ground cryde
The blue roses broke inside
White roses shines death
Dec 2017 · 296
Listen And Hear
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Listen and hear wolf howl vampires hunt wikied hour is soon so sweet dream don't let them bite
Parents say that they don't exist
But they are monsters
In their mind there's monsters
In the shadow
They just don't hear or see
Thanks for reading
Dec 2017 · 328
Night time monsters play
Foxy Liisu Dec 2017
Only the night of wikiednight vampires  Are in the night of the full moon
I hope you enjoyed

— The End —